— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100808
17:12 [Save Bolt] I am looking for a robot )With offers in Private
17:12 [Bambelbe] to [Take Bolt] judging by nick your intentions are serious)))))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №100807
A familiar family bought a huge thin plasma. Solemnly installed on the old tomb, everything was going to hang on the wall, but did not have time. One day, the 90-year-old head of the family was sitting and watching an old war movie. Suddenly the signal forgot something and began to interrupt. Grandfather, without thinking about it, walked over the plasma on top of the shell - he's all his life so "interfered" with his "Record"... Technologies, of course, do not stand still, but their vandalism resistance has slid to a negative mark. and :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100806
The work colleague tells another "case from practice". She has one third-party corrector, an elderly woman who likes to leave her comments on the fields when editing. For example, he runs the Mandelstam collection and writes: "Why is there no poetry like this??" and he quotes it. Or opposite the strofe of E. Evtushchenko with large letters: "Unlucky rhythm!!". And it makes it all the hardest on a hard pencil, which is almost unwashed and leaves "in-depth" on the page. The colleague is already accustomed, so he tries not to think too much. He sits down, washes slowly and throws under his nose: "It's good that Yevgeny Alexandrovich doesn't see this."

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100805
Found on the roofs of the runnet: Sorry, but you must know the truth.

Late at night, between 2 and 3 o’clock at night, get up, go to the bathroom without turning on the lights, take a lighter or light bulb with you. Close the door behind you and stand in the dark, turn your face to the mirror, for 5 minutes try to look in the mirror in the outer darkness, then try to light the lighthouse or ring a flash, but only once, if you fail, then immediately, immediately open the door and as quietly as possible, without making abrupt movements, leave the bathroom and turn on the light. If you succeed... well, you will learn and learn a lot of new things.

Comments on this horror:
XXX: I saw my brother! Should it be?! to
yyy: xxx seemed to have done everything as written, but I did not see your brother. Probably mistaken in something...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100804
[_007_] recalled (with excessive satisfaction) how in the times of a happy childhood of the present USSR, a strange boy in school shirt, with a ride - "why am I so proud-independent, if he is older than me?" The type of fight even gathered.)
Next was the oil painting. We synchronously opened the portfolios, got the diaries and saw that he was a class younger. The boy cried, hid a diary and fled somewhere. I’ve been reminded of it for years and I’ve smiled.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №100803
What now?
Let us remember the customs of all times and peoples and apply them today.
For the ancient Greeks, for example, it was inappropriate, seeing a cute boy, to strike him a tongue, go in and go on with his affairs.
and where it is not shameful to worship, even praisefully... or roaring, to express thanks to the masters for the meal
I remembered, young Padovan: people remembered traditions when and only when, thanks to them, you can stumble your neighbor.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100802
Gather all the certificates.
All the papers on the planet
All smelly papers.
Confirmations and Relationships,
To make one of them great:
Ten thousand billion
The British Pound,
Pudding of Russians!
To feed it with solarium.
petroleum and ether,
to light a stinking light bulb,
An old fireplace.
When it burns,
Put him in the bowl.
Fuck all officials.
The Unfortunate Planet
He will cry of joy.
Fucking laughing at happiness.
It will be fun to dance.
Dancing in the green!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100801
The Talking Gifts

I gave a hammer.

And he thought he was knocking on us unburntly to the boss :)

At the boomerang ;)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100800
to this:
I came to work today - on the table of the note"to drink the table". I am confused, I ask the people that this could mean and who wrote it? It turned out to be sealed - rubbish the table)) make a hole under the wires))

appointed an employee. And all he could not deliver anything - the labor, the certificate of some, the military ticket, etc. Finish the design at last. She wrote a reminiscent on a paper in the list of little things: "Get Nikolayev". Nikolayev, who finally appeared to sign the documents, was a bit wary.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100799
Do you know about defense capabilities?! to
Zoithy: more people went to the army than from all the Suvorov schools!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100798
A dog escaped from me. Then the cat. Then a man. Coffee from Turkey. The milk yesterday. I saw a cockroach today, and behold, he looked after me to the exit.
I’ll give you my cosmetics!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100797
Something is wrong with my body. When you see the sofa, you want to lie down, when you see beer - drink, when you see food - eat. When looking at work, sleep.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №100796
I recently took the driver to the ambulance. A large American car that can’t be filled with any equipment. The work was monotonous. We go out for small things. Not to pursue you on the streets, not to turn on the whistleblower.
In general, at the end of the change, I throw to the house of the Feldscher. The place is off-shore, there is almost no traffic - so I decided to get off. He turned on his orals and whistles - with the wind a couple of crossings flew... beauty! (True, the boss will know – the brain will blow up)
In general, I bring him with such honors before entering, loading out.
Five minutes later, the emergency call is in the same house. The heart. Well I think I was scared by my noise lighting effects who!
I rushed with the doctor back, and our officer at the entrance is running around the grandmother... loaded, delivered, rescued.
As it turns out: the grandmothers on the bench saw an arms and lighting ambulance coming in. They only have one heart on the 10th floor. They are to her. She has a bad heart on the floor. Here is our helper and it was useful...
If it were not for my desire to stumble, I think, and it would be too late to save my heart.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100795
The problem with our deputies is that they make laws and they need to take medicines.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №100794
In connection with the initiatives of Deputy X@#$kova, I propose to introduce the Moscow version of the proverb: "Look at Duke from the lookout", namely, "Look at Apollo from the balcony of the Duma".
And in general, do they want the Russians in their pockets to have no x in all respects?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100793
XX: I was the fatest person in my life when I didn’t jerk all day, I sat down and ate after 22:00.
I then had a very sharp and creative one-year-old child, who had to run on his heels all day, then pulling away, then distracting him from various dangerous tasks. I could not eat until you put him to sleep.

When I told my mom that I had no time, she always said that only thin people can say that. fat people (it’s about herself) will always find time and opportunity to eat... everything in the head, comrades)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №100792
It’s late, but it’s about the EEG.
Literally a witness. The entrance to the point of surrender, metal detectors stand workers, around the guards snoop with dumb faces. One girl, passing through the frame, wrote. I asked to show what was in the bag. They open - and there is a natural hammer, not even a knife. I see that it is real.
Nothing, they said to go on.
Yes, not a spade. It was terrible to be with her in the same audience.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100791
Beautiful guys can be kind and good, they will be given even despite these two disgusting traits of character. But for some reason they do not take advantage of this opportunity and still become fools. And the ordinary guys, if they are not fools, just won’t give. Or a ridiculous coincidence. There are so many idiots in the world.
yyy: ))))) Introduction to mutation :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100790
A friend from Rwanda says that if her compatriots saw how many Frenchmen throw away food, they would have killed them.
Killed and Eaten? and :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №100789
Fuck, I eat fried eggs so often, after my wife left, that I already started to distinguish the taste of the poultry factory.

yyy: fine poultry factory, I in the village distinguished from which carrier eggs

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna