— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154978
A little about effective managers, and "yes behind the fence of such"

I work as an installor. We are building the bridge at the final stage. It is time to start painting. The general contractor contacts with the organization, which is professionally engaged in the painting of bridges and painted all our previous objects, and proclaims the price of 6 million. (I do not know the exact amount). Malaria, categorically disagree to work for such a sum, at least 20 million. The contractor includes the "yes, such behind the fence line" function and finds a contractor ready to paint for 6 million.

A brigade of "painters" arrives at the facility: they are enlisted elementarily by announcement, everyone sees each other for the first time, with the bridges never encountered, and... guess how many among them prof. Malaria... one that they have a type of master and then an automaker.

Well, then everything is predictable: three days they walk around the bridge, not knowing where and how to start. It starts with half grief. Techniques and tools are zero. Everything is rented from us.

Looking at their work, I wanted to laugh... a second, and then you realized that the bridge could not be painted, and the deadlines are not endless, and it was no longer to laugh.

They sanded the metal, immediately washed it, it immediately rusted, they in shock began to sand again. And so once in a while. One day, two... two weeks, they didn’t even start painting.

They worked for less than a month. Work is done zero. Construction control did not take anything. And the time is all on the brink: soon autumn and the bridge is over.

The general contractor connects with the first brigade, agrees for 20 million. They come to the facility and in two weeks made 70 percent.

Everything seemed, conclusions were made, mistakes corrected. by Her.

It is necessary to pull the lighting on the bridge, the general contractor again rows the price, the electricians naturally refuse... and when the general contractor comes to them for the second time, they want not 3, but 5 million.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154977
He says he has a company with 100,000 employees.
Passion to him. The bee holds.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154976
Working Committee was held. The psychiatrist without looking asked questions - "do you have complaints, drugs, alcohol? How do you relieve stress?” I said I was running long distances. The psychiatrist put off the pen, finally looked at me and began to ask, "and how long is it? Isn’t it hard? And what shoes to buy and where is it better to run, or is it boring at the stadium?" It turned out that he recently started running and had a lot of questions about the subject. 5 minutes of conversation. At the exit, in the corridor colleagues looked suspiciously - that so long, not more than a minute was

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154975
My friend studied at the university. Summer session, fine weather on the street, not before school. And also the exam was put to her in the last numbers of June, when all had already passed their subjects, and marked the whole. The community walked from morning to night, which did not give a special desire to learn.

My friend took books several times, but it didn’t work. Well, he thinks there are only fifteen questions, in the last day I will learn everything. Before that, you can walk. Said is done.

The last day comes. The girlfriend sleeps until lunch, then cleans, and then something else. But here, to delay the inevitable is no longer possible, you have to sit down to learn.

I got the first ticket. Behind the window a white night, under the window drunk screams of happy classmates who have already closed the session. Not the working environment.

The girlfriend breathes hard, realizing that there are 14 more questions she can’t learn. Well, he thinks, I will learn the last question, he must be the wisest.He copes with the last, decides that everything, quite hard enough, you can sleep, and then whatever will be.

He sits down, but something swells. He stands up again, takes a textbook, randomly chooses a question from the very middle, reads it diagonally, understands that now exactly everything, the forces are over and, having pulled all of the hand, goes to bed.

At the exam, she gets a ticket with the first question. He thinks he is lucky. He waits for his turn, sits at the basement and just perfectly tells him the material. The one who is untrustworthy touches her, takes notice of visits and declares, say, so he thought, in the face he does not remember her, sees that she went once a month, and the first ticket is the easiest. So, my dear, please answer a further question. He gives her a ticket with the last question. The girlfriend is not embarrassed, says that will answer without preparation and begins to tell. A little in shock. Okay, he says, he is good. But I did not actually go to the lecture, so an additional question. Ask a question from the middle of the list. Yes, the same one my friend had read before sleeping.

Again, immediately, without preparation, he begins to respond. However, she soon realizes that she remembered well if half of this question. But the lecturer soon interrupts her, says that he is stunned by the brilliant knowledge of the material, puts it "excellent" and declares that more such talented students would be needed.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154974
Yesterday at the polling station was a witness to this situation.

An elderly couple, having received the ballots, approached the cabin for a "secret vote". The first entered the cabin and voted a woman, after which, dropping the ballot in the urn, did not rush to the exit.

A man shouted to his wife:

You are where?

“I’ll wait for you on the street,” she replied without turning.

Give me your glasses!! For me, the vote will be too secret.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154973
xxx: Honestly, in light of the recent events about that rumored channel in the car, where pick-up masters are taught that girls in glasses to pour, how to track in the crowd and where to beat, I would for the time being warned on dates with a tinder to run.

YYY: Just for the sake of justice – clowns in Tinders are also enough.

Zzzz: They will meet, they will squeeze each other - even if they are squeezed :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №154972
We get a lot of bribes, but often. And punishment for this is inevitable, but it is rare.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154971
Once in the evening shift, the worker threw the maculature into the press and launched the press.

In the press installed "classic" Soviet hydro distributors.
The hydro-distributor (which in theory should be thrown over itself when the nominal effort is reached) - is thrown over when it is desired, as a result of which the workers "press" the press forcibly until the reduction valve works. (which, by the way, the direct text is recommended in the instructions). It can be repaired forever and completely.

and suddenly! (and it always happens suddenly) the press frame breaks at the top of the weld.

At the same time, from the deformation, a crack is formed on the crust of the oil pump on the high side.
The worker is poured with a stream of oil, which is why he is frightened and jumping back.

No means of emergency stop by the operator in the press is provided. at all.
There is no emergency button. Not a splitter. The entire circuit consists of a trigger with a pickup and a pair of conveys.

When it was created, the experience of the leading world manufacturers was taken into account; many nodes and mechanisms in the process of development were replaced by inexpensive and widely distributed domestic analogues. Without the slightest loss in the performance and reliability of the unit.

The "Stop" button on the starter, according to the operator, "was pressed with a crush, and then started to be pressed without a crush, but nothing turns off."

The operator ran to another room to ask the boss what to do now.

The operator was not yet far away as the oil fountain stopped. Exhaustion of oil reserves in the hydro system.
No means of controlling the presence of pressure behind the pump and fluid in front of the pump are provided.
Within a few minutes, while the worker was looking for the boss and they were going to the press - the pump had time to hit the bearing (there are sliding bearings), and he crashed.

There is no momentary muffle or other protection. The electric motor stopped, remaining under tension. The clothes began to warm up.
In the eyes of the operator and the boss, the engine stumbled.

Neither the motor-automat, nor just the machine, nor the inserts or any other means of protection in the circuit of the press is provided.
I repeat.
Not an automatic motor. Not just a machine, not an insert. No other means of protection in the press circuit is provided.

It is believed that the machine must be somewhere else and that is enough.
He was. in the advance. At 63 amperes.
There is no electrician in the office.
While the operator and the bosses were looking for the socket, which includes the press, and pulled out the fork, a loud click occurred, and the smoke went out of the starter.

Thus, in a few minutes, all the nodes and aggregates became useless in the press.

In fact - all of the above is called "easy to get rid of."
Because no one was driven by electricity, and nothing burned (and there was a whole hangar of cardboard and cloth).

The main cause was dirt in the reduction valve, due to which the pressure was exceeded.
Because after another leak (native hydraulic tubes, yes) some liquid of unknown origin was poured into the hydro system.
You may have read the above-mentioned advertisement... but miracles don’t happen!

And poor quality (therefore very quality painted!) welding that did not provide the necessary reserve of strength.

From the stop button banally broke off a piece of plastic.

Have you saved?
It is believed that any imported equipment is more reliable than Russian. However, the experience of people dealing with foreign press shows that this is not always true.
Now the joke aside. I will explain everything now.
Not any one. And the one, in the development and production of which did not save on the lights.
The problems of Russian technology are entirely different.

Let’s look at the entire catalog of presses from the manufacturer and compare the same in mechanics and effort presses, but with different clothes.
Press in the form "as described in this post" - 100 thousand. The rub.
He is, with a button post instead of this miracle - 130 thousand. The rub.
He is also, with a full-fledged control and protection system - 190 thousand. The rub.
Guess which performance is purchased massively, and which exists in one copy for exhibitions?

For reference: similar French press stOit 2950 (I'm stuck, sorry) euro + delivery. And there is no option in it at all when ordering "to give up the control scheme and security chains."

So here: all the cheapness of domestic (and Chinese) production has one reason:
Throw away everything, everything that can be done without.
Well, there can be no "excellence over all analogues and 3-5 times cheaper" in a simple thing without any know-how.

And the reliability of the French press (the same nearby is the purchased b/u of 1988 - still passes without serious problems) - is due to the lack of attempts to save on everything in a row.

It’s a bit stupid for consumers to try to save every penny first and then complain about the manufacturer’s crumbs, isn’t it? It would seem that it could be easier: pay a decent price to the manufacturer - and get a decent product.
And this applies to everything, in general, from a "tushenka" of 19 rubles per bowl to apartments of 20m2 and without parking space.

I talked to a colleague from JCH. We talked about Sam.
He says:
“We brought a German cable here. Fucking full of. If you fold three times, the insulation breaks. It just burns out of a fireplace. As a toast.”
(I think everyone has seen the video of the fuel cheese.)

I became interested. We have half-factory with this cable mounted.
I decided to experiment.

I picked up a piece of cable and started pushing around. It lasted five minutes until my fingers were tired. There is no trace of isolation. Checked with a meger - > 5 MO (very good).
He took a gas burner and tried to burn. The cable burned, deformed, blackened... but never wanted to burn.

It is strange.

The next day a thought came to my mind. Call a colleague: can you say at least roughly, and where did you buy this cable and why?
Purchased in MSK. It’s about four times cheaper than what we buy in Germany. And even cheaper than the usual VHG (so it actually bought it).

But miracles do not happen.
The control question:
What is written on your cable?
Hm... nothing. What should be written there?

In fact, there is written (precisely, printed on the printer along the entire length of the cable) a lot of everything. Manufacturer, type, section, batch number, VDE icon, and length markings through every half-meter.

I see only three options.
Fake cable from a world-renowned manufacturer
Cheap cable for sale in Russia
It wasn’t that cable.
Which is correct, I do not know. I am not a prosecutor, nor an inspector of technical supervision, to find out this, and also in a foreign office.
I do not have to go to prosecutors or inspectors. "Satisfied" customers in a week will shoot me in a dark corner.

In what way is it, masqueraded under the cable, cheese, and in general, under everything, freely sold and purchased?
Here is what.

and briefly:
The correspondent has unhinderedly received a certificate of conformity for non-existent cheese made in non-existent production. A day later, the number of this document appeared in the official register on the Internet.
Deciding that this was a coincidence, we repeated the attempt and accidentally obtained a second registered declaration.
Two days later, the declaration-provided “carpet” of our “production” was ready to be accepted in retail stores.

I only had to spend some money.

“Now we can sell a bucket with the substance to some store, saying that inside is natural cheese. They will believe us. We have officially declared our “product”. And no bureaucratic barriers our new business has met on its way, while no one has seen what we have "produced."

I do not know who is concerned with this. In other words, it is a full PC.
How legal this is, don’t ask, I don’t know. I am an engineer, not a lawyer.

You can sell any name, but under any name. But why do they buy it, and massively?
The answer is banal: 1) cheap and 2) there is no brain in consumers to understand: cheap just doesn’t happen.

This is actively used by local manufacturers and Chinese, and, unfortunately, quite serious and self-respecting offices.
They make a cheap version of the products for sale in Russia.
And if there are administrative restrictions on a-la self-sanction - it can be too expensive to... but to pair.

For housing and other municipal offices, the situation is now generally clear: according to the law, they are obliged to buy the cheapest offer that meets the requirements.
(How “requirements are met” – see above). So, actually, and bought a fake under ___ cable.

The correct approach should be completely different: the cheapest offer must be discarded immediately.

But here is the problem: and the high price does not mean anything at all. And to determine the quality itself is not always possible. Well, it is impossible physically to be an expert at the same time on cheese, cable, furniture, roof materials, screwdrivers, and so on.

It remains only to ask yourself a very simple question - and how is it that people have done normal repairable things for so many centuries, and in the last 15 years as a sum all went in the pursuit of profit. And all this against the backdrop of the fast-growing consumer credit market.

In the 1980s, when the market was not yet sealed, marketers engaged in their usual affairs - describing the merits of new goods.

In the 90s, the market was slightly shrinking and they decided to use them in a broader context - somehow to tie human habits and preferences to a new type of goods. Thus e. Technical characteristics at the same time went to the backdrop, but inertia still remained high. As well as reliability. And it was also used to brainwash consumers. Until the 1990s, all goods were of high quality. The engineers simply did not fit the idea in the brains, how this can be done shit for the end consumer, then marketers expanded this idea a little and deepened it. There was a middle class - high-quality equipment for their money and a top class, which everyone admired. It was, of course, before, this division, but it was marketers who decided to bind classes not to functionality, but to the life of the product. And the niche of cheap Chinese crafts was occupied by the Chinese, who had just begun their journey as a single major manufacturer. And the man in the 90s hardly knew - you can buy shit cheap, you can buy good equipment for normal money, and if you are an oligarch, you can buy space at all.

But the zero market ended, plus there were a few other important changes. In the first, computerization, which on the one hand allowed very accurately to calculate the life of the parts of the product, and in the second, this same computerization now allowed instead of the development of circuit engineering to use the typical microprocessors with the appropriate program and save on the setup needed to add new options. With the term of service really not all went so well. It was possible to accurately calculate only the lifetime of polymer products, almost a week. This is when a new plastic from the factory with a stone can not be broken, but three years pass and it begins to crumble in the fingers. In terms of degradation of electronic components mainly played with heat modes. With wrapping products, this was best done - we took the wire slightly thinner and the transformer is already heating up like a rage and in a year it will probably die, just by the end of the warranty. But the widespread distribution of DC-DC has put a cross on this promising venture. And on motorcycles such a trick is afraid to use, because. You can get into a mass marriage at the height of the guarantee. The same Nicole Greek has a fairy tale about an Opel with a robot box, which fails the adhesive engine due to the wear of the brushes. And after the replacement, he runs the next 100 ticks. That is, they would be happy to reduce the price of the motorcycle itself, but it is scary to get on a mass response. Therefore, they deal with such half-measures. Typical damage. Electronic circuits themselves traditionally use either heavy thermal mode on high-level integration chips, lead-free soldering and small zero resistors as protectors. The latter went very well on the Macbook Air, where the death of such a resistor led to the key with the touchpad. And the new key goes along with the top panel, changes in assembly and costs about 20 thousand. I do not see any special savings here, a purely harmful marketing intent. And with the heavy thermal regime were played by HP engineers, when in the 11th year, almost 100% failure of the northern bridge in certain models, on the seventh month of warranty. A little underestimated, maybe.

Looking at all that shit I want to say. The consumer wants to be cheaper. Of course, marketers do not only impose their stereotypes, but also look back at the consumer to give him the illusion of what he wants and this whole system with positive feedback goes all the way and it would be wrong to explain all the emerging processes only from some one point of view. But the most offensive thing - this is the golden rule of the 90s, when you could choose the quality of the goods at the price now absolutely does not work. Now you will get a whole shit for any cloudy money. Purchasing quality goods has become a lottery.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №154970
“In six months, the Russians will forget about the coronavirus pandemic,” Sergey Sobyanin said. That’s what you’re there, shit, cooking, it’s terrible.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154969
It was in K&B. Two absolutely strangers buy alcohol, one in the mask, the other is not. And the strange thing is that it turns out that you can walk around the store without a mask, and nothing can be bought at the box office! The one in the mask paid for the purchase, and the other the cashier does not sell! The final - the first removes the mask from the face and transmits and says, "Keep Brother, you need it!" The second puts on a mask, buys a bucket and leaves.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №154968
Recently there was an announcement:

We invite you to clean up the potatoes. Of the five packages, one is yours. Coupons are issued for each barrel. The participant who gets the most coupons will receive a prize! The car! and on the other row in small letters: “cargo”.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154967
One day, many years ago, in my apartment, I heard a breath behind my back. So heavy, thin, like a tired person before sleeping. It didn’t happen because I was alone at home. I turned around and saw my cat, a little surprised, but in general, this version made me happy. Years went by, my cat got into the habit of making doomed breaths and I didn’t pay much attention to it. Sometimes the guests were surprised to hear this sound, and I immediately accepted to explain the reason for its origin. A few years ago the cat disappeared, but the sound did not disappear and now, this painfully familiar breath sounded really frightening. You’re trying to fall asleep, and in the darkness someone breathes sharply – chew one word and it’s somewhere in the house. Then there was an incident in my apartment. Between the bathroom and the toilet, a pipe with cold water leaked. They decided to change the pipes and the sanitary began to fold the partition to get the old pipes and replace them. The guys were with curved hands, and the sanitary was old and rusty, changing the water pipeline they broke through the roof and sewerage, had to change everything. To replace the pipes of the hot and cold stand, I had to strain the neighbors from below, then I first got to them home. While the sanitary engineer cut the cartridge on the stand, I stood in the corridor, clearly and loudly heard the same sound coming from the large room that was right underneath me. I was terrified, but I couldn’t overcome my desire to know what the hell is going on there. With a quiet step, I walked into the room. It was dark, the curtains closed, the air was dull and heavy. The eyes refused to get used to the darkness, and the lungs hardly accepted the excruciated breath. The room had an ordinary setting, a bed, a wall, a carpet, a pair of chairs and a TV. The bed was not covered and I tried to focus my sight to look at it more closely, as suddenly behind my back a frightening breath, nervously transitioning into a whisper from the sound of which I literally jumped in place. The room was illuminated by a bright flash of white daylight and I finally saw the source of that strange sound that has tormented me for years.

Every time a neighbor went to the lodge to smoke, he sharply shrugged the curtains and curtains, the gardens were old, Soviet with such crocodile sticks on the wire. The lie from them was the same sound that in our apartment sounded quite like the heavy, dull breath of a condemned person and we heard it every time the neighbor smoked or shut the windows before going to bed. And I have already started to believe in the drum, especially after that horrible story, when one of my acquaintances removed an apartment with the spirit of a dead grandmother in a box.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154966
When I was a child, I never spoke the letters "L" and "R". Instead of the first, I said "we", that is, instead of a "bowl", I said "wowka", and "r" was pronounced in the throat, not as it should be, with the tongue near the sky.

One day, a father brings home a woman who had to fix the situation.

As I remember now. We lived in a one-bedroom apartment, in a room behind a closed door, my mom handles the vacuum cleaner, my dad and I and this woman are in the kitchen. This woman asked for a teaspoon, pressed my tongue as needed, asked to say promising sounds and voila! I still speak normally, without distortions. It only took five minutes.)

Comfortable all speech and correct pronunciation =]

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154965
We are usually governed not by the wisest, but by the one who is wise.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154964
We waited for an hour for our pediatrician, and when he came in, my little boy took him by the hand, pointed to the clock and said:
This is a clock.
It was the most passively-aggressive thing I’ve ever seen.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154963
Free public transportation by 2035.
Thank you, I am already lucky.
I already had communism by 1980 and an apartment by 2000.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №154962
Gender equality is enshrined in the constitution, so the discriminatory retirement of men should be abolished 5 years later than women.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №154961
This poppy came to me from my first wife in the sharing of jointly acquired property, although it was not, since it appeared in her house long before me.
Take it! She said. You have two pairs of boots.
So in our house appeared a beautiful Jaco with the cat name Marquis, which was immediately renamed by my mother to Kesha.
All Kesha was good, and only one shortcoming did not give us peace. Kesha did not say. All our efforts to pull out the poppy even a word suffered a fiasco. Kesha was silent as a partisan during the interrogation.
My grandfather did not approve of these attempts.
Get away from the pope! He cried out. You have no one to talk to anymore?
Probably on this ground he and his grandfather came together. Grandfather poppy arranged as an attentive and silent interlocutor, and the poppy loved, bowing his head, to listen to his grandfather when he crafted something, or sat down in the evening at the foot.
Eventually, we decided to show Kesha to a neighbor who held two whispering wave-shaped puppets and was heard by a specialist in the training of birds in Russian.
It is worth saying that Kesha made an indelible impression on the neighbor. She was entirely delighted with him! I walked around him in circles for a long time, splashed my hands to say something, and then decided to chew something.
She stretched out her hand and touched the finger of the peacefully sleeping poppy’s head. Anxiously Kesha opened one eye, unhappyly stumbled at the unknown lady, and suddenly said clearly and clearly:
Get away from the pope!
The neighbor lost consciousness, and Kesha has since broken. It turned out to be like the anecdote about a silent boy who said one day at lunch, “Soup salted!“Why have you been silent for ten years?” He said, “Before that, everything was fine.”
So is Kesha. He was silent, and suddenly he spoke. The trouble was that he spoke with his voice, with his intonations, and most importantly with his grandfather’s vocabulary.
Grandfather, a very strong old man, was a war driver, returned without a leg, and worked as a carpenter all his life. The word never slipped into the pocket, and the vocabulary had a very characteristic for a person of such a mindset and lifestyle.
Why the puppy chose his grandfather as an object for imitation remains a mystery, but the fact remains a fact - Kesha matured precisely as a carpenter, virtuously and floating.
The neighbor was shocked, but it didn’t get out of it. She decided to take over the chief. Teach them good manners and proper Russian language. On her own initiative, she came almost every day and held classes with him on some specially mastered import methodology.
Grandfather was very angry, but he tried to hold himself in his hands. Only after the neighbor's departure something unhappy knocked under his nose. It is not hard to guess what exactly.
In the end, seeing that all her efforts do not give any results, the neighbor, to the joy of her grandfather, abandoned her classes.
And somewhere a couple of months later, when we all the family was drinking tea in the evening, she looked at the lighthouse to take care of Keshin's health. Kesha, who was sitting with us in the kitchen, when he saw the neighbor came across, and suddenly said:
Take care of the pope! Kesha is a dear bird!
It was a phrase that the neighbor had unsuccessfully tried to teach Kesha for several months. And even the fact that the poppy said this phrase with the intonations of his grandfather, could not obscure the joy of the teacher. She even seemed to have tears from deafening.
And the puppy stumbled upon the neighbor who had blown out of his success, and added with the same voice of the grandfather:
Better a cat to learn to speak, foolish.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №154960
Wake up after the operation, op! There are no eggs!
“Doctor, I said I have a hernia!
I said I was just driving out of work.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154959
Why zero freedom? Just standing behind someone they become numbers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna