— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №18561
The leader and the conscience sleep in turn.“Ivory Shirt”

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18560
I’ve talked about the Aboriginals here. Leah died this spring. With vodka, of course. I came to the country to wash off after a month of drinking. Hands have to do something. The fisherman's bridge went to fix after the winter, jumped from the bridge into the water, something was there from the bottom to beat, the heart and got up. So they found, they say, standing in the water, holding a bridge, a hammer in his hand.

I never caught the bridge. I kept it, for order. Every spring it was rebuilt and renewed. This is strange. Desperately drunk, he perfectly held the whole farm, the plot, the country, the fisherman's wreckage, the boat, and even this unnecessary bridge. Just because “the deck is placed, and how? »

We were neither friends nor friends. Random acquaintances saw each other a couple or three times a year for force. But he was always happy, I don’t know why. And I have, when you used to sit on the bridge, and from the shore behind you suddenly scream, “Oh, fuck, this is so shy to yourself! They came to us, the mosquitoes! Heated on the shower and scratched with a soft lap inside.
“Fish all, fucking, caught, fucking?” Show me, the fisherman has arrived! We will burn the fire from your heads.”
He looked for sight into the garden, moving there with his cliché.
“Wow you! I have larger worms in the compost. From you, citizen, the penalty for illegal catching and bullying my faith in a person.
A pack of “Bellomora” with you, and fucking! »
Then he sat down from the edge, smoking.
“When did he come? »
“Did he not enter the key from the boat? »
“I am ashamed of Nathan. I am a little scared.”
“Did she be ashamed? My grandmother’s job is to scandalize and cook. And yours came, took the key, and a fisherman. She is punished: a moscovite will come, the keys on the nail. And Natasha respects you...shorter. You don’t cheat with me. Dave says, “Lochka, stop drinking, your mosquito will come, and you are drunk.” As a strawbery! »
From his Natashka, shy, calm, and a little sad as the wife of any alcoholic lady, I have never heard anything in all these years except the quiet “Hello.” I really didn’t binge with Leah. To pour into the drink, especially in the minutes of silence, is like swallowing it slowly into the liver. We only drank together once, when we accidentally met. Long ago, fifteen years ago. It was fun.

* * * *
I went there for the second or third time. There, on the peninsula, country areas, and between the areas and the shore of the strip of forest with a kilometer-and-a-half width. Well, he dropped the car on the gun, went to choose a place, sit down to fish. There is a forest, the oak approaches the water itself, then the stone, and there are bridges of local fishermen. You can’t see it, only if you get close.

Well, we go in a hurry through the forest, along the shore, some way, Dasha in front, eggs shout, I am a little behind, I look at the shore. Suddenly I hear — cries, and by voice, — on a person. I broke up, not much. I see a man standing in front of Dasha. is unpleasant. I myself can't tolerate when the dog of a stranger is jumping up, and out there any fifa with a guide cheers funly "Don't be afraid, she won't bite! You stand and think, "You goat, you know nothing about yourself, how can you guarantee a dog? »

Okay well. Dasha took, I said, “Sorry, man, you didn’t think people were walking here at this time.”
And the man and so it is seen that it is not in himself, from a strong body of the march, and not one day. And then he was still scared, the evil bubbled, "They make dogs cheat like horses, they don't look at them even a hero, good people didn't have a passage at all." And so, under that drum, we went away. But the sink remains unpleasant.

Well, they chose a bridge, a strong one, I threw my clothes, fed them, Dasha lies in the middle, between me and the shore. Only the first knock, I hear – the dog from behind was wrapping. I look back, a passenger comes out of the forest to the bridge. On his shoulder a fishing box. Dark as the Mongol Tatar yogi.
“That is all, naked! Release the bridge.
“Their own? »
“The My! »
“Will you fish? »
“No, the fucking thing! If I put up a telescope, I will look at the moon. »

The owner is Barry. It could be more kind of, of course, but given our previous meeting, it is understandable. Another is offensive. In two steps and left and right empty bridges stand, sit down, fishing. Well, you also know, maybe a man has fed here from the morning.

Okay well. I went to the shore for the blankets, well, and I ask him just the way, like to engage a conversation, to smooth up the past misunderstanding.
“Where are your frogs, where are you going to fish? »
“It does not bite! »
With the challenge so, the main thing, and would not be on the side of departing, stands on the path. My patience has ended here.
“You hear, I say, a man. What are you breaking out? You look at yourself.
What kind of fisherman are you? Can you plant a worm, fuck my brains? You don’t need a drink, you need a drink immediately. At an unequal hour you will die here on the bridge.
“What fucking thing are you doing? »
With a challenge yet, but already with some resentment in the voice. Then I completely shattered the turn.
“How do you know? »
“I know”
He looked at his hands, asking with silent hope.
“Does she have anything? »
I looked at him, paused and let go.
“There is. There is always a good man.”
A bottle of whiskey in the barbecue has been rolling since May, and a five-liter canister of alcohol in the trunk – from last year. For every firefighter.
“I am good! I’m not just good, I’m crazy! »
“I can see. Type of Carlson? »
“Not the type! And much, much better! Would you? »
“We have to go into the car. I just have nothing to chew. Food for dogs is dry.
My last sandwich Dasha unconsciously eaten an hour ago, scratching and kindly left me in exchange for her pedigree.
“It’s shit, I’ll bring happiness! »
I knew it was shit. This is not until breakfast. And he suddenly spoke, had fun, his face lightened. He put the box under the bush, squeezed, still visible not believing to the end in his chance.
Don’t take the dog with you, put it here. The little ones are dear to you, and here we have all the people joking. Let him protect.”
And we separated. He is up, I am on the road, back to the car.

Come back at the same time. I have two hands, he has two hands.
Bread, cucumbers, onions, eggs, well, the full set is shorter. Two large glasses.
I sat on the shore, well, quietly, I opened the whiskey, poured it out, he turned the bottle, asked about the price, whistled, long disapprovingly nodded my head, looked at the glass, gathered with thoughts. I say, don’t pull the cat. He stumbled so.
“Yes! Must be treated! Well let it! For the acquaintance! »
And turned over.

He breathed, smelled with his sleeve, swallowed the bow in his mouth, squeezed.
“Here are the fucks! For that money, that shit. No need to live for nothing!
As in the mouth. Give me water to drink.”
It shows on the canister. I say :
What water? It is spirits.”
“The spy? The Technical? »
“You’re fucking technical! The cleanest, drinking
He swallowed out of indignation.
“Hey, do you bother me with that hernia? If you have a whole canister fucking alcohol? The Medical! »
Opened the canister.
What to divorce? From the lake? »
“You are what? Nothing to mess up, product fucking ruin! »
A third of the glass is broken.
“To the test! »
He turned to himself. and rested.
“Ah! This is infection! and Brrrr! »

He was finally released here.
And there was a relentless conversation between us of two random, unfamiliar, and completely different people, typical in these circumstances. It was softened, there was nowhere to rush, the alcohol was the sea (he poured, looked at the level of fluid in the canister and repeated every time with pleasure, “You look, fuck, it doesn’t go down! There was a whole day before God.

I prefer to listen. And he needed to see somebody shed from his soul, and he spoke. About the fact that it was a vacation, that it was seven days, that the wife left the city in the morning, and didn't even leave for beer, and all the little things from the pockets was groomed specifically, and he at least breathed. Girls who are studying in
Leningrad, about work, about garden, about fishing, about the fact that fish is not what it was before, that vodka is not the same, about the weather, about the local unhappy life, about the fact that the elderly are chewing and the young are rolling, again about fishing, about mushrooms, about babies, about salaries, about strawberries, again about daughters, with pride, and so on, about the circle.

Then he praised his boat hangar immediately, on the shore, in ten steps, showing a boat, a good dural boat, a motor, networks.
“Vish, I forgot, I didn’t even go down to the water. Are you long with us? »
For a week somewhere.
He gave me the keys from the hangar, from the boat.
Will you catch the shore? Come, take a boat, get up, vooon, wish?
In those columns. I spent a month there.”
“And you? »
“Are I cheating? I have 10 days left. What kind of fisherman am I? Yes, and potatoes, not before fishing especially in the summer. Not a fan, I am a fan. I bet the net. You will go, you will take the keys.”

Sitting from the clock, maybe from one and a half. I ask :
Have you changed your mind about fishing, or what? »
He was surprised.
“I didn’t gather! »
“How is it? »
“The fucking! I just wanted to fuck you! The reason is simple! We were separated, and I had everything inside. Give up. You have fought with the grandmother, the tubes are burning, the money is not the spear, and here you are still with your dog. I came home, I can’t calm down, I think, no. “I’ll go to that Moscovite...”
“How do you know? »
“Well, the joke! And the car? The number? »
“A! »
“I’m going to go, I think, to this moscovite puzzles, maybe at least makes it easier! »
Now I was surprised. Daisy lay down immediately.
“How are you going to hang my puzzles? »
“The dog? Fuck me your dog! Every dog has a dog, that’s shit. »
Here he jumped up. I jumped, and I beat myself on the forehead!
How damn I forgot! Here is Dude! »
And grab your box, which has been rolling all the time in the shadow under the bush. From his hustle, even Dasha went to see what was there, in this mysterious box.

He closes the lock, opens the cover.

And out of the box slowly, carefully, like a cosmonaut in weightlessness, comes the head of a healthy red cat! With completely wicked, wild eyes of white light and human injustice.

What is the first thing a cat sees in this white light? He sees right in front of him the black Dacha face! They look at each other in confusion for a second, then the cat shoots himself out of the box, and the bullet flies into the forest. Dasha, with a delay of half a second, with the same traumatic eyes, flies away. Only the branches tremble far away.

My eyes at that moment looked the same as those of this couple. Because Leha, quite licking from the unexpected effect even for himself, closed the box, ripped off his arms, pulled himself out of the canister and morally pronounced.
“You understand, fucking? Here are you and all the shit, here are you and all your guard! Did you think?
Everything is provided! »

The good man was Lecha, the kingdom of heaven. How good is it? and ordinary.
Normal and shorter. And amusing. I will remember something later, I will tell you.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18559
Medicine is free, but not treatment.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №18558
C forum
Dima1990: Yes, I am already calling in this saport. There was about the following dialogue:
I: Good morning, I would like to know the factory password for the modem issued to me "modemname"
C is wait. I don’t see your modem. You have it turned off. (I am actively engaged in the injection)
I: Included
C: You probably connected the splitter incorrectly.
I’m right (I think it’s stupid)
Q: What kind of Windows do you have?
I have Linux. (the window is installed in parallel)
C: What is it?
------I explain, I say that if I need to, I will overload ------ in the window-------
C is understandable. Why didn’t you say you had two PCs?
I: one
Q: How can you have two PCs on one PC?

This is how he is educated, our saport.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №18557
I invite all active readers of the Abyss to sign up for deputies. They also read all the fucking stuff there a few times and crack on the plush.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №18556
Conversation with a girl pathologist
Why are you at work and so fun?
He: And I’m all alive here! ?

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18555
XXX: Here the youth went, are they growing something in the village?
xxx: tall, pop like Lopez, 3rd-size breast, looking 20 years old...
xxx: I ask how many years old, licking like a down and giving - 16
yyy: acceleration of the hule :-)
xxx: sad that this is just a parallel process of degeneration (

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №18554
Yozik: and the first boomerang was invented by a man who was lazy to wash his socks and he threw it out)))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №18553
Hobbs: 24 hours before Kiev, the eye quickly passed
The Hobbes: Taste and Sleep Movie
Hobbes: And in the Ash clock
Hobbes: and all that.
Panda: a modern hamster

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18552
Tonight you will be my queen. In one hand you will have a scepter, in the other you will have power. even two powers )))

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18551
TuIIIe_6ygb (18:24:34 24/07/2009)
I am neither emo nor got.
TuIIIe_6ygb (18:24:53 24/07/2009)
I am a linear shit.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18550
I first liked that my 73-year-old grandmother could handle a cell phone. It was fun to show her friends the sms from her.
But fucking when I asked her to follow, to make sure I didn’t miss work because I felt bad!!! Do you know what she did? She foolishly turned off the alarm on the phone, and in the morning, when I slept - called the subscriber "chief" and... asked me out of work...
Do you know how I was roasted? No is! It should have been seen...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №18549
1> Quiet in the forest
1> Just don’t sleep... peanut!
2> On his side is a bite,
2> Here does not sleep peanut.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №18548
The world turned! news lantar 24.07.2009 "The founders of The Pirate Bay filed a lawsuit on the fighters against piracy"

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18547
The daughter (5 years old) all the ears of the film about the boy-tenny.
passed by the cinema, she ran to the posters and ticked her finger: "here, here!!! Harry Potter and the Half-Sheep Prince! I would like to see it.)

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №18546
Here is this:
Quote from the Statute
A bush is a set of branches that come from one place.
I want a comic!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18545
I heroically bought cherries last night instead of beer!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №18544
Teacher of Psychology at Defence Course
- And what score do you count on when you have an inscription on your title sheet on a course in philology?

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №18543
In response to:
Lovely girls! If you want your eyelids to look more sexy, stick them to your breasts!!! to
I tried to imagine it. Stephen King is nervously smoking around the corner.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18542
Vovane: the most accurate error - my compact

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna