— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97033
My sister and I recently gave my mother a phone. She lives in Chelyabinsk, my sister and I live in Moscow. The call.
Is this a pharmacy? I can get a pharmacist.
This is not a pharmacy. This is your daughter.
and Masha? What do you do in the pharmacy?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №97032
Comment on the video, in which the Boeing-737 among the mountains goes to land on a tiny strip:

Damn flying on Boeings? Really awesome video! thank you!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №97031
The chickens of chicken:
The hatch must be answered. Not to apologize and ask to give in, but to walk between them. I can side. Angry whispers ignore or respond to the "dirty sidewalk covering your ass". somehow so.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97030
here here :

Comments on One Distribution:
XHH: Get up for the distribution
ууу: "Full source was not: 7 months 22 days". But do not lose hope!
Do not really lose! A couple of months ago I suddenly downloaded a torrent that there was no source at all. About 5 years.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97029
to this
"Of course, attacking the block-post I will definitely take with me a lot of symbols of the Right Sector and the business cards of Yarosh)))) The Russian media in general merged)))"
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
and UGU. All Russians carry Russian passports and GRU cards. And when they get caught, they melt everything.)
It is for the people ;)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97028
The problem is when at least one pedras appears in a friendly group. About this well knows 2/3 of the Serpent Gornych.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97027
diz8el: A light April wind brings past passers leaves, birds and unattached children up to 8 years old.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97026
I will answer:
My husband calls the workshop.
I have a problem. Printer for 7 years. At first he worked normally. Then he refused to take the paper - but after a time. And yesterday I got in the rice and stopped taking paper for printing at all. How much is it worth?

Give "in rilo" to the printer is invaluable!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №97025
xxx: According to the employer, the average 20-year-old young person should have a school education, two higher degrees (red diplomas), advancement courses, certificates, and have work experience of 5 years.

YYY: And burn work for 15 thousand!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №97024
A new pearl from the tester:

[GUI] If you dismiss an employee, and then under his login and password go to the page, then a message is issued (Fig. 7 in the Attach. It should make him scary.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97023
I went to work with my husband today. I go to the stop, and I hear some strange sound from him, whether it’s music, or a bell.
You don’t have the phone, I checked it wasn’t mine.
and no.
Are the headphones turned off?
are turned off.
What kind of sound is it, is it turned off?
He even raised one ear to listen.
What fucking sound is that?
What does it look like?
In a bitch some...
In the summer, the birds sing.
Your mother, the birds.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №97022
The writer:
– – – – –
Once upon a time, men had to wait for a son to play with a radio-controlled helicopter.
– – – – –
Men never have to wait. They just go and buy what they want (if the funds allow), and they start to chew on what, they say, someone will steal them.

It is necessary to wait for infantile growths, which neither condoms can buy without embarrassment, nor a helicopter. It has nothing to do with men.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №97021
How are you living in Australia? and :)
Sergey: It’s all right here, just don’t fly to Europe for the weekend
Sergey: Although you can travel in some form, at least by nature
Sergey: We were at the camp yesterday. Classical Alpine Landscape
Sergey: Luga, the sheep. There is no palm.
Sergey: But the fucking straws ruin the whole picture :)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №97020
Girlfriend: It’s just a cataphony!
I: Cochronous sounds are disharmonic sounds.
Q: Is it from the word Kaka? I thought of the cat. Coto-phonia - like cats in the spring.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №97019
In the "Dictionary of bullying over Russian language":
I didn’t have time to screw...

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97018
Call to outsourcing.
You know what happened to XP?? to
Admin: Yes, the support is terminated.
User: How to live on?
Admin: How much do I remember you have all the computers installed?
The User: Yes.
Admin: So here is it. You can not worry.
Will they come and remove it all?
Admin: Sorry who "they"?
User: What does it mean who? The Americans!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97017
More about crucifixion:
Military Academy, one of the first classes called "Introduction to the Specialty", Colonel-Teacher: "Most of you will get to graduate and become officers. The officer must know everything. (I heard a whisper in the audience) Yes! Take heroin as well. I’m not saying you have to do it, but you have to know it!"
Greetings to the Space Infantry!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №97016
Review of the film “Moscow-Russia”:

The Russians are not giving up! And they continue to try to make a real movie!"

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №97015
here here :
Sorry that’s not funny, but:
From the news (in brief):
A child fell under the car. The driver’s guilt has not yet been proven.
and further gesture. Many relatives accuse the driver.
I am just surprised why many relatives"the child lives in a nursery??? to
It is ===
A boy in a child!Time from time!! His mother is driving. My mom often changes cars and the last thing I saw was the Range Rover Sport. Money in the mother's chickens do not chew, and this can be seen with the naked eye.
By the way, the boy is completely healthy and has no abnormalities. Learned well. His mother did not allow anyone to adopt him.
The reason why the boy lives in a nursery all his life - he interferes with his mother and her fellow resident at home.
Nor is it funny, yes.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97014
xxx: they before me even calculator function "M+" did not know...they wrote everything on the sheets:)))))))
yyy: This is called "external memory on a hard drive"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna