— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129353
20578, expensive things exist only because the world is full of fools operating with the concepts of status, prestige, and so on. Ready to waste a lot of money. If all these people were sharply smarter, all these things would be sold for pennies, only if they were not in stock. And yes, most of them would not be needed by anyone, because apart from pathos, there are no benefits from them.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №129352
Discussion of new amendments
XXX: I wonder, and when will adults be banned from watching children's cartoons?
YYY: As they prohibit - take your child and watch with him.
XXX: That is, by a group of persons, by preliminary conspiracy, involving minors in criminal activities?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129351
Almost in every big office there are people who cheat the boss about the mood in the team. Almost everywhere the whole group knows who it is. In our case, this lady is called "Comrade Major" and slightly trolled, but no one speaks out loud (due to natural stupidity, the aunt can't do serious harm). One day, the Comrade Major squeezed little and, in response, scratched off the offended colleague, including on the topic of "you, fucking, cheated the boss to knock!"

A couple of days later, the director, who at the time of the conflict was 300 km away in a business trip, called on the carpet of this colleague and long sanded on the topic of "Here you accuse Olga Borisovna of knocking, and she doesn't knock at all, completely; and themselves, inter alia, in the smoking room discussed how you want to be fired!". The director, it seems, never understood where he burned, but what is happening in the smoking machine in us only one person can hear from the workplace.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129350
One day, I accidentally listened to a conversation between two women passing by. The women of the age, dressed decently, clearly went after some event... and here another with bitter regret reports:

He offered me to fuck at the institute. I would have known then that I had rejected the member.

Her friend laughed a little and added:

If he knew he would be a member, he’t even talk to you.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №129349
My wife worked as a leader in a children's camp. She had children aged 11-12. And among those little people there was one strange boy. He never played children's games, constantly tried to conflict with other children, but after a serious conversation he stopped his attacks on other children. Now the girl’s story goes on.

The Sunday. I have a weekend. I told the guy about it in advance and he was supposed to pick me up at 14:00. My working day was counted until 4 p.m. The children were sitting in their rooms and playing quietly, and the second was still with the teacher, so it was decided to leave half an hour earlier. I am happy to leave the corps. I go to exit. And here behind me a few kids catch me and in tears they say that that strange guy hanged in the closet (I don't know why the child's brain ran after me). I run into the cabinet, thinking only about how I will open this closet, I will fall into fainting... I run into the room, I open the closet and see a guy hanging with a rope on his neck. I couldn’t find anything better than shouting to him, “You couldn’t hang yourself half an hour later!!!” At this very moment, the boy shakes from fear and stops pretending to be dead.

He called his parents and they took him out of the camp.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129348
Intuition is the tip of the ass missed through the brain.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №129347
Today at work I was in the elevator without light and because of the blue buttons the atmosphere was so intimate. I get up, the door opens on one of the floors, a girl aged 28-30 stands and looks at me and says:
I will not go with you...
I will not go with you either.
I pressed the button and I also...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129346
Department of Political Sciences:
“Professor, could you illustrate the state of mutual tolerance in the modern world?
It is simple enough to do it, the professor replies. In one Christian European country, a deeply believing Muslim who freely practices his religion is elected mayor of the capital. I cannot find such examples in the Muslim world. Here’s all you need to know about tolerance in the modern world.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129345
Today is the second day I work as an assistant chief in a children's camp. After lunch, the children have a quiet hour, and the leaders have a meeting. I sit in front of the body in a pavilion, I read a book, and then a crying girl from my squad runs to me. From her words, I understand that someone has bitten someone’s ear.

I run to the body, and the panic itself - the nurse will only be half a day, and I also don't know how to deal with a small cannibal. I fly into the room, where a child whisper is heard, and besides the other children, I see two twin girls spotted in blood. Without unnecessary words, I catch the victim, who did not get the ears, and already go with her to the wardrobe, where it was decided to treat the ear with peroxide. To my great surprise, washing the blood, I did not find the wound. Then the victim decided to vote.

According to her, she and her sister decided to play the girls from the neighboring room. Going to them, she said, "My name is Masha, and this is Dasha, and she is a little crazy... Here Dasha struck Masha and spit in her with paint...

According to the twins, it was supposed to be very fun, and they did not expect that anyone could be upset.

Once again, convinced that the children had a very specific sense of humor, I asked what she had with her ear (the absence of a mouthpiece, still present) And I got the answer: "So Dasha bitten that year..."

Take care of sisters. And I think the fun is just beginning.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №129344
Diamond: When the kids grow up and eat, I’ll go to visit them, throw my jacket at the entrance and move in shoes to the kitchen and eat everything in the refrigerator.
Canakau: Yes, I’ll cut food in their bed, pull everything out of the closet to the floor and make hysteria for two hours :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129343
From the category "Authors":
“I have a man here... His name is Miron Yuryevich Captain.
How stupid that is. Not only the Captain, but also Miron!
- No, girls, well, what would the name sound normal with the name Captain?
Jack the Sparrow!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129342
If you have finished cigarettes and you are reluctant to go to the store because it rains on the street, knock on the neighbor and ask him for a hundred thousand for three months.

After hearing his explanations and apologies, sadly breathe:

“Sorry, very sorry, but I hoped so much for you... Well, give me a cigarette then.

In 9 out of 10 cases, he will gladly give you a whole package! I’ll be glad you got it so easy!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129341
My husband for the first time had experience using Apple products, before which he was skeptical of my dislike for her. After long customs and attempts to access the file system, he dropped his hands:
I am no longer a fan of I-Voice.
Oh all that!

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129340
Whenever I order food for the house, I say that I have devices for 3 persons so they don’t know that I want to eat it all in one haru. and fat. and satisfying. by Haru.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129339
I had a case. A person who approached the issue formally could be diagnosed with schizophrenia.

The girl was brought, five years old, afraid to remain without her mother, can not (refuses) to attend kindergarten, swirls spikes into the sockets, demands to close all the fronts in the house. The child's sight is frightened, sitting, looking at the floor, turning the socks - pulling off the tissue on the knee and gliding into a ball. I see the child is scared.

I send my mom to the hallway and say to the girl, giving her a pencil and paper: draw me your fear. She paints quickly, and then tells me about a man named the Nail, who consists of a skeleton, and he is dressed in a pink shirt filled with balls, he is of enormous height, he knows how to fly, he has no head, and his eyes and his mouth in the neck, he has a huge tail and from him you need to close all the forks, and only his mother can save from it. When asked how to defeat the child, he replied:

Throw them with electrified toys.

I ask, “How long has she been afraid of him? The answer is how much he remembers. Judging by the picture - there was no schizophrenia there, I call my mother, I ask the child to tell my mother everything, telling the girl that we have an antifungal protection here and we do not let him here, the child whispers to his mother and tells him what he is afraid of. Mom is in shock.

Mom begins to recall that three years ago they were at her sister’s house and there was a cousin who could intimidate her sister and the shirt was pink synthetic and balls. We send the baby to go for a walk in the hallway and I gave my mother the advice that she will not explain to the child now for anything that this nail does not exist, that it is necessary to let her see the cartoon "Hunters of Guides". Then invite someone from your dad’s acquaintances home, say that it’s a ghost hunter, and then turn the toaster into the socket and say that the Nail was caught and killed. And you know, it worked. Then they came and thanked.

A psychiatrist, as an investigator, must understand the root cause. Especially a child. And not always the cause of such statements and strange behavior is disease.

[ + 34 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129338
XX: I went to the cafe. I stumbled. I was desperate. I will cry now.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129337
I suspected that the phrase "Dear, I'll go with my child to rest, and you if you want to watch football" is too perfect to be true.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129336
I worked in a network of famous supermarkets (I will not name the name) and over the box there is a camera on which everything is recorded, for every time the cashier issued alcohol without asking for a passport he was fined. (the first time for 100 rubles, the second for 200 and so on). So gentlemen, you are not especially happy that you and your chatty and 3 grandchildren did not give 18 :)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №129335
Then it is equivalent, because one is in the meaning of identity, not a single number.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129334
xxx> On the hair cut a crisp crisp crisp!
yyy>...In kosovarotka, kosynka, kosushka, with kosyche and kosyche! and p

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna