— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №129973
As Western countries are leaving the EU and Eastern countries are joining, it is logical to argue that the EU is not expanding, but slowly slipping eastward.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129972
Thanks, on the phone is displayed only the name of the sender and the first line of the letter. I read: "Svetlana Vladimirovna reliably destroys rats and cockroaches." A terrible woman.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129971
Before you find one close friend, you will meet many nearby ones.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129970
I work and listen to football... "Mother Rabbit catches the ball!I am surprised, whom does this commentator praise? It turned out to be the goalkeeper Motush Kazachek)))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №129969
Discuss the type of parachute in which you need to catch up with the parachute thrown in the air.

XXX is weak. There is nothing like throwing away pieces of fabric and sewing them in the air.
Reply to
A parachute gunman?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129968
I understand that our world is fairly paradoxical.
XXX: and seem to be surprised by nothing—maybe everything
xxx: and yet
XXX: Whose, Scuca, Strings are hanging at my doorstep?? to

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №129967
The mayor of New York decided to rename the Brooklyn Bridge into Ben Laden's Bridge for his great involvement in the life of the city. and New York. The United States.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №129966
Late in the evening, closing the car forgot the keys. Call local people to help. Those who watched the video on YouTube removed the rope from their shoes and began hardly forging the corner of the door. After some time our brave came and under their indignant eyes we diligently proved that our car was in it all the docks, etc. Police were filled with sympathy and opened the car's niche with a rope in half a minute and soon after checking the documents disappeared. You say the police are working badly. How quickly they did it!

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129965
Vegetarians are strange people who think that sausages are made of meat.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129964
The question about the moralophagus: until what age of the child the father has the right to wash his daughter (in the bathroom, in the shower, in the bathroom, etc.), and from what age will this be considered pedophilia? The same thing about my son.
Additional points are awarded to those who will answer the same questions, but in a situation where the children are washed by the mother.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129963
Eat: Before sex I lay a towel under me, so that the bedding does not stink.
Bobrika: Everyone has a bathing towel and Jerzy has a fucking one.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129962
Talk about cowards and Hanze morality.
I went swimming on a natural beach on one of the suburban reservoirs. Away from the crowd’s thickness into the woods, I found a place where, far from curious eyes, the starving were concentrated. Since I was not at all against not washing my swimsuits and not drying them afterwards, I joined.
And suddenly the phenomenon - along the shore MEEEDLENNO sails a motor boat with the inscription "Police" and in the megaphone broadcasts: "Citizens resting! You are in the Russian Federation. Get dressed right away!" Following them, the horseback police walked along the shore and someone (who did not wear clothes) was even raided and conveyed into a bag, standing in the nearest place, where you could pass.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129961
My father in the divorce in addition to the standard division of property in half demanded money for what the child did.

Now if you think you have the most fucking relatives, remember this post.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №129960
When I say to a cat “kiss, kiss, kiss,” the probability of what I want is:

Feeding a cat - 5%

Check if the cat is working - 95%

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129959
I was thinking about GMOs.
If we imagine that DNA is a chain of play bones, then the traditional selection and extraction of GMOs can be described as follows.

Traditional breeding constantly throws the bones and seeks among them the right combinations. The necessary combination may not occur for a long time. Throwing bones is accidental.

What do genetic engineers do? They take the same cubes and build them in a predetermined sequence.

Which approach is more productive and safe?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129958
and ah. Only Mars-2 and Mars-6 were not "Marsophone", but "Mars-Type" (as the physicists would say). With the same success, the anti-tank projectile, the "uranium breakdown", can be called the "researcher of the internal structure of the tank". And Mars-3 is said to be 14 seconds long. He lived on the red planet. Naturally, I did not take a step on it.
The Martian ship, yes. I am proud!

Only the Soviet Mars was in 1971, and the first American Mars Pathfinder (I don't remember how the Marsman himself was called there) only in 1997. It is clear that in a quarter century the technology has developed very much. Not to mention the fact that in the 90s Americans gained access to Soviet technologies - for example, the APXS spectrometer was bluntly stolen from the created for Mars-96.

And an anecdotal joke:
The American rover Curiosity has stopped responding to commands.
After 40 years of silence, the Soviet Mars-3 transmitted to Earth scientific data and thanks for the delivered spare parts.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129957
xxx: read on the newspaper 00:45 The Portuguese broke the gaps from the Croats and came out in 1/4 of Euro-2016
Yyy: so far overturned, chew what, poor Croats

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №129956
A few days ago I loaded up in our local store, the "Prodsib" network, to understand - alcohol is pierced with a separate check (the reasons I know, but here - they are not important).

In front of me is a subordinate man, from the set - a bunch of products + a large bottle of vodka. He gets the price, he pays, he gets a whore cheque + a small cheque for vodka. The comrade looks into the checks for a long time, considers something and asks a question:

Why Vodka separately?

To which the cashier almost without thinking answers:

You do not understand, fool? My wife guessed.

The man lights up and cries:

Well, that is what. and. and. Well thank you! ! to ! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129955
I have a very good acquaintance, a physics teacher. There is such a category of teachers - a teacher from God, whom children love, remember them all their lives, miss them. The hero of this story is the same.

Many years ago, he was a pass in Moscow, decided to go to a very popular and exciting show. I came to the box office, tickets for the WNTP remained only on the front row the cost was 4000 (such as) rubles, and the company was then in the area of 10,000. In general, the frog was stronger and he did not buy a ticket. Tomorrow, together with the whole country, he watched the capture of the Nord-Ost musical, which he did not attend. and. and. and.

After some time he retired from school, his salaries were small. And arranged together with his friend to work in the artillery guards. They were sent on a business trip: transport the gold from point A to point B. The car was attacked, the guard was killed, the gold was stolen (almost immediately after the bandits and the gold were found). What about our teacher? He broke his leg and did not take the flight.

This is a lucky man in a sense. After that, he went back to school.)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129954
xxx: but to exaggerate yourself and write in a fairly large chat, the theme of which help on linux is a step toward socialization...or from it?
It is a cleaner.
You are not there and you are not there.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna