— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101681
XXX:...More mentally it can be said "the phones with buttons had a soul and individuality"
YYY: and there was no brain.
ZZZ: The brains were in the owner.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №101680
Judging by the news, while everyone was watching the Ukrainians who changed Civilization to some kind of RTS, few people noticed the plague.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101679
xxx: Before you write me something, understand, my system of values has changed. Yesterday at midnight I sat on the floor in the taste of the alphabet. and cried. I read the composition of a cat toilet filler. and loud.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №101678
The most angry of all is the one who himself wanted to go, but failed.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №101677
Why did the fool, who had cut and shed acid on Danay, have been given a lifelong psychic at all times, and in the present, all praised, the fools who have adopted the law of morality, have given a prize for their so low-payment?? to
by Hawchick

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101676
I don’t want a third world war, I want a third half-life, but unfortunately a third world war is more likely.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101675
-<...>Because titles are simpler, they are like the dollar<...>
Falling without artificial support? XD is

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №101674
What does a city cat do when it sees a live mouse for the first time?
This is one of the most important things in the world.
It depends on the cat.

My half-year-old Taichun, first in May of this year, when he got out in nature and saw a thick, splinter shovel in the garden, almost knocked his sister off his feet and got into the bed like a meteorite. The lion, right away, washed off, but this body after half an hour wrapped a half-meter hump.
Further, it had to be strictly controlled, because the neighboring chickens and rabbits handled the beast unusual - closed in the house, walked on a guide (trained for a week).

But Kun, three years older than him, when he saw a mouse on the floor, first looked at it.
His eyes were square, full of horror, and he refused to get out of the closet. I had to put the pillow on the closet, and walked only on the pen. 10 kg in cattle, however.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101673
That’s what I like about women’s underwear – that’s what’s under it.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №101672
“The domestic producers.” It is usual for us to mix with them a very large proportion of packers, who have a domestic in the product only a label, and not always. It usually happens in this way: in Turkey, Poland, India or elsewhere where green peanuts, cucumbers, tomatoes and similar snails are purchased. Further, on Chinese equipment in the Moscow suburb, gastarbayters from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan pack the goods in packaging imported from Germany or the Netherlands, paste the label printed in Finland, and send the goods to the “Cross” or “Dixie”. On the packaging proudly means: the manufacturer - LLC "Golden Niva", the village of Razdolny, Stavropol region, the Russian Federation. "Native manufacturer" under this case is beating out benefits and subsidies to support the rising Russian business. The beauty.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №101671
of Moscow. The food store.
Are there media?
There is.
God, but they are nowhere.
The Belarusians.
In Belarus...
The Belarusians.
15 Belarusian media.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101670
Comments on the web comic "Elf in Ced":

Does she no longer cover her ears?

Yyy: > she no longer covers her ears?
Why Why? Everyone does not care. They are only visible to Max and Kira for some reason.

Zzz: Okay, this is what you will do if you see a grandmother with elephant ears in the city?
Think of the "dirty rollers" and pass by!

Vvv: No, I will think "O! The Roller! I’m not drinking alone!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101669
At some point you just realize that you have already lived enough compared to the children who have a whole life ahead.


This is shit dog. That’s why I see healthy, energetic people who at 60 decided that enough, live, let the children live. These people are the foundation of civilization. They have the experience, the mind and the strength enough to apply it all. But no, fucking, children – and people are buried alive.
I allow you to kill yourself when you decide that you have lived enough, and I will live a full life and work until my natural death.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101668
I don’t understand who needs these modern technologies, if they still can’t come up with a USB port in which the flash drive can be plugged on any side.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101667
On one sports site once was a post "Kerzhakov Rating" about the attackers with the lowest percentage of execution.
Top comment: Cherokee did not get here.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101666
What will be eaten, for example, in Kaliningrad, in principle is unclear.

*** by
Exactly the same as before the sanctions: local milk, farm meat, poultry from the Baltic farm and so on.

And we also have smoked wheat: fat, gentle, melting itself in the mouth. So, you can start to be jealous. Because there is no such hole anywhere else.

Listen, do you really eat all of the hamon and brio, all right down?

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №101665
From JJ, stone in the fast "You must not eat pork.":

Someone so admired the world around him and worshipped all its manifestations that he simply did not eat anything at all; he knew firmly that he had no right to do so. lived not long.
The worms, who are alien to any philosophy, then pleaded, “One bone!” Well, what a man was greedy, he left us nothing."

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101664
The KGB Dropper:

About crosswords, Theodosius and the editor-in-chief.
— — —
No, now I know exactly who wrote millions of posts in the 37th century...
— — —
Everyone is crushing in order not to let the West rule with us, and the editor does not care who owns the Crimea.
Now I understand that in the 37th the guys were not so innocent.
— — —
That was one of my grandfathers, when among the same simple workers dared to ask at lunch the question in the hall: "What kind of food do we feed Spanish children when theirs are hungry?" he did not return from lunch to the workshop. And did not return at all. He probably felt very guilty.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №101663
This is what we are talking about, and you with your screams I will take away from myself - I will give the child, only corrupt your children, growing out of them selfish and egocentric.

I confirm it with my personal example. My parents used me and I grew up to be selfish. This greatly prevents being a good person and establishing relationships. Because even if the brain knows how to do the right thing, the nature inside presses you to do differently, and you often realize that you have behaved like a selfish fool after the act.

I love my parents very much – they are good people and wanted the best. But guys, please – don’t have the "all the best for children"... by suppressing my selfishness I don’t become happier. I want to be better than I am inside, but it is almost impossible to re-educate.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101662
What about the mania of greatness?
Headlines of news:

TV Center: On Sunday, Earth's people will see a supermoon

In Moscow is expected a supermoon

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna