— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100388
I watched the new American film "Noah" about the flood and the thought came in our age of wars, violence, devastation and corruption and other acts, that they could do so that they wasted.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №100387
Response to Headsets:
Yesterday, they finally died after 10 or 12 years of impeccable service. For a couple of years, they were used by a sister (which means they fell from a large and a small height, something must have fallen on them, periodically they put a plate on the cable, and a person was placed on the plate, they were knocked by the door of the refrigerator, they sat and lay on them, they poured coffee, tea, milk and water on them, not surprising if they were irradiated with enriched uranium), in the end - once had to disassemble the left ear and insert a falling speaker into the palm.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100386
If you can get rid of fear, or scare, then sitting on a push you can not be afraid of either.
Further, by mathematical induction, it turns out that the man on the push is the most fearless creature in the world, because he is not afraid of fear and its expressions.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100385
- There are no claims to the meaning and to the cartoon, but to the grammar - there is: it is written correctly "not at all".
-- There is no spectacle more sad than the illiterate grammar-naz.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №100384
I clarify:

On television in the USSR there were two channels (in many places - one), and the usual phenomenon was, for example, the "flower screenshot" from 14 to 16. Well, and the program "Time" on both channels at the same time, so as not to switch...
And I switched:) One program "Time" from another lying seconds for 20-30. It could have been time to arrange such a mini-repetition of interesting cadres. For example, launch and landing "Buran". the actual.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100383
My cat has a favorite toy – a small plush pig. When I am not there, she plays with her, and always moves me from the couch to the bed. I say, the cat has put me a pig again.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №100382
A: How do you lock your phone when you put it on your ear to talk?
B: No, that’s really magic.
B: There is a detector that sends a signal to the ear and the signal is rejected from the brain.
If there is no brain, the phone is not blocked.
B: Because the sound comes out through the other ear

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100381
Responsibilities: Working with the website. Service of the site. and Plugins. Top 10 in Yandex, Google, Mile. The social network (VKontakte) by Google Edwards. Advertising on paid links, etc. Change of text. Reports on the work performed shall be sent to the post office (full). Links to which websites the work has been done.
XHH: now guess the name of the vacancy ))
WOW: an Internet marketer?
The programmer is fucking.)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №100380
Wake up technical support.
Technical comments at the closing of the application:
Earlier called the client, informed about the price, he agreed, then the master went to the client at the appointed time, but the master did not open the door and said "No money."

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №100379
Conversation of the Client (C) with the Designer (D)

Q: What is the number 666 in the code?
D: This is part of the sixteenth color coding. You do not like the color.
Q: These are bad numbers, our project will not be popular let’s replace them with 777

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №100378
Such officials sit in the Duma, and the speaker asks:
What will we do today? Will we solve the problem of low quality roads? To raise the standard of living of Russians? Oh, I came up with it, and let’s look for money, and we allocate 50 million rubles, to replace all money with money.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №100377
One thing is pleasant: our Sobchak is much smarter than their Psaki!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №100376
To the story of two armies, a girl and Putin from July 8.
Now in Israel another mess: riots, shelling, “casams” and so on. I’m in a taxi, and the driver, hearing that I’m talking on the phone in Russian, says:
Do you know what to do with these Arabs? I have a great idea – to invite Putin to us for a week, so that he can put the order in place. There would be silence in Russia, there would be Putin, there would be silence in Gaza, no one would dare to raise his head. Putin is not afraid of anyone, one week would be enough for him!!! to
What my friend suddenly notices:
Putin is not coming for a week.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №100375
A man, drunk in the wood, climbs home from a walk. His wife meets him with a wreath in her hands. A man falls on his knees before her and says:
Lucia, do not fly away! It was the last time!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №100374
Latest news about money

You know, some deputy discovered that on a hundred Apollo without cowards.
Okay okay?
And they’re going to make ten thousand with Crimson.
A bill of ten thousand?! to
- and what, so we live - somebody's Crimea, and somebody's member on a strobock

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №100373
What a completely innocent computer question can be asked to Carlson, a drug dealer, and the captain of the heater at the same time?

Does the screw work?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №100372
My wife and I decided to have a family drink. entered the vineyard. We can’t drink the same, so everyone chooses for themselves. Her liquor is expensive, 350 g, I whisker cheaper. I have 150-200 grams of norm for the evening, but if a liter is taken, it is proportionally significantly cheaper, the rest is in the closet about the stock. My look, let’s scream: "Where are you so much, are you not an officel? Eat what you decided to do tomorrow at work". This situation has been repeated many times and I have been struggling to explain. The mood was not very good, Hummour was silent.
After the wine went to the food shop. My buy sugar, ask, give kilos. I say, wait, why do you? It is like drinking tea. I turn to the saleswoman and say, “Give me 2 teaspoons of sugar, please.” My mother turned to me, opened her mouth and hanged. I see it slowly coming...
Since then, I’ve never been bothered how much I’ve taken home.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №100371
A friend posted a photo of the police car.
A_P: Why did you get caught up?
We drank wine in the park.)
A_P is made up?
hejly : no :)
A_P: Have you agreed?
hejly: could not deliver to the department)))
A_P: Did the girls resist the guards of order?? to
hejly: no :) Their car is stunned))
a_p : )))))
hejly: we even pushed, but she still didn’t do it.)
a_p: ppc, mints are burning))))
hejly: and they let us go))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №100370
XXX: This is...
XXX: My Mother
XXX I want to go with you.
YYY: I adore you!
XXX to drink.
“Because you’re smart, beautiful and don’t rape in a dark corner. And sorry...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №100369
With Habr, discuss the authorization system on a web camera face picture:
EminH: again, you can get rid of building a "secret" grimas - there is little chance that it will be found :)
Ogra: So it seems, “Your grimace is not reliable enough. Try moving your ears or licking your nose.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna