— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116897
Not mine, but a pity, as if the printer was connected to the head and printed.
A special thanks and a small gift.

Violated by parental love

A very strong text about how we unwittingly harass the lives of our children, falling in love with them to neurosis, lack of self-esteem and low self-esteem.

“Children are holy. The best for the kids. Let the children live. The flowers of life. joy in the house. Don’t worry, Daddy will do everything for you.

I was so tired of this song. As a parent, as a child and as a future grandfather. Is it enough to love children? Is it time for them to be human?

Personally, I’t want to appear in our time. Too much love. Once you have a date of birth, you become a doll. Mom, dad, grandparents, grandparents immediately start to work out their instincts and complexes on you. You are fed in three throats. You are called a child massager. You are dressed in jeans and jackets for general pleasure, although you have not even learned to sit. And if you are a girl, then in the second year of life you are pierced in the ears to hang the golden eyebrows, which at any cost wants to give a loving aunt Dasha.

By the third birthday, all the toys are no longer placed in the children's room, and by the sixth - in the garden. From day to day, you are first driven, and then driven by children's clothes shops, on the way to restaurants and slot machines halls. Particularly gifted in terms of love, mothers and grandmothers sleep with you in the same bed from ten to ten years, until it begins to be filled with pedophilia. Yes, I almost forgot it! The Planner! The child must have a planner. I would also like an iPhone. Years from three. Because he’s at Sereza, his mother bought him, and she doesn’t seem to earn so much, much less than us. And even Tania has a neighboring group, although she generally lives with her grandmother.

Before school usually ends the “puppet period”, and immediately begins the “correctional-labour period”. Loving parents finally realize that they have done something wrong. The child has excess weight, poor character and attention deficit syndrome. All this gives rise to a new level of exciting game of parental love. This level is called “find a specialist”. Now, with the same enthusiasm, you are dragged by nutritionists, educators, psychoneurologists, just neurologists and just psychologists. Rodna is crazy looking for some miracle that will magical healing results, without changing his own approach to raising the child. These esoteric practices essentially spend a lot of money, nerves and a sea of time. The result is zero whole, a little more than a tenth.

Even for this period is characterized by a desperate attempt to apply to the child the norms of iron discipline and labor ethics. Instead of genuinely engaging the little man with some interest, instead of giving him more freedom and responsibility, relatives line up with a belt and scream. As a result, the child learns to live from under the rod, losing the ability to interest at least something.

When the uselessness of the effort becomes obvious, the stage of broken parental passion begins. Here almost all loving parents suddenly start to abruptly hate their children: "We are for you, and you!"The only difference is that in some this hatred is expressed in complete surrender with the further direction of the child to a closed-type educational institution (Suvorov school, elite British school), and others rub in their head a recording with the inscription "you are my cross!"

Reconciled with the fact that nothing passive came out of a person, parents with Timothy Cross on their neck continue to in their already almost adult child a personality. They get rid of the army, arrange for a paid department at the university, give money for bribes to teachers and just current expenses, buy an apartment, a car, pick up a sinecure to the extent of their capabilities. If by nature Timothy is not too talented, then this strategy even brings some more or less edible fruits - a mentally ill but quite decent citizen grows up. Only much more often for the healing of wounds inflicted by excessive parental love, children are paid completely differently - health, lives, souls.

The cult of children arose in our civilization not so long ago – just some 50-60 years ago. And in many ways it is the same artificial phenomenon as the Coca-Cola Santa Claus jumping out of the tobacco market every year. Children are the most powerful tool to boost the race of consumption. Every square centimeter of a child’s body, not to mention the cubic millimeters of the soul, has long been divided between the producers of goods and services. Forcing a person to love himself with such manic love is still a rather difficult moral and ethical task. The love of the child comes from the middle. Then just turn on the counter.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that they didn’t love kids before. As much as loved. There was no child-centered family before. Adults did not play free animators, they lived their natural life and as they grew up involved their offspring in this life. The children were loved, but they knew from the first flash of consciousness that they were only a part of a large universe called “our family.” There are older people to be respected, there are younger ones to be cared for, there is our business to be involved in, there is our faith to be adhered to.

Today, the market imposes on society the recipe for a family built around a child. This is obviously a losing strategy that exists only to pump money out of households. The market does not want the family to be built properly, because then it will satisfy most of its needs itself, within itself. And the unhappy family likes to outsource their problems. And this habit has long been the foundation for billions of dollars in industries. The ideal, from the point of view of the market, the father is not someone who will spend the weekend with the child, go to the park, ride a bike. The ideal father is someone who will work overtime this weekend to earn a two-hour visit to the water park.

And you know what? And let’s replace in this column the verb “love” with another. To ignore, to care, to be indifferent. Because, of course, such parental love is only one form of selfishness. An angry mother, a hard-working father, is nothing more than a game of instincts. Whatever we say about parental duty and sacrifice, such paternity-maternity is a rough pleasure, a kind of love pleasure, one consistent biology.

There is such a beautiful Indian proverb: “A child is a guest in your house: feed, raise and let go.”

To feed - and the fool will be able, to raise - it is already more difficult, but to be able to let a child from the first minutes of his life slowly - this is love. You’re always right, Chingchuk.”

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116896
An old Viking teaches a young man:
If you land on the shore of an English village and see a church, rob it.
But why Father?
If there is a church there is nothing to steal in the village.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116895
XXX: Cracked fucking code in CSS!!! to
YYY: Are you suffering?
XXX: Not that word!
XXX: Imagine you are making a cake.
X: All the weekends I’ve been fighting. A cake like that.
xxx: cream, socks, zeppelin roses
Xxx: Marmelades there all kinds
XXX: And then you are asked to put a small cherry blade on top.
XXX: And here you put the cherry.
xxx: A cake turns into a monstrous size hairy MPH with spider legs
XXX: And with the rabbit's ears
xxx: You're such that I'm going to take you here along the way with this man's cherry cheese.
You clean the cherry so carefully.
And the shit did not change, only the left ear fell away.
The last comet in git was three days ago...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116894
XHH (playing Skyrim): When I’m lazy to get out of deep and confusing locations, I use the console’s teleportation command to the forger from Riften.
And I just introduced some sort of picture: with a periodicity of a couple of days before the patient carpenter from nowhere appears the Dragon-born and with an impenetrable view goes out the door.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116893
About the advertisement where a girl doesn’t want to fly to Rome with a cup of coffee. It is understandable. But the dialogue between the girl and her coffee shop makes you think, and does Rome need her at all?

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116892
In the car for travel purposes always lies a small kitchen scissor in the blanket.
On the weekend, they went out in nature, cut vegetables with this knife, and when they arrived, together with the rest of the dishes, they accidentally brought it into the house. Without a cover.

In the morning, I found nothing safer than to take it to the car, directing it sharply down and tightly pressing it to the chest.

By the way, there is a very harmful grandfather living in our entrance. Rise " with cockroaches" Go to bed late. For many years, all citizens have been bothered by their own law.

So here I go so beautiful... In a dress in peaches, in barefoot. The sun shines in my eyes - I smile... the knife to the nerds pressed...

And the grandfather goes to meet... And, as often happens, he takes a step in the strain, and I go in the same direction, he goes in the other, and I...

You would see this face distorted by the feeling of imminent retribution!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116891
With Laura:

Q: # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd
dd: writing to ‘/dev/sdd’: No space left on device
What does it mean?

A: There is not enough space for all /dev/zero content, try using compression, the zeros should compress well. somehow so:
# dd if=/dev/zero, xz -9e, dd of=/dev/sdd

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116890
14:04:04 xxx:
I drank coffee in the morning.)

14:04:16 yyy:
The morning was an hour ago.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116889
here here :

Today I reviewed my old school diaries and understood what I still learned from the time spent in school :)
Note from the diary of the 7th grade: 'Trying to run on the wall'
Note from the diary of 9th grade: 'Run through the walls'
= is

My cat runs through the walls. It would be fun to see you run in a couple.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №116888
This is:

And not only. I, for example, know one paid clinic, where they take specifically in appearance. The physician-man there must be majestically noble, such a professor - a secular lion, doctors-women can be taken in full composition on a yacht around the world in one bikini, a massager and the one like from a bodybuilder competition. True, and in terms of qualification, things are very and very decent.

Interested, but the name can be known?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116887
Reference to IPB:

It arranged absolutely everything. Well held the voltage leaps and 15 minutes held without a socket computer (Intel core i5 with power unit at 650) with a 23 inch monitor and 2 external hards in video rendering mode. Silent ventilator but it is only when it starts and in battery mode so it is not critical. Disconnected sound from the button.

It exploded after a year and a half (((((

A good IP.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116886
After reading the description of the film "Man of ants", the question torments me. The costume does not have a colour collection. So if a person needs to go out of great need, he will have to do it out. Does this mean that the result of the need, having been out of the costume, will take the natural volumes of the human pile and there will be a chance to face the ants, which has resembled the pile in times and in orders greater than its volume and weight?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №116885
I will continue to live in Alternative Reality.
I bought a phone for my 12 year old daughter. She is offered a smartphone, some other sensory nonsense. My lady's reaction: "I would use it a little bit, so that it't break and fit in the pocket. " In response to the question of the seller "why not the cooler phone chose?", she replied: "in simplicity is perfection!"
Now I wondered, was it not in vain that I read her Chinese philosophers in her early childhood?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №116884
I fear that there will inevitably come a day when technology will outperform simple human communication. And the world will have a generation of idiots.

by Albert Einstein

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116883
From the discussion of dogs feeding tigers.
XHH: It will be interesting when it catches like a dog.
WOW: It can be. At least he will try.
My cat was raised by my dog (the cat gave birth and died in a week, we fed three kittens out of a pipette, then gave two and one remained). From March to June, the cat was not released from the house. And then he went out, saw the neighbor’s cat and tried to beat him. It sounded like this (fast-fast): "me-me-me-me"
It should have been heard.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №116882

The cult of children arose in our civilization not so long ago – just some 50-60 years ago. And in many ways it is the same artificial phenomenon as the Coca-Cola Santa Claus jumping out of the tobacco market every year. Children are the most powerful tool to boost the race of consumption. Every square centimeter of a child’s body, not to mention the cubic millimeters of the soul, has long been divided between the producers of goods and services. Forcing a person to love himself with such manic love is still a rather difficult moral and ethical task. The love of the child comes from the middle. Then just turn the counter on.
The market does not want the family to be built properly, because then it will satisfy most of its needs itself, within itself. And the unhappy family likes to outsource their problems. And this habit has long been the foundation for billions of dollars in industries. The ideal, from the point of view of the market, the father is not someone who will spend the weekend with the child, go to the park, ride a bike. The ideal father is someone who will work overtime this weekend to earn a two-hour visit to the water park.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116881
xxx: I came to the UFMS with the bats, that they would be struck on me and because they did not come on the appointed day and time for the passport.
YYY: Are you driving Batty to change his passport and listening to insults for his bats? Did you think you could be your grandmother?
XXX is grandmother.
Yyy: Yes, his grandmother, his mother.
XXX: Give up such a child.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116880
"LANfran-LANfra" - a song about the laying of network cables
Do you know what Boyarski puts the cables in?
ZZZ: in the mouth
No, it is on cable channels.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №116879
xxxx: A PTO engineer was jailed for a computer found in the closet - 96 MB of operating equipment, HR...
How it works, I do not understand.
YYYY: It is Magic
xxxx: Ah, the necromancy is called)))

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116878
Do you not understand that your principle is our killed and wounded people? What do we think of each person? What is this confession putting the cross on the Russian propaganda about fascists? What did you stupidly ruin relations with the former friendly people?
— — —
Yes, we destroyed our relations with the friendly people. Here I am, and my old mother, and the child is a year old... And the aunt from Ukraine doesn’t call us anymore, because she also thinks that it’s all of us, fools and fools. My own person, haha. Maybe among the Russians and little adequate, but judging by such positions among Ukrainians there are not at all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna