— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101481
xxx: Would you go home from here, from the United States, because of the girl?

YYYYYYYY: Yes No controversial questions please.

X: Do you have anything against the Akatsuki?! to

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101480
I read a note from the series "It is useful to know" about business soap, what it is dirty and universal. I barely sat down after the phrase "My classmate (it was a long time!) She had a thick luxurious haircut below the poop. One that I could not make".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101479
XXX: Not for that I am Andrew's sweat in the cockpit
I want my mother to tell me later
You look at yourself in the mirror, boobs like your grandmother.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101478
Today at the station I stand in line to the administrator to find out about the tickets, in front of me two uncles in shirt. And here is one of them on the ration for all the noise: "Attention, attention. On the street of bla bla-bla in the zoo shop stolen a cat bowl. Kidnapped a cat! How all roasted.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101477
xxx (20:51:52 5/08/2014)
Do you have a bite with long pens?
yyy (20:59:16 5/08/2014)
If only me! )
xxx (20:59:50 5/08/2014)
Bite a tree under the window, in the air conditioner branches swim.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №101476
Questions for Biorhythmists:
Why if I go to bed at ten in the evening, I wake up at eleven in the morning? And if I go to bed at six in the morning, then – Tadam! Would I wake up again at 11 in the morning?
Z is. The option "because you are a lazy ass" is not accepted, it is understandable.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101475
monsta: I thought here - when the proga swallows and begins to eat 100% of the proca, does not respond to the keys and does not update the ui - this is a complete illustration of the saying "when I eat, I am deaf and dumb"

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101474
My mom accidentally threw out the switch from the meat machine. That this thing is called a switch, I learned in the service center, where I came to buy it. The dialogue:
Hi to you! I need such a plastic piece for a meat machine that attachs such a iron bucket to the body.
(absolutely unreasonable) 450 rubles
Okay, can you tell me what her name is?
(More than a transitory)
Thank you very much
I can imagine what rebuffs they have to face :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №101473
I come home in the evening, the cat in the dishes has the remnants of manna cabbage, sliced cabbage, melon... I try to explain to my mommy that the house is not a goat, but a predator, everything is unsuccessful, she also asks for everything and eats well.
I am afraid that convincing the cat itself that she is a predator, and not a herbivorous lover of cabbage and fresh cucumbers, is absolutely impossible.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №101472
I have been using the Internet for five years according to the following scheme: linux -> Red-Browser -> delete everything when you go napig + Adblock and so on.

Here it was necessary to test the project in the conditions: visible -> all-around browsers, and even the Internet Sports...

Fear and horror!! Give me my pink glasses! I want to go back to my dear censored internet, without a bunch of advertisements and influential sands!!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101471
The Optimist:

An alternative to the realization of the characteristic of each individual male sex, even to the most final stroke, placed in the subconscious by the evolution of the warrior’s instinct. Crushing monsters on the screen is fine. Weapons ( not combat) on the walls are hanged - even better =) And combat in the safe is locked - generally great.
If there is trouble, who will protect you, foolish foolish? The eye-catching intelligent who, with the spirit of half an hour, gathers to catch the flies? Or a sofa football fan with a beer bowl proudly lying on his knees? Those who spend time in battles, even virtual, are much less likely to get lost in a critical situation.

If he did not hold anything heavier than a mouse in his hands, strategically he may be somewhat more subdued, but he is practically the third rich in the company of the above-mentioned.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №101470
Where is my pension? Has she drowned? What do you do with your pension when you are in Ukraine? Listen, the dogs are frozen!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №101469
Hrapunzel: It’s bad to look at the slugs. We watched the cartoon Tarzan (2013) with her daughter, where Jane bites a snake, she faints, Tarzan sucks poison from her shoulder and splashes, and her husband began to watch after the snake, Jane saw Tarzan, fainted, he bit her and splashed:
It was unpleasant, my husband commented.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101468
Knowledge of English, you do not separate there, or you Hermione may well turn into Yomaona some.
Yamaona, Datichona and Isisudana

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №101467
I pushed 4 wheels from Tiggo in the subway, the worried man asked: what, is it already beginning?

[ + 15 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №101466
Everyone goes to Russia:
Yanukovych first fled.
Crimea followed him.
Then came the refugees from Donbas.
The Ukrainian army is fleeing to Russia.
I’m even afraid to imagine who’s next :facepalm:

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №101465
Chat correspondence at work between a new sysadmin (C) and a colleague from the procurement department, a drink lover (Z)
A: The new workplace needs to be washed up;)
C: I don’t drink
J: How is it? Siss admin, and you don’t drink?
C: The AGA
Q: Is it encoded?and :)
C is no. I just woke up in Krasnoyarsk.
G: Given that we are now in Krasnoyarsk, this is normal :)
C: Given the fact that I started drinking in Mytices, it’s not normal.
A harsh Mytishchynsky Sisadmin, working where he woke up))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №101464
kissmyba (10:50 - 4 Aug. by 2014) The mayor of the city of Novosibirsk refuses to agree on the March for Federalization of Siberia to ensure the inviolability of the constitutional system.

kissmyba (3:34 - 5 Aug. by 2014) March “For the inviolability of the constitutional order, in particular for the observance by the state of the principle of federalism”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №101463
In my opinion, complaints that in the winter suddenly cold, in the summer unexpectedly hot, in the autumn unpredictably rainy, and in the spring unusually dirty, writes one person.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №101462
xxx: I will include the organization of a wow raid for 25 people in the resume!
xxx for the manager.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna