— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131282
A acquaintance told me. Recently it passed by a restaurant (the city is not very large - 99,700 people ), and there was a wedding just, dinner was already, drunk guests partially smoked on the street. My friend himself was under the closet and decided to try his luck. In short, together with the smokers went into the banquet hall, someone immediately poured him there, plus he still bitten there and even danced. But, most epic, he met a girl there from the bride’s side, and now they meet. Fuck how boring I am.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131281
Today on the street, one girl convinced me to buy their cosmetics, because only these creams use unique clay! Yes, it's not easy - and from the past era, the Cainozoic era (lasting for years, carefully packed with sable teeth tigers)... and so on... After my question about what the era is now, the girl fell into a stupor.

In general, she was extremely shocked by the fact that we are now living in the Cainozoic era. Apparently, now in these creams will be amazing clay straight from mesozoic.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131280
' to the parents'

Ahha, I had the same situation. I needed an iPhone. I got a belt. was swallowed. No more demands.

What adult methods you use, it gets jealous. Why try small words through your mouth to explain what is wrong when you can just evaporate. And then he grows confident that all disputed issues can and should be resolved by gross force or as an option by deception, and whatever the other person thinks or wants there. This is to the question from the neighbor’s batcher, "from where so many wretches rose".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131279
HH: I like this game. Previously, you crawl on the underground or walk on the branch of the railway - and you are afraid to stumble on the watchman of somebody, you will have to justify that you are not a drug addict, do not stumble and do not steal, but simply a curious and generally a stalker-got. And now – I’m catching Pokémon", I’m saying, I’m a fool, what will you take from me...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131278
Thoughts of Great People:

A drunk man will never do what he himself (per in secret, including from himself) would not do with a sober head.
Alcohol removes barriers.

That day, I learned that most secretly I want to cheat.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131277
At the institute, crosses were given in check-in, first boys, then girls. In general, we run, we try, because those who do not fit in the norms, will surrender, the boys scream, so emotionally encourage, it just became pleasant. When we ran, it turned out, they bet on us, parasites!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №131276
About the designers. Correspondence with the store.

XXX is Hi!
I ordered from you a gift set "..." (order No...). He was delivered to me. Unfortunately, it was not possible to check the goods at receipt and its obvious defect was discovered only in the evening. In the insert of the photo of the box on both sides, the spots are clearly visible on it, as if you put a cup of coffee on the box.
I would be happy to hear your suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

Hi you xxx!

My name is ZZZ, the manager of YYY.

The book has absolutely no defects. This object in the form of a circular imprint, as you have specified, is the design of the layout, which is on all the books of this collection.

If it were really an imprint from a bowl, it would at least leave a sticky mark and at least some depth on the gift book. I can say with confidence that this is not, because it is really part of the layout. Similar "February" You can see on all the photos that we send you in the investment. On the front of the book is the design and the spots that you photographed and sent us. Photo from the site, which also sees this "flat" in the front of the book.
On Monday, we will definitely take a photo of the back of all the books that we have at our disposal in this collection, so that you can make sure that this negligence is not on our side.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131275
Do you have any instructions on how to add to zabbiks extreme? I would at least understand why. Then I will deal.

by Emily 8:23
There are standard myths.

Andrei 8:23
FAQ zabbix do not offer - they do not know how to describe

by Emily 8:23
I will be at work, I will try to find a reference.

Andrei 8:28
What is the key when adding a data element? Do you need it if there is an oid? But if you don’t enter that shit key, it doesn’t work.
Okay thanks
All the brains have been broken.

by Andrei 9:56
There is an interesting thing happening with Zabis. People do, they do. They only use terms that are understandable to themselves. You can make an analogy - here you build a fence, good, reliable, only in your understanding it consists not of a barrel, loops, columns, gates and screws, but of lengthy-parallel-piped wooden bars, carrying wooden supports, cylindrical metal bars with a round cavity inside and metal bars with a bound head and a spiral-like cutting. Here and seemingly from your side everything is okay, everything is beautiful, called according to your worldview, only, shit, no one understands what you want there, and people start to shine after the 20th reading of the next instruction.
Yes, I forgot about the gates - non-automatic mechanical transmitters.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131274
FSB officials conducted the inspection of the Investigative Bodies, FSB officials conducted the inspection of the Customs Bodies. Such a feeling that after the notorious twists on the Gelentvagen, the FSBs were well inserted and they moved sharply.

Oh, while I was printing someone knocked on the door O_o

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №131273
Are you a fool, Lord?

> And what is it like to be a fool? Give him a sluggish pupil, who nifiga does not know, does not want to study, knows everything best of all, and especially - how to "right to push". received by merit.

There is a poor grandmother in the hospital. Do you offer doctors to feed her with sugar instead of medicines? Should the operation be done too?
He is not just a fool. He is an unprofessional idiot. It is much worse.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131272
Vmarkelov: On the forum of the game about drawn spacecraft bitterly discuss the canonical colouring of the grains of drawn pony. Now I have seen everything.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №131271
Vitaly: Oh, yesterday evening depends on what was seen: an evacuator is going, it has a gazelle "ambulance", and it includes flashes and sirens!)))

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №131270
In the working dining room:
Choo for lunch today?
Today is a fishing day.
Today is not Thursday O_O.
How tired you are! To be a fish day, you need fish, not a Thursday.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №131269
Vit0s: Walked in the woods, found one large puddle. Bringed home, the aunt cookes it before the main cooking, says: "I will add onions to it, if it becomes blue, then a bad mushroom," to which the aunt answers: "It's all nonsense. So if after 7 hours the legs cool, then you can say exactly")))

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №131268
It reminds of a legendary man who in the 70s wrote a letter to the Балабановская thunderstorm factory. The man wrote about the following - "I've been counting fireworks in your boxes for 11 years - 59, 60, and sometimes 58. Are you crazy about it?"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №131267
The ambulances have their own game. It’s called Alkashi Go. It’s roughly the same as Pokémon, just without a mobile phone. You drive around the city, collecting alkashi in various locations. Under the bushes, in the blooms, on the benches, in the parades and even in the rivers of our city. Sometimes the alkas are hot and you have to get into a fight.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №131266
As a child, I was completely convinced of the existence of the Snake-Gorynych, as my grandfather brought me indisputable facts. I said, I killed the last, because if you go to the mountains, you will not find any. As a proof, look here.

He pathetically touched his pants and showed his scars. Here, he says, the four-toothed Serpent-Gornyic bitten me in the leg. It was old, only four teeth remained. I wrapped him.

And only at the age of 16 I learned that it was a scar from Will XD

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131265
XXX: I think nectarins are produced by people who are tired of shaving peaches.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №131264
At the top of the trolling: When the call in the FAS sounds the song Yesterday
Yesterday all the troubles seemed like this.
and far away,
Today I can’t imagine my life.
Without them.
But I still believe that someday
The past will come back."

Thanks for the smile! ?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №131263
The newest U.S. aircraft carrier worth $13 billion has again been out of combat capability.

What are you surprised? 13 is the unhappy number.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna