— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101982
<Alka> the ability to include the fool-a sign of female wisdom
< Melody> rather tricks
<Alpha> I don’t think
<Melody> sorry
<Imagine> the prick of wisdom, it is the ability to fool-off.
<Melody> exactly

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101981

yyy: Try to break the Excel file with your hands - it raises the mood in the morning!

What is it: Acho? Opened the file. He divided it into five parts and kept it under different names. Then I threw it into 5 different baskets on the desk.

I know how to spend working hours.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №101980
To enter the purified railway is to scratch a dark spot from the tableboard for half an hour and then realize that it is a shadow from the tea tree.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101979
I worked for a long time at the SES.I washed the cushion on the base, and put it in the dryer (160 °).At the exit I was waiting for a composition of plastic stalagmites and a sticky cushion. After trying to scrape the cloth, she decided to heat it in the same way, and so that the plastic did not swell the closet, she laid a sheet of paper at the bottom. Again, at the exit, I was met with the smell of well-brown plastic and a brown sheet of paper that had been dried to the state of pergament by the miracle of not burning. The safety instructions were clearly not read by me.

and ***

Apparently, a negative IQ is also a reality...

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101978
Discussion of the new film "A Good Man" with Sigal on a famous track.

XXX: the set of battle is less.
But here’s how you can have sex with a naked grandmother while you’re dressed in a leather coat. I have never seen such.
Why does he not show his body? As a snowman. Seeing the fat swam seriously.

YYY: Why do you look at the naked Seagal?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101977
Always know your place in the food chain.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101976
This story happened in the time of a tumultuous student youth... my friend wanted to try a group shower. He persuaded me to call the girls of the corresponding profession, of course, two.. agreed that they would come to my house.. we stand near the entrance, we wait.. a taxi comes in, one girl comes out, cute.
I say goodbye, “What is your name?” and “Julia.” "Julia, nice, but we both ordered, wanted to have fun, will you do it yourself?" Then she says, “I don’t know what you ordered there, I’m going home to myself!” It turns out, it’s a neighbor from the upper floor... so I haven’t been red for a long time...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №101975
All of! The reconstruction is finally over! The McDonald’s at Pushkinskaya is closed.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101974
The night. The phone rings. The tube is taken by the husband of the factory. From there the scream "We urgently need a cat on the cage!!!!!and "
The husband asks with a bad voice: “All cats sleep.” He puts the phone.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101973
Commentary on the article "North Korea offered Russia its programmers"
xxx: It’s probably not that easy to program on wooden bills.
yyy: is it by chance not those who made that "super Mega" game? There are some races there.
zzz:In North Korea of races only "Catch the Dog" and "Cross the Border"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101972
The Ukrainian flag was hanged on a Stalinist highlight in Moscow.

Activists hanged a Palestinian flag on the Manhattan Bridge in New York.

1 to 1 shield.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101971
X is Hi!
Y: We have been healed today.
X: I do not remember.
Y: And I took a course of pills and my memory improved.
What are the names of the pills?
and : blin

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №101970
Program recognition of sleep phases:
xxx: Two in one bed - in any way does not work normally - there is no way to recognize the affiliation of movements
YYY:...and if a murmuring cat falls on him in bed, the program will just destroy itself, ahah!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101969
xxx is. The modern luster served for two years, and the bullet collapsed. And the modern refrigerator worked for several years and required repair, at a cost comparable to a new refrigerator. And then, the master said that a good refrigerator, now such no longer do. And the previous - the Soviet - served for several decades without any repair.
YYYYY I was dealing with the dust dust. Lovely called it Sasha Graysal on Hur.

[ + 34 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101968
On the border of the clouds walk clouds,
The end of horror.
Along the high shores of Amur
Pandas walk and eat people.

Pandas wear butterflies and hats.
Pandas wash their feet at the stream.
Ready Wipes and Wipes
You can only find it in the grass.

A man in a cottage burns a cloud,
With him mushrooms, garlic and celery...
Along the high shores of Amur
Pandas cook and eat people.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101967
A girl goes with a guy under the pen and asks where she found cellulite. He replied: "Rejoice that you are not on your forehead! Imagine it would be on the forefront!"
She, after a second pause: “Then I would be a Klingon!”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101966
In my opinion, the hunt should be short. As a team, as the enemy’s life.
We are in Russia. In Russia, humming is only sized from large to absolute.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101965
- But if we and the children tried to install a toy at home, and we got a message "Out of video memory", then we need to pay some money or, maybe, you can pick up a box in the bios?
No, we need to buy. What kind of toy? Any of the dancers?
Do not believe. The Goat Simulator.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №101964
About children, sexual education and repair.

I did not explain anything, my sister and I bought a children's book, like a comic book. By the way, I was probably 10, my sister was four years younger. Nothing, I read, I learned. Then, watching movies and series where a uncle and a uncle just kiss, and then the aunt says I’m pregnant, I still doubted the full truthfulness of that educational book for a long time. The doubts dissipated, when at 12-13 years I also stumbled on a video cassette, then everything came to its place.

I am for what? Anyone who does, all their time.

PS: I had a colleague, she closed off from her 15-16 year old daughter, because in the weekend evening there erotic shows. and UGU. The daughter has a computer with inertia from 10 years old, the parents are older, in the compass generally no go-go. Fuck you shit :D

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №101963
So why so? When in the American film turn on the TV after the phrase "This is said on all channels!", important news starts from the very beginning, and we - wherever you go, everywhere there is advertising, then the weather forecast...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna