— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №145005
I go to the hospital for tests.

I ask: - I want to take a test for antibiotic sensitivity.

Laboratory practitioner: Do you have blood or urine?

I: I don’t know, you can tell me what to do.

Is it from blood or urine?

I: - (about myself, "Bla, I fucking like") Well, let’s get out of blood.

This is not done with blood.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145004
Chat parents of kindergarten: "my child eats poorly, does not speak, wears diapers and does not know how to wear socks - let's put cameras and let's drive out educators for this"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145003
There are two huge advantages of getting up at 6 a.m. with your child to school:
I do not remember the first.
I can’t see the second anymore.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145002
 21.09.2017, article about the prestigious park

The charger – like a fairy boyar box – holds the most interesting thing on the bottom, and when my shoe clings to a piece of green cloth, we pull out the worker’s tightly carved salad vest with the inscription “Sandmec” on the back. To find the owner of the jacket two centimeters deeper at all do not want, so we continue to decide not to dig.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145001
vvv: the whole essence of scientific conferences in warm regions.
vvv: "Ten minutes of shame, four days on the beach"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145000
Like the cell in which this nucleus is contained. Conclusion: It is impossible to get infected with infectious diseases through food.

Corrected by Penny. Did you learn well in school? No is? It is visible. Those relatively few bacteria (relatively to the total number of pathogens) that infect through food, have a very specific cell wall - the same "protective scapander", invulnerable to stomach acid and intestinal enzymes.
With enteroviruses even more fun, their capsule is assembled from several tightly interwoven proteins in the structure of alia diamond. Denaturate with acid or cut an enzyme in the small intestine this dense structure does not come out. the task is tougher disruption of headphones.something similar with hepatitis.
And these relatively few pathogens have spent about three billion years evolving, Carl, to survive in an aggressive environment.
Fruits and vegetables and fish meat have a much more modest history of evolution.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №144999
I checked the biology of my daughter.
What were you asked?
Paragraph 3, methods of study of nature.
What methods of study do you know?
Method of observation, method of description, method of measurement and scavenger.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №144998
When a citizen sits down to play cards with the state, he either sits down or loses.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144997
Market relationships.

In one of Israel’s kindergartens, parents sometimes took their children home too late. When this happened, under the contempt of the educators, the parent, embarrassed, took the child, promising that this will not happen again in the future. Of course, this has been repeated, but not too often. Parents understood that their carelessness forces educators to stay at work overtime and deprives them of their right to deserved rest.

One day, the management of the garden, tired of such delays, decided that the distorted views were not enough, and imposed fines for the delay. Under financial pressure, parents will probably stop being late, they thought.

But the opposite happened. After the introduction of fines, the delays not only did not stop, but also intensified. The parents argued: “Well, if we pay for late money, then it is not providence, but market pay.” Unacceptable behavior has become a social norm for parents.

A few weeks later, realizing the uselessness of the measures, fines for delay in kindergarten were canceled. But it was already too late. The rooted social norm that educators should watch children until late (as soon as they were paid for it) did not disappear after the cancellation of fines. In the minds of parents, it was replaced by the norm "they still have to do this, just now it is free." As a result, the delays have increased again.

The psychologist Dan Ariely, who studied this phenomenon, summed up: "When market relations come to replace social norms, the latter go away for a long time, and back they are unlikely to be able to return, even if the market has changed."

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №144996
Russia is a vegetable country.
Here you can plant the very tomatoes, give redwood on nuts, reap two peppers, give a pumpkin in a pumpkin and get on melon, and in the evening go down to the cabbage and grind there cabbage.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №144995
Teacher of Kindergarten:
“You know, your son is a very calm boy, he doesn’t fight with anyone first, he doesn’t like to conflict. Sometimes it gives out! Yesterday, for example, sat down and played quietly, tried not to pay attention to those children who touched him, endured for a long time, and then jumped up, escaped the group and all who offended him, knocked a plastic hammer on his head. Everybody remembered! The innocent were not hurt.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №144994
From the Women’s Forum:
"He was kept in the hospital. I need a condom, I don’t have it with me. From the injections on the pope, the nurse gave an ampoule of magnesium, advised to dilute it in half with vodka and make compresses. I want salt, a classic.
I call my husband, please bring me condoms, vodka and salty cucumbers to the hospital.
A long pause.
Where are you now, have you forgotten?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144993

to obey. I pulled the grid behind the suspended ceiling, removed one tile, and there a fire alarm was installed on the concrete overlay. An epic Russian story.
These plates are non-fueled!

Usual fire brigade, fire safety rules read. The non-combustibility of tiles in general does not play a role - only the height of the roof space.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144992
Mr. proud > The feeling of winning a difficult case in the Basman Court... And the journalists at the entrance are not waiting for you...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №144991
XXX is
Why are you not at work yet?

Yesterday, my neighbor broke my electric shoulder. He is now in the hospital.

With electric burns? Are you here?

No, with a broken jaw and a light shock.

I was coming home, looking at a man on the pitch with a tail mashed. He heard me, turned and swung. Well, I picked off his tail and once moved in the mouth. Who knew he was so dumb! And then the mints went on, the bats hit me while I was already picking off the tail.

Thank God, all the neighbors immediately confirmed that the tail was not mine, but the drunkeness of this!

Now, the neighbor in the hospital, all the fines on him, the restoration of property and substation - on him, and here 15 days on the hooligan - me. It was not foolish to resist...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №144990
Looking out at the chest. The Upper Post:

The previous post made me think, but why am I not sending anyone to the ban? After long reflection, I have found the answer: because I don’t want to forbid people from expressing their opinions on topics that have raised their concerns. However, I cannot prohibit respected readers from going to the ban on their own. Therefore, from the moment of posting this post on my blog, the following rule enters for all without exception readers and commentators. To get a ban, you must write an official statement in a comment to any of my posts or personal messages of the following content:

"Dear Own Name! In view of the fact that I consider myself a clinical idiot and unable to discuss with other readers, it is necessary to protect me from the possibility of commenting in your journal. Please send me to the ban, during which I undertake to correct and not to repeat my mistakes.

If a respected commentator is lazy to pick up even such a short text, then I will go to meet: any commentary that will contain non-normative vocabulary, insulting the interlocutor, reasoning about his sexual preferences, making a diagnosis on the Internet, fluid, etc., will be equated to the aforementioned statement.

The removal of the ban will take place in a free form at the personal request of the respectable person.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144989
This is another thing: "I rarely write about politics, but I don’t always have to blame myself. Today our regional douma was headed by the former director of the circus. I have everything."

In one of the capitals, the director of the circus was a clown. to defend.

Bright memory, Yuri Vladimirovich

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №144988
xxx: Now looked at the processes: skypeforlinux does nothing and nonstop kills 15% CPU
YYY: How does that do nothing? He acquired a bee rolling on a comp in search of something else to fill the owners.
I put it in firejail and gave it an empty home. He will find nothing.
YYYYYYYYYY Is he working in vain? You are evil (

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №144987
News: "Afghan refugees in turn raped a German schoolgirl"

xxx "in turn" - this is important!
There’s something human in them.)
zzz are getting used to German order and pedanticity

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №144986
<xxx> You can turn off the Internet on your iPhone
<xxx> after 5 years, thank you guys
<xxx> but no longer needed :)
<yyy>? to
<xxx> iOS 11 is out :)
<xxx> you can turn off the joparez/3g :)
<xxx> was the first time it was :)
<yyy> and was this down? Is WIFI always involved?
<xxx> you can wifey, no jopares :)
<yyy> and what if the operator failed?
<xxx> and if the operator is upset, then do not take the iPhone :)
<yyy> LOL
<xxx> because the deceased must be someone alone, or the phone manufacturer, or the operator

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna