— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №35547
-/ bought tea "Apple with cinnamon". I cannot catch. If I drink the juice, then I drink the bulk.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №35546
I work in the 13th Brigade as a fielder.
I picked up my aunt from the station.
She: - The head of the district removed 54 internal organs from me!
Doctor: What are they?
She: - Both lungs, liver, heart, appendix, ovaries..........=54
Doctor: But you will understand that you cannot live without half of them!
She: Are you a fool?
Doctor: Probably...
She: - You were not in a psychic accidentally!!!!!!!!!!!! (Patients are not informed of our specifics)
The doctor answered honestly.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №35545
Good bye Hitler!
I am not Hitler.
Eve Brown?
YYY: I am Jan B... Just B...
Zzz: Koku Jan B...
zzz: and you are really B...?))))
YYY: The only thing that is real is B!
YYY: I think I understood what it was about.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №35544
<xxx> "A man can endure everything if he is not stopped" (C)
<yyy> In the sense of “to endure” = “to endure” or “to take with you”?
<xxx> Yes to any

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №35543
[02:58:12] <DarkoFF> suggest progu norms for remote access via the innet
[02:58:19] <DarkoFF> not on the spotlight
[03:47:38] <DarkoFF> and one by one that you so, all at once rushed to help

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №35542
If a guy asks a lot about me, what do I like, what do I like... what does that mean?
What are you interested in him?
Or he just wants to get in.
HHH: No is it. He is a worshiper.
If you think good guys don’t blow up, you’re wrong.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №35541
<emutracer> I was at a sewing concert when he had the u2 on the heating were

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №35540
yasviridov Go to "Lade Kalina" a long way
It is only worth it if you go to Mordor to throw it down to Orodruin.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №35539
I was in electrical engineering, I remember it was fun. He explained everything very seriously.
Asks: In one relay 50 ohms, in the other 70 ohms. The question is, which resistance is greater?
It is clear that both options have been listed. He looked at him and said, “You don’t understand Nihren. More than 100"

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №35538
Everything in the world must be normal and logical. Even when I was assembling the keyboard after washing, the last key I pulled down was the End key.

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №35537
With formspring'a

8 Do I Sleep?

YYY: Do you go to school?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №35536
Announcement in the office of the "technicians": "Tknip your finger in the monitor - you get in the eye"...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №35535
I came to take my son from the kindergarten, I was told there to wait 5 minutes before he rehearsed the show. After 5 minutes, I ask, what are they doing? It is the dance of the penguins. O_O It was there a Linux student works as a teacher)))))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №35534
xxx, thank you very much! You give me once again! Ask for everything you want!
YYY: I fear, my wishes are limited to your conscience and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №35533
I am shocked by our bloggers!

On one site, there is a section of diaries, so one guy writes that he has a problem, said 19 years old already, and the lava is in his pocket and his car, but the girl is not there and he is still a virgin. He asks for advice.
There is an eight-page discussion, and at the end:

In your case, you’re just a latent gay, it happens, we’re all different. It is worth acknowledging this and start getting into a point.
and +1. No other choice

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №35532
Boy and girl fighting.
He: I don’t know what to say. I am an ass.
She says, “I am a.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №35531
I walked with your lamba (to make)... I thought about chata, I don’t notice anything around. I am being attacked by the promoters of Balin.

"Easy tariff" all business... take the booklet

Take it?

I’m chatting on the machine... "You know what Christ loves you?"... and I’m leaning in your bag, I’ll give you the booklets.

They look at me... I say: "To joke, to joke... no one loves you, fucking"

They stood with me.

I am full of laughter*

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №35530
<@Uncle_Defsky> to the football team "Tom" passed Grenoble defender
<@Uncle_Defsky> without an ensemble
<@Uncle_Defesky> one, fucking
<@Uncle_Defesky> how do you fuck

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №35529
Conversation of two friends:
X: You, that’s why I just jumped a new track, and there are all the languages in it, there is no current of Russian... even Romanian...
Y: I tell you... look at what the developers think...
"We did a progu, everything is good, added languages, no, there are few people... Still stupid... And we will not introduce Russian... just because they still don’t like anything... they will not have time to download, they will already break, they will make the left keys, they will put into the network... so let the russifier even write themselves".

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №35528
Call to the homeopath:
Nikita, open the door! But we are not with you!


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna