— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №126878
HHH: How do you use this opera before the flood, and even without an Adblock? Put Chrome and don’t bother.

Wow: I have a built-in advertising block in my brain. Very convenient, cuts out banners even in reality. I don't see the advertisement at all, I don't even know what it was.

No, you are not a terminator. :)

I am not dying. By the way, this super-power and disadvantages also have. I recently tried to withdraw money from the bank. He acted as usual, but instead of money at the end he wrote "cancellation" of the transaction, regardless of the type of card. I looked at it centimeter by centimeter, read everything that was on the screen and on the information boards, turned around and broke to the exit... But the red A4 plate, glued with a scotch right above the screen: “The ATM is temporarily not working,” I only saw when I was asked why I had broken the machine for so long. And all because the A4 red sheets are advertising by default.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №126877
- How to hint more gently to Vaska that Maska has the nickname "Polyglotka" by no means for knowledge of languages?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126876
Read the epos "Kalevala"

Mmm: "So nowhere do children cry,
Women will not stand,
There are heroes crying.
The men"

This is on every page.

Kkk: translation of G. Oster, I suppose?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126875
About childhood fears.
"Not so terrible the devil as it is painted". I read and in the word "paint" I emphasized the second "paint". It was very scary what kind of shit they were, what was worse than themselves.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №126874
Your confession does not matter to God, and He knows everything about you.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №126873
At a celebration, or just so, I don’t remember, I gave a ladder to the bat. All such a luminous, moving four sections. Shortly to the neighbor on the second floor - as a nephug to do.

What else to give? No need, it already exists. In general, in recent years, the gifts have a distinct character, such as a tail with a long pen, again a staircase, then a set of tools, then a shelf under them. The direction is understandable.

So I find the stairs. It was irreplaceable and very popular in our family. Everyone has used the stairs at least a few times. Except for bat. He does not like air acrobatics. Per from over 110 kg weight, maybe for another reason. But he does not love.

Then I had to go to the roof. I don’t remember why, whether to destroy Carlson’s nest, or to hide from whom, I don’t remember. Was there a staircase somewhere? What damn did she take? Looking back, I noticed a slope near the sarai, and in a decomposed state. Going across the whole village to the one who used it and did not fold, I picked up the luminous structure and wrapped it to the roof of the house.

It was summer, the sun was shining, I was singing something crazy and doing something on the roof of the house. Then I went to lunch. Then I went to the store. It was dark and everyone was invited to dinner.

Where is Father? My mom asked, I haven’t seen him for a long time.

I, who was not yet aware of the letter, naively that I hadn’t seen him since morning either.

An alarming silence. A survey of the households revealed that no one had seen Batty since morning.

Maybe he was visiting? - already in the sight of the singer expressed an Achineistic assumption.

No – his mother turned her head – he was going to inspect the roof and...

In front of a dim sight, the staircase adjacent to the barracks floated, the door of the loft opened... Ye@, I whispered and crashed into the street.

and ah. Battya, as is the case with a man who slept or a staircase, sat melancholy in the door of the loft, reminiscent of a huge fierce cocoon in the clock. As I leaned the staircase to the barracks, I rushed into the dark corner of the village. There, he rushed, surprisingly, a tearful from the roof of the bathtub.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №126872
and allo! Vladimir Vladimirovich, good morning! I am a single mother, I have two young sons. What do I expect from the state?
At least two orders in the army.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126871
In which country is it so?by :

>>Zam, the most outspoken position. Fuck the boss, and the bastard is jumping through.

On the contrary, Mr. She walks like a horse, gets all the puzzles, and the boss goes on promotion.
(Well, if it is only completely wrecked, then transferred by the boss to the adjacent area)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126870
solve the programming task.
The student thinks loudly what variables are needed to solve the task.
Then with the words "Eh, we live once!" announces a mass of 20 elements.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №126869
Vanya came to the party in the costume of alcohol dehydrogenase and scattered all the alcohol.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №126868
Yyy: Well... If I start from the beginning, it was in the 86th, I was in the army then. Generality urine hit the head to conduct exercises, not combat, but, so to speak, domestic. A type like our part will be able to settle in the expedition, as the field kitchen will unfold, as there with supplies, and then one day you can shoot. Well, short then tried new soles, in packages with air bubbles. The point was that they could be melted along the river, such as sending them to the front, without burning the office and without risking suppliers.
We placed the part, explained the task, sat by the river for three days, caught peaches. We were above the current... From the beginning, we just tore other people’s patches, like drowned (those who did not catch were allowed another portion). Then we learned to identify the officer patches and eat them. Then we began to bark the patches. When Losh and Spalera stretched the masquerade across this narrow, but bitter reindeer, the colonel came, poured us a bullshit, handed out to the whole department the costumes above the roof, and then passed on to the experimenters that this is a method of supply.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126867
The Spring. the rabbit. Six in the evening. "Tax and tax system"
Teacher: “Not less than the rest” Well, let’s take a break, let’s drink something...
Group: “Chorom” Yes, let’s drink!
That’s what it means – you can’t do without a half-litre.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126866
Discussion of topics in the forum:
In the first class, children are struggling. The parents of the participants gathered today to talk to the teacher, in the end two mothers almost fought :lol:
You are talking about controversial topics.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126865
XHH: How angry is this advertisement about the increase of the member! "He will grow in five days to such sizes"...
Who will "he" grow up?? to

A tough chancre, of course.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №126864
XXX is
I find it hard in life to be a fairy tale debt
Judging by the way Maxime is dealing with this, he is not at all difficult.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126863
I will offer interpretations of your words and together we will choose the essence of what you have tried to convey to me!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №126862
aaa: Today, the younger cat was mouthed, dug up to the older one, pulled his tail, rolled around the apartment and jumped on the couch. Timich treated what was happening phlegmatically, only closer to the evening began to bear.
A: When Richard refused to eat dinner and returned to his room to suffer, I had to think about it.
aaa: There was a plastic pad for drying winter shoes at the roof, yesterday I washed it and put it in the warehouse - until the next winter.
had to return.
aaa: The cat instantly quieted, matched with the support and obviously happy.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126861
18:46:31 [Naston]: Can we talk about it?
18:47:06 [Gray]: What will the weather be
19:53:58 [Naston]: Well what...?
19:55:31 [Gray]: All, I am a buoy, talk

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126860
Digital office of the agency.
What does the cleaner think of us when we come in?
“Thank God, I am a cleaner!”

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №126859
I broke my tooth on a pasta today.
This is all you need to know about catering in state-owned enterprises.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna