— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №143009
Hemp is just a living weed, little that grows in the garden sometimes even inside the house grows. As soon as I open the closet - batyushki, and there grew, and the main thing had time to get rooted, and the walls of the foil grew and the bulbs have already shuffled, and the system of autopoly with ventilation. Everything was like this, comrade of the area, it was itself, probably a seed of wind.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №143008
Congratulations, the site for aitishniks, having passed through the stage of the site for a runet, long hanging in the stage of the site for a beetle, has yet to reach the title of the site for ovulations, ovulations and other chickens. Oh well comrades.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143007
I always laughed at the anecdote about my wife in the anti-gas and "Brows, what, stitched out?" But one day - after 10 years of life together - my husband was surprised to find a large mole on my face, which was always there, and rushed to check her presence on children’s photographs...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143006
Much worse

Hey, so you just don’t want to understand, everything as the first commentator and writes)))))

And vodka is one, and the girl is one, and we need actually always the same thing, you are balbes, mindless lazy)))))))

Most men can’t admit that they behave just like women.
If a man talks, he drinks. And it may also be, “Tell me,” but for them, “This is another matter.”
A man who cheats his wife for an unprepared dinner or a mess in the house is no better than a wife who cheats for a shelf and a small salary. Only men call it ‘pilit’ and women don’t.
Men are also not in the mood for sex. Only women don’t call it "breaking".
This bad habit of devaluing women’s feelings (as opposed to men’s) and hanging clichés leads to the fact that you’re defined as a fool.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143005
Bustly! Where are the jokes?
There is a table in the bar. There is another table at the table. The first asks her: Could I join you?
The cat, the odmin, the shredder.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №143004
Description of toy
After decades of hard work, the old tokar plans to escape from communism. On his way, he encounters the most incredible creature – a small abandoned robot. Can they get out of this dark world together?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №143003
Megaphone, on the way, went to the end.
I sit on the XS, read lightweight pages, suddenly hello, “you have exhausted the traffic limit.”
What “exhausted” when the speed limit is?
I see, “the terms of the tariff option have changed, for your convenience...”
“You paid for the goods yesterday, so we decided to ship twice as little for that money so you don’t blow your back.”
Is it down now or is someone else knocking down?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №143002
On the Chinese flagship discussion:

xxx: The only thing that Apple can’t make easier is to eb@lo users of its products.
Reply to

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №143001
Tagged with: divorce

I once visited the "divorce with a trailer", only in pants.
I testify: Women, as a rule, react much less than "homes goats".
Finding a decent couple is hard. But maybe.
Don’t give up, divorce of both sexes. And you will succeed, but don’t drop your hands and don’t fall of spirit. All will succeed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №143000
xxx: The attitude towards the performers in our team is very well characterized by the abandoned phrase of a colleague:
Can you send a piece of the artist?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №142999
In Peter, on a tour of the prison of the Trubetsky bastion (which is in the Petropavlovsky fortress). The guide tells us that this prison is purely political, not criminal, the prisoners were generally nobles. In this prison there was no torture, heavy physical labor, here the emphasis was placed on psychological pressure, torture by loneliness. You could ask the security guard to buy a fresh bread for tea, the prison had an extensive library, daily walks in the fresh air, and so on. Thus, the basic principles of detention in this prison were: complete loneliness (all cameras for one person), ringing silence (it was even forbidden to knock over) and complete physical inactivity (it was only possible to read and write, physical labor was excluded). And then from the crowd of tourists comes a disturbing male voice: "In general, I call it "vacation"..."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142998
The Russian economy is like a tetris: money goes there, comes in, and then once - and disappears.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142997
How to stay in Vienna.
1st Come to the Belvedere Garden and watch Apollo of Belvedere.
2nd Get Museum staff asking: "Where is (your mother) Apollo?and "
Three After receiving the answer: "What Apollo?", try to find yourself.
4 is After unsuccessful searches to spit, scratch, squeeze in roaming.
5 is Find out that the statue of Apollo is in the Belvedere Garden... in the Vatican.
6 is So that it can be heard in Salzburg

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №142996
After paying out the mortgage, introduce foods gradually so that the stomach can get used to food again.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142995
A strong wind on the coast of Vladivostok is when even in a bottle of beer a wave

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142994
A friend came to the interview.

They communicate, everything goes well.

A friend asks:

Are you married?

The candidate was so upset:

Do I need?

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142993
It would be easier for everyone if your "no" really meant "no" always and in all cases. But the thing is, shit, it’s not always so. And to recognize what and how is impossible.

Do you want to learn?
The simplest analogues from the life of men: Vase is offered vodka at work, he says sharp "no". Vase is offered vodka in the country, under a shale, Vasa says joyful "Yes". Although vodka and vasya are the same as the one offering. This "Not" means "Not here", "Not now". Change the conditions to more convenient.
Or here another. Vase is offered to pick up for 50p, he says "No". Offering 500r, Vasya says "Yes". "No" in this version means "your proposal is miserable to impossibility." This can relate to both the material sphere and the appearance and character of who is offered. Change the proposal to a more appropriate one.
Everything is quite simple, and it is not difficult to understand it if you want to.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142992
There are people who declare natural male polygamy, the type against nature is not to be denied.
And there are people who condemn the natural female mechanism of rejecting inappropriate partners.
Are they the same people?

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142991
In my childhood, the song of V. Leontyeva "I am the lonely wanderer of love Kazanov, eternal lover and eternal evil-hearted man" caused me to fear because the "eternal lover and eternal evil man - PTICEED!" Who is the heart-eater I did not know, but about bird-eaters I watched, of course, in the cognitive transmission. A bird-eating villain and a sloppy man jumping through the scene - this is all really terrible for the child's unstable psyche.
This is a Spider-Man in Russia.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142990
Do not offend the gynecologist. They are the worst doctors...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna