— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №143209
The Delivery

And those who say “Ukraine” instead of “Ukraine” we will give up not to organs, but to organs.

Go to C (C)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143208
If you encounter the foreheads of the characters of different works of art: who do you think is cooler, Professor Preobražensky or Dr. Moreau?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143207
How much cognac is needed in coffee in the morning to make it good?
“You know, I drink coffee with milk like this: I take a cup of milk, warm it up and pour coffee there. So vooot...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143206
Here people get confused about the weather in Moscow and don’t understand that they live in different cities... Moscow in UVAO and Moscow in SVAO is a different Moscow. Your mother, in one of them can be a hurricane, and in the other - a light breeze!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №143205
Listen to. If crying and screaming are not the norm, then why are there so many stories about bosses-cryks and bab-cryks? And why do I regularly watch them at work, in the subway, in the store, in the hospital?

Normal stories are boring and monotonous. Characters must be fools or geniuses, or something else to pretend. Normals do not enter history and history.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143204
If you stop buying toilet paper in the office, then you can find out which documents employees do not take very seriously.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143203
The girlfriend married a military and went to live in the tundra. I found a job in part, got permission to secrecy. Following her words.

I sit, I say, I don’t touch anyone. The chief applies and warns that it is necessary to surrender the border to the regime officers, because the admission obliges. Nook, I think I should – give up, I didn’t have a rebirth. A week passes, the boss catches me in the hallway and terribly asks:

Why has the passport not been handed over yet?

So I do not have him. at all. never did.

The chief scratches the tail and gives:

Do it and give up. There is an order – it must be executed!

My girlfriend is still laughing. I’t be surprised if they really do.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143202
Restriction of alcohol and planned drinks. Sometimes the unexpected happens, and most often the negative. A relative recently died. It was early in the morning, and by evening it was taken away. And after a few hours of pursuit (with her was another person, I did not come from the other end of the city), communication with doctors, police, sanitarians of the body car - I was very eager to drink. Directly unbearable.

She had a quarrel with a young man and lived apart. I thought - let's argue, let's reconcile, no, a little time has passed - he is already living with another, and I will recognize it as a thunderstorm in the clear sky.

And I, of course, understand, now the experts and gurus will rush, claiming that everything can be survived without alcohol, you need to have strength and be able to fight, but I was weak in spirit, and both times on the swirling legs I went for cognac...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143201
M: I am going to a boy. When I told my wife that some people don’t want to order a stripper, I was very surprised and quarreled – oh, oh, what!? to
by Agah. More of offices. The boys wanted to sit quietly.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143200
The hostess on note.
Here you stand at the stop, there are 2-3 buses, you can get to anywhere. Which to choose? In winter - it is better to choose one whose glass is cleaner - it means there is a good heating and you will not freeze. As in the summer? And in the summer, you should choose one in which the conductor is more knowledgeable. First, they are always hot, so they will open the windows / doors and it will be cool. Secondly, for the same reason, they will chase everyone to whom they go. These are strange personalities who sit by the window and don’t let it open because it’s cold, instead of sitting away from the window.
Take good health :)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №143199
I think those who write about hot asphalt and houses in Moscow at +25 and refreshing breeze from the sea at +39 in the Krasnodar region were neither there nor there.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143198
I walked with my brother’s dog. Walking, I take a pack of garbage and slugs with me and all dog things immediately clean and throw out into the garbage. A dog approaches me and asks: why, because this is a natural material and it will disintegrate itself. What I answered: but before that, your child will get into this natural material 10 times. In response, I heard: Yes, my child is studying in another city at the institute.

Okay, then it is okay.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №143197
1907: “A woman cannot be a doctor!”
2017: “A Woman Can’t Be a Doctor!”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143196
Well yes yes yes. When the victim of a girlfriended boy, who had never been in a relationship with him and was not going to be, meets a normal guy and meets him, and the girlfriends hit it (or even better, she was initially with the guy, but the girlfriend was waiting for sexual gratitude for the fact that her boyfriend or husband helped to pull the couch, and was upset by the inconsistency of fantasies with reality) - this is a girlfriend. But when the guy, who was not just rotating the romance, but already lived with a girl, but after a quarrel instantly got along with another (maybe, even before the quarrel prepared a "reserve"), and the girl is upset by this - it's what she generally hoped, she's no one for him!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №143195
Situation: My girlfriend and I are Russian citizens, but we are both currently in Germany and we want to shape our relationship. It would seem, you collect documents, go to the nearest consulate - profit. But it’s not all that easy when a Russian official enters the game.

In fact, below is a reference to the telephone conversation with the "servant of the people" from the consulate in Leipzig.

Hello, we would like to sign up with you. What is needed for this?

Q: I don’t think you will succeed.

We are: Why? O_O

We don’t have Las Vegas!

We: Em...But it’s a normal service for the consulate. You even have a section of ZAGS on the site.

You don’t hold me here! Government officials don’t talk like that.

He dropped the phone.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №143194
A country that designates losers, fools, fools and prostitutes as its national heroes guarantees itself the same future.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №143193
One day a funny incident happened. Before the earthwork, the workers expelled all who stood in the courtyard (for the Aborigines, the announcement was suspended in advance). One stood on the strain, not allowing anyone new. And here comes such a dumb chicken on a rough car. He sends a worker’s nail, like where I want, there and I put it. It’s not your business, you’re off the road. After a while, with full bags of all the shit comes back from shopping. And he sees a huge tranche for repairing either the water pipeline or the sewerage across the arc. There is only one way out of the yard. I asked, shit, it was a pleasant spectacle.
c) Radio engineer

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №143192
What do you need to sing Baskov and Kobzon at your wedding?
You need 2 million dollars!
It is secondary. First of all, you have to have a bad taste.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №143191
>Astrid - cartoon heroine "How to Train a Dragon"... in love with a local boy

As for the shit, I disagree. Icking is not sitting on his ass, he is not complaining that I have such a broken inner world, why does Astrid not give me, does not build air castles on this occasion. He sets goals and achieves them. First to shut down the night furia, then to train. He shows initiative, he is not afraid to defend his point of view, even when against him absolutely everything, he is not afraid to take risks (Behinders could easily kill him at any stage of training). And as for Astrid, he first broke the pattern, showing her the skilled Dentless (it was a dragon, whom no one could catch or kill; Icking could not see him). Then he arranged her with a dragon, giving her unprecedented feelings and thus provoking sympathy. And then he saved his life in the battle, after which this battle won. Her choice is understandable. So Iqing, of course, can’t be called an alpha – not that physical force, but he’s not a shit.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143190
From a talk about a famous gay:

I don’t care who he sleeps with, who he lives with.
I am just upset by his stupid manners.
Gay is the body of a man in which a woman is locked.
Is this a woman’s breakthrough, or are you and women annoyed?
There is no woman there at all, look, zzz - a woman
He also talks like a glamorous cock, disgusting to watch.
XHH: She, by the way, is also unconventional, they have this common apparently.
It turns out that she has a woman’s body.
There is a male body in which a woman is locked.
Let’s go on, the matriarchs!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna