— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №50969
I wanted to write something like "I will dry on you", but then I thought, would it be a compliment?) "I am wet on you" - okay? and :)

[ + 103 - ] Comment quote №50968
There was even a moment when I tried to explain to one of my aunts on the phone how to press the F5 key that will magically solve their global problem.

Press the F5 button.
- We do not have such a button here, there is only "Form for printing" and "Search"
Press on the keyboard.
- Oh, I will give you a phone call (delivers the phone to the partner)
We have a problem here (explains the essence)
- I understand, I asked to press F5 on the keyboard
This is where?
The top set of keys, directly above the numbers
- Aaa, file, spell, type, selected...
“No, don’t look at the monitor, look at the keyboard, it’s right under the monitor.
I don’t know what a keyboard is. (Transfer the phone to the first aunt)
- We have a problem here (explains the essence)... and everything is new.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №50967
Irina : sleeping hunting (
Alex M: What did you do last night?
Irina : at night - slept, but she is somewhat short (((
Alex M: You probably slept too fast.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №50966
Why do you need me so stupid?
Meaning, why is it needed? You are stupid!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №50965
Articles on Lurkmore:
On Russian image boards, he immediately came to life, because bears and pedophilia are quite popular in Russia.


[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №50964
In order for criticism to be better perceived, it must end with a positive phrase. Example: You are a pederast, but you have great shoes.”
Shit, do you put such beautiful statuses? =) is

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №50963
18:09 Olga: What kind of friends are you so far away from?
18:10 平和主 - Vladimir: Well from you so...
18:11 Olga: Well, we can get closer together
18:17 平和主 - Vladimir: How?
18:19 Olga: The Natural
18:20 Olga: Natural
18:20 Olga: Natural
18:21 Olga: Natural
18:21 Olga: Natural
18:21 Olga: Natural
18:21 Olga: Natural
18:22 Olga: Natural
18:22 Olga: Natural
18:22 Olga: Natural
18:22 Olga: Natural
18:23 平和主 - Vladimir: You wrote the answer 11 times - Natural. what would that mean???? to
18:24 Olga: The connection has stalled.
18:26 平和主 - Vladimir: well and?
18:27 Olga: Wolf, not dumb. I want you.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №50962
I remember someone told me yesterday, I don’t remember.
Julia: short on the job, the guy has a companion Dima Sova
Julia: he named the son Lion) and the stitch is the Lion Saga, well, a hoole))

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №50961
YED: Mya... Aitshniki, RPG fans are just invincible people!
SiXX: What is it? Missed someone?
YED: Do you remember the scandals with Yandex?
YED: So on the backdrop of this, my friend here accidentally with the help of Yandex broke that his wife someone was delivering flowers through an online store. My friend was on a trip at that time.
YED: By e-save broke this khahal in the social page from
YED: In short, now it is getting divorced...
SiXX is HAAA. Funny RPG in Real!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №50960
xxx (10:27:24 28/07/2011)
By the way, grass in calyan, 50 on 50 with calyan tobacco is a topic
xxx (10:27:47 28/07/2011)
And I sent it to the boss of the factory partner.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №50959
What about the new marketer’s name?
- he is not new, he is just using "Love-Magic of the Leaky"

[ + 72 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №50958
Today I had a dream that I, a type of witch, and I was attacked by vampires. And I can’t even deceive the simplest pulsar from fear (((They got offended, offended. From my shelf I got a book with the chapter "How to Destroy a Vampire". They told me to study and went out to drink coffee. Can I connect with fantasy? O_O

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №50957
Dpred: in general, a feast, in two words, - shit
What about at three?
Dpred: and in three - haunted-haunted

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №50956
Dear mothers! If your son loves to throw you on the groves, do not scream, and do not forbid him. Or he will not play as a child, and then in the car will rush through the slopes, licking people at the stops.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №50955
xxx: Generally speaking, this is the main problem of gender relations in the modern world. A guy should be beautiful, with a figure, with money, smart, with a sense of humor. The girl must have a hole between her legs, and she must occasionally move those legs. It is all, shit.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №50954
I: The opera reminds me most of a village fool. He sits on his own wreck, sits in his nose, thinks about every question for half an hour. The ointment is a duck, maybe a lot, but intellectual tasks are not at his shoulder. Google Chrome is an intelligent in glasses. Everything is done quickly and cleanly, but issues that require forceful intervention put him in an impasse.
The explorer is a pensioner on the bench. He can hardly do anything, but he loves to teach everyone.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №50953
The question:
I crossed the road today.
The black cat has gone by.
Right in front of me
Fuck the front.
My feet, I understand that.
How bad it is

The answer:
Yes, especially for the cat, he has worms.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №50952
I'm in a shower, I'm alone, I'm standing waiting for the driver near the car, it's hot, I'm standing without a T-shirt, a girl fits, touches me in the chest with the sounds of the Fa.. quite squeezing and leaves Ooo

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №50951
I will bring you a star from the sky.
Hey, she’s okay... she’s okay.

I will burn the universe for you and destroy all the intelligent.
The worlds?? to
Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! to

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №50950
Yesterday I was in the wester and bought cheese and ingredients for pizza.
Two girls stand and choose vodka - one says - aa, hopefully more socks must take! The second: Why? First: - and when I drink vodka - my head hurts in the morning, I don't remember anything and the socks are always broken...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna