— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101741
A small group of players during a very large-scale PvP (server-to-server) for five minutes has been trying to knock the door of the enemy fort.

Why are there no enemy players?
Q: Is this a PVP?
It is PVD.
HHH: Oh the PVD? Players against...
Tagged: doors

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101740
Meat prices from South America are higher and the quality is worse than in Europe, and delivery can be much more expensive, again it will be carried through Belarus, because Russia has no access to the sea.


The man killed. Tell me where you studied and where you work, I want to know where such wonders come from.
Russia has no way to the sea, Russia has no way to the sea. Russia has no way out to the sea!! to
I cry and laugh at the same time. This is the best nonsense I have heard in my life. Bravo to you, bravo. Twice brave for not being ashamed to speak about economics.
And, by the way, with a high percentage of probability the beef you eat is from Argentina.

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №101739
Listen to Archangelsk:

I learned that my young man is going to make me an offer next weekend. From the beginning, of course, madly delighted))) But then began to realize that she is not ready for family life at all. And the "friend" of him lying next to me was also not delighted.

[ + 9 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101738
Personally, everyone, putting their hand on the heart, want to have a three-level apartment, ride on the Maybach and sunbath at sea 4 times a year. But since this is not achievable for the absolute majority, let's go ahead and hysterize about our all - the possibility to buy 2 times a month 100 grams of brie or hamon and feel the drunken freedom of choice.
I love Bri. I love science fiction, industrial, my work and brie. Brie is great and delicious. I love when there is an interesting story in the movie, I like when a book is interesting to read. I love when food tastes good. And when some hamlo without my knowledge comes to me in the refrigerator and indicates what I should eat, and what not - I don't like it. Can you explain to me why I should refuse this bri? To pump the Danish cheeses that make this brie? Yes, I love these cheeses, they are great guys, because they make such cheese.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101737
Mom and Dad are talking in the kitchen.
M: Do you know what an etheric body is?
P: of course! The body on the operating table.
M: And the astral?
Q: This body is from Australia.
M (laughing): Well what is mental then?
P: You don’t even have to think about it, and that’s clear!
M is?! to
Q: Do you see the falsehood from the window?

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101736
This is why we need to reduce the number of criminals.)
The corrupt? Shoot to
Drugs to shoot.
rapist to shoot
Tagged with: confiscation
GG: The organs?
Thread: And they too
full of people who want to live and work for the good of the state and the people
Medicine will jump to a new level.
Today, dear interns, we will cut the chief doctor for corruption.
Theft in especially large amounts is punished by deprivation of the kidney. The same act committed by a group of persons on a preliminary conspiracy is punished by deprivation of the kidney, lungs and spleen.
the state: immediately then even the law to accept that persons without any bodies are forbidden to occupy state posts...)))
RPG: Without a Brain
You are right away on the whole word)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101735
From the classic:
We didn’t have a cliché, and we used the tea.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №101734
According to Belstat, for five months of 2014, Belarusian lemons were delivered to Russia for $1.7 million, Belarusian bananas - for $183,000, Belarusian pineapples - for $37,000, Belarusian nuts (coco, Brazilian, cash and almonds) - for $1.8 million, Belarusian midi - for $792,000, Belarusian octopuses - for $449,000.
The voice of Lukashenko: Well, the earth has been born, don’t shut it back, let’s sell it!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101733
[10:44:28] xxx: I sit in the morning with the pills in my hands and can't remember: I have already drank them or not yet)))) pills just to improve memory))))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101732
Typical female conversation.

Do you remember my white jacket?
Oh, that yellow one?
Yes yes, it is brown.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101731
Who was there offering "Freedom tours to Belarus"? Here’s what I’ll tell you: if you consider smoking and speech to be a sign of freedom, you deserve such a government and such laws.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №101730
Normal middle pindos, especially in the depths, are very hospitable, always ready to help, active and lively and virtually without murmuring. In the middle of Texas, by stopping on the track, you’ll be constantly meeting people from passing by cars that everything is OK and no help is needed – it’s actually very pleasant and touching.

But everything about the surrounding SSP world, the inhabitants of SSP are very little interested. The fact.


It would be nice if the average Russians were the same! And yes, let them be less interested in the world around them, and more engaged in their affairs.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101729
I’m gone to myself :(
Percentage of GDP: % of GDP? The Turtle? The kangaroo?? to
The Strauss...
%bk%: I introduced a strut that comes in (with the head surely)*ROFL*

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №101728
Stop, for the sake of God! Russia has all the resources to increase the production capacity of agricultural products – to put it simply, the harvest. The land remains, though abandoned. And people who haven’t gone yet. And the climate is suitable, although not as mild as in Europe. The issue of import and export of products is not only economic but also political. Here are the politicians who pushed the domestic agriculture to the root and sold land under the cottage, now let them turn, bringing everything back to its place. And the Russians don’t eat after the first meal.

Do you really believe that politicians will turn around? To prohibit yes, they can, but to develop industry and agriculture is quite another matter. For example, energy sources need to be reduced, because they are expensive. This will be the loss of their people. No one in power will take such measures.

The vodka has traveled. You will have to drink less.
No, you’ll have to eat less now.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101727
For the last five years, the girl has been attracted to ZAGS. And here, I sit in line, passports are already in the process of applying. I almost keep my wife from escaping.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101726
Here many of my acquaintances dream of sleeping with two twins... I do not have such thoughts.. the only thing I would like to do with them is to put a stamp on one of the twins "a copy of true"))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №101725
*XH is out of the website of the state service*

So here are you, handsome creatures with a distilled brain!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101724
Question: How clean will the cockroach body be after washing in powder at 60°?
This is not empty curiosity, unfortunately.
I haven't used the washing machine for a long time, there were cockroaches in it. I’m washing in the shell for the third time, fragments of cockroaches are still hitting.
In general, I don’t get anything from this cockroach meal or is it better to wash it with my hands?

Answer: Some refuse to pay for soups with cockroaches. and some of them in the washing machine disinfect :D Wash with Love Magic Tarakanov!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №101723
They are getting that money now!
Milk, for example, they take from 4 to 7 rubles per liter.
Compare the price per liter in the store.
The rest is obtained by processors, transporters, and also rotated by passers and defunct managers.
The young man caught it.
And now imagine that this gang will have fewer problems with competition.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101722
"I am too old to change nick"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna