— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102082
Reykjavik is Iceland, not Finland.
– What a difference – Iceland, Finland... They are all Uzbek.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №102081
And what to say about you, you don’t even know what a disco is. This is when a bunch of teenagers move from foot to foot. And the movement of the hands depends on which dance is fast or slow. With quick hands make crendels and twists. And slowly there is a girl in them. All in all, yeah! Moving is a very useful skill, as it turns out. The baby’s breasts are perfect movements.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №102080
Case at the exhibition. The cat is sleeping under the blanket. The man in the coat asks me to show her, because he paid the entrance.
I ask :
How much?
20 UAH
I paid 50 euros for the exhibition. Get disguised! I will look at you.
The man escapes in horror.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102079
YYY: I have a favorite time at work - coffee drinking with botanical programmers, I love them all))) the latest developments from the world of science and technology, virtual reality, Mac or Linux, "how to enslave the world", microsoft - shit, JavaScript will conquer the web, colonies on Mars, robots will take jobs from people, how to train a cat etc. Go to drink coffee with the girls: a show of cosmetics, washing on the weekend, problems with the nephew, the cat squeezed on the couch, which coffee is better - latte or fleet white. Do you feel the difference? and :)

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102078
Finished!philfak!, arranged for daddy director in!building company?!!! In the leadership position! Yes, there is something to be proud of, all "self" achieved.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №102077
15116: Do not violate the PDD (in the sense, do not lie in the intersection) - and you will be lucky. And about irrigation in the rain has already been written, and many times: wet dirt to wash it is easier than first to wet the dust, and then wash it. In the rain, half of the work is done.

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102076
In the country there is a terrorist attack - local taxi drivers on the subway from / to the scene of the tragedy raise prices 2-3 times.
There is a failure to harvest - local banchilles, which have sufficient stocks until the next harvest, excessively raise prices.
Against the country sanctions are introduced, the country is introducing retaliatory measures - local banks are raising prices for everything, including things not related to sanctions.
Has anyone yet heard that the notion of "repression" and "local flexion" does not exist or exists only in the brains of the citizens mentioned above and their analogues?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102075
This is:

Here, in addition to Grammar Nazis, they also proposed to organize Punctuation-Folkshturm. With both hands "for" Friends, signs of interruption are a great thing!
– – – – –
I have a price list from the store "Pentachok" LLC "Pentachok - Amphibia"SPb with this text (author's style is preserved):
Mayonnaise Provence with Colibri

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102074
bla bla bla...
Before it was released in series (in the form of a penny), colonial work was done!
and bla bla bla.
– – – –
It is five! It is just the victory of reason over intelligence. If you understand what I mean.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №102073
In the original quote it was correct to say, a normal woman does not look at other men.

So what am I crazy about? If I have a beautiful man, I don’t go to the left and I don’t allow myself to flirt with other men, it doesn’t mean that I, buying a homemade paste from the health of the former Marine Corps, such a simple mimic body, don’t think that in my distant 20 years, I would shake him in all instances, if we were both free. The eyes see, libido is in place. The other thing is that I do not take any action, because see. above - a beautiful man is already there, from herer to change the sheet for soap. Am I now a prostitute? Fuck you, you moralists are foolish.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102072
My God is the same.
I did not see in the dark.
I will follow again.
Yes you

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №102071
There was a time when, at the journal factory of the Moscow University, such a Kurdyum taught ancient and medieval literature. It was a legendary grandmother: still alive! In the morning, they all jointly entered her in the classroom, put a horse on the table before her, threw off the door and poured notes out of his belly on the table. You have understood, no? The Trojan Horse!! to
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
A terrible story. Here is mine:
We (211 school, SPb) had a cool teacher of chemistry, Pavlov Evgeny Alekseevna - old, very wise, humorous and knowing their subject perfectly. She didn’t even accept any gifts, even flowers for Teacher’s Day. But we wanted to give her a gift she could not refuse.
And we had an eternal problem with spirits: there were no light bulbs to light them forever. In general, just before the next holiday we all (every person in the class) bought a box of light bulbs, wrote on them instructions to future young chemists and signed with their names, put all these boxes in a three-litre bowl, decorated with some stripes or flowers, I do not remember, and in this form gave.
She took only because of the idea :) I'm still wondering if growing schoolchildren read our tips :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №102070
Two Wolves in the mausoleum will argue who will pay for the community.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102069
xxx: "Eat what they give!" - the main slogan of our consumer society is returning
How can you eat pizzas??? o.o

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №102068
I add :

In the original quote it was correct to say, a normal woman does not look at other men. ___________________

So what am I crazy about? If I have a beautiful man, I don’t go to the left and I don’t allow myself to flirt with other men, it doesn’t mean that I, buying a homemade paste from the health of the former Marine Corps, such a simple mimic body, don’t think that in my distant 20 years, I would shake him in all instances, if we were both free. The eyes see, libido is in place. The other thing is that I do not take any action, because see. above - a beautiful man is already there, from herer to change the sheet for soap. Am I now a prostitute? Fuck you, you moralists are foolish.

Here is this holy belief that a woman should be like a stray horse, if she is with a man, it’s all from male complexes and a painful ego. You, then, can porn, and other babies to look at, and we figures? Well not. You can talk as much as you want about what is right and "normal", and in real life women still notice other, often more beautiful, healthy and strong males. And if they remain loyal to you, it’s not because you’re so exceptional, but because they love you. Appreciate this and value your wives, because it is difficult, but not impossible, to distract a loving woman.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №102067
Hello, is it yyy?
YYY: Yes, I am listening to it.
xxx: This is xxx, I represent the beauty salon “***”. We soon open up and offer gift services: comprehensive facial rejuvenation procedures or hair care. What would you want from this?
YYY: Thank you, I am not interested.
XXX: It is a pity! It is a pity that you are not interested in anything.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №102066
Winniezepu: I watch the clips of the 90s on the titub, nostalgic. I could not fail to share the following comment:
Carmen and Bogdan, Titomir, I'm Grown Up to Sing You! I'm listening to their songs on the record and I'm calling on the phone"
Let this vegetable not be born before 93. Otherwise, everything looks very sad.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102065
I am 76. I use the internet without my grandchildren. As they say, what am I doing wrong?

I am 48. Recently, I explained to my 15-year-old son what the "selfie" concept is and how easy it is not to confuse the endings. He has known about sex for a long time.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №102064
Here, in addition to Grammar Nazis, they also proposed to organize Punctuation-Folkshturm. With both hands "for" Friends, signs of interruption are a great thing!
Yesterday I went, I see the inscription on the glass vitrine: "Collage to the Orpus of Phones". They came, I think. The next step is to install the driver on the mouse carpet. Then it came: the fifth was not put:"Switch, cell phone ";

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №102063
Please advise games that have nuclear weapons.
Yyy: Serious Sam had a gun with nuclei.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna