— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130502
Aaa: A few years ago I was translating for a group of Chinese. During the planned events, the driver for the time of the tour left for his business, and left the key from the bus inside. The Chinese chose the most miniature of their compatriots, collectively pushed into the bus window and he opened the door from the inside.

BBB: Something similar they are doing now with countries.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130501
Children in the yard under the window play in the army. One general, one commander of the company and two soldiers. They don’t even seem to suspect how close they are to the truth of proportions.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130500
A: We didn’t even discuss the last Game of Thrones series.
J: Because it was too much!
J: Half of the series I honestly spoiled you a week before the release.
J: But I hoped it’t happen.
I really liked Tyrell.
J: But let’s talk straight. Not Tyrell, but Margerie
A: At least confess to us until the wife sees. You fell in love with her :)
A: My wife is close.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №130499
My husband and I lived at NPS while he worked there (station, several houses and a store). He was registered for pregnancy in his hometown 70 km away, where his parents live. At the time we were married for a year, we went to our parents for a weekend in the bathroom and almost never went anywhere there.

I came to the hospital, the doctor told me on the trip on Thursday to come tomorrow, but until the nurse fills my card. I have no hurry, I think I will go out tomorrow morning, the doctor will see me and finally go to my husband.

The same day, 15. Call from the hospital "Come now, the doctor is waiting for you." and oh! This is luck! A few words about the hospital: three doctors - a dentist, a therapist and a gynecologist (she is a pediatrician) several nurses, a registrar and those staff.

I quickly came in and went to the office. Here something begins!

Seven more people followed me in the office. All staff of the hospital. Two sat next to me on the couch, two at the nurse, three at the door. This is, for a moment, at the reception at the gynecologist. Everyone just looked at me. There was an absolute silence for half a minute, and then the doctor spoke.

B – Who is your husband?

In the map is written

They look at each other.

Can you tell me what their parents are called?

I am Michael and Nina

B – (pulling the palms slippery) Well it’s right! ! to ! to Why do you say that you are married if you are not?

I was married a year ago (I show my passport)

There is confusion in the collective, an indescribable evil on my side. I am a man with hardness, I sit and wait for the continuation.

You know that he has a bride, they’ve been dating for six years and they’re getting married in a month!

I’m even going to this wedding.))) his younger brother marries

Someone in the crowd:

Deevkiya, Nina has three children!

Blythe exactly!

He was the one who left after school, and we forgot about him.

Okay, let’s go drink tea.

The crowd leaves in some disappointment.

A gentle smile on the doctor’s face.

You’re good, so let’s talk like the stomach, don’t you hurt?

[ + 21 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130498
The highest state post after the presidential is the friend of Putin.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №130497
In St. Petersburg, urban public offices first appeared in the 1840s thanks to the entrepreneurship of the Director of the 1st Cadet Corps of Baron K. A. Schlippenbach.

The appearance of these omnibuses became an event of the day, very liked the public, and everyone considered it his obligation to ride in them, so that, having paid a hryvnia for traveling through Nevsky, have the opportunity to talk to acquaintances about the impressions experienced during this trip.

The success of this enterprise, the cheapness and convenience of traveling in omnibuses became known to the emperor, and he wished to personally make sure of this. Walking one day on Nevsky and meeting a diligence, he made a sign to stop and entered it. Although it was tight, the place was found, and the lord arrived at Admiralty Square.

He wanted to go out, but the conductor stopped him:

Can I get a fee for the trip?

Nikolai Pavlovich was in a difficult position: he never carried money with him, and from his companions no one hesitated or,, did not guess to offer him his wallet. The conductor had to believe in the debt to the Russian tsar.

The next day, in the office of the dealers of the chambers, the lackey delivered ten kopecks with the appendix of twenty-five rubles for tea to the conductor.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130496
If officials were watched as they watch schoolchildren at the EGE, the economy of our country would be ahead of the entire planet.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130495
But it’s interesting – about the fireplace – if I call from the beekeeper to the beekeeper, then the traffic keeps the beekeeper, right?
What if I call from the beekeeper to the egg? Do both operators keep the same conversation? Or are they going to be in sort? Type - is the traffic stored by the outgoing operator? Or the KAG?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130494
I bought a flash yesterday.
Guarantee 2 years.
She won’t live so long.
Do you doubt the quality?
No, I have no doubt. I just have two black holes at home that act against the laws of physics. Any flash drive, SD or MicroSD card that has entered their gravity zone disappears without increasing mass or producing energy. I have two daughters.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130493
From the forum:
“Once upon a time I was in contact with one man, he himself was a Jew, and all in the family for many generations were Jews.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130492
A girl I haven’t been able to reach for months.

I: You have any pills for a headache, give me one.
D: Here it is, hold it! In general, you know, from a headache you should have as much sex as possible!
I: And it’s you – you’re talking to me?! to
D: And what am I? My head does not hurt.)

Scuco, trolliha 80 lvl)

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130491
My father told me a story. When he served in the army (even in the USSR), a political truck came to them there. Everyone was given questionnaires with dumb questions and asked to fill in. Of course, to the question "Do you listen to foreign radio stations?" the father, as the most intelligent, replied: "Yes, every evening I listen to the Voice of America and I carefully inspect everything in the notebook." The person then called him and said, say, I, of course, understand that you are just a young dude, but the instruction obliges. And he was locked in a separate room and fucking his brains for eight hours. The morality is this: you should not be smart with the authorities, they have instructions instead of soul and sense of humor.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130490
XHH: this is how I drove, now a couple of months in the gips.)
WOW: Fuck, Leha, do you understand that by your actions you are making an invaluable contribution to the development of the FD theory?
What is FD? Like Feint Dese from the Wolf?
WOW: No Lech, FD means "feeric duck" and the theory says that every normal person has a friend he can safely call a feeric duck. In my case, it is you...

[ + 24 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130489
Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993 – 2016). The bright memory.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130488
And I don’t like new light bulbs – it’s uncomfortable to stick socks on them!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130487
I drive in the electric car and have nothing to do to look at people. Now they are not trying to make a good impression on others, they are just waiting to get to their station, and the facial expression of many is rather unpleasant. It seems that they really are. I think everything is the same on the internet.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130486
News: Specialists of the FGUP “GKNPC im. Khrunichev (Russia) began to coordinate the project of the carrier rocket "Proton Light", capable of competing with the Falcon 9 rocket of SpaceX.
Haim: And they plan to launch Proton Superlight, Proton with Menthol and Proton Slim in the series after Proton Light?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130485
Layk: No one has swam on this beach for a long time, so the rescue dog, in order not to lose shape, from time to time pulled drowning people out of the water.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130484
I have a delay on the loan, I have not been paid for three months, I have not been on vacation for three years, I am about to be reduced at work, my son's salary was raised for studying at the universe, in general, full "stay out".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130483
Only the deceased is not attached to the handwasher!

YYY: But only a real gentleman will move the dishes off first.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna