— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №96973
Vanya: they say that an air ticket from NN to Crimea 2 thousand will cost this summer.
Demon: Oh, and the most interesting thing will begin at the arrival. "How much does this cake cost?" "Nine thousand".
“And thou art thou, and thou art thou, and thou art thou, and thou art ten thousand.”
Demon: "Then let’s get a cake". and :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №96972
Discussion of a famous series

XXX is
It always happens...
The series will gain popularity, the creators will start to crack the bubble, and it becomes scary for them to slay a goose that carries golden eggs.
Although the public is tired of the goose, and the eggs are smaller and smaller, and it is necessary to cut it while the meat is young and not tough, but unfortunately - you want more.
And the goose still dies sooner or later...

Does the goose carry eggs? can be protected

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №96971
- Yes, there is more and more expensive, even biscuits in a square!
In the square?
and yes.
Was it Waffle?
Cookies in a square.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №96970
Sitting for breakfast with my son (10 years)
Imagine Rapunzel’s hair in the soup. You get it, get it, get it, get it.
I couldn’t eat any further.)
This is the mind of a Russian child.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №96969
A beautiful morning, dawn outside the window.
The rays of the sun swallowed the bed like the sea.
I just woke up not because of it.
The cat, the fox, cried loudly in the hallway.
c) Scorp

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №96968
Are you writing with Sasha?
Sijm: No, I was noted in the paperbook
Judy: mm
Is Facebook a Jewish social network? and #58370;

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №96967
If you have “Yandex.Bar” installed on your computer, this is a good sign. So, it is easy to deal with you, you are a kind and decent person, and you will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the unique offer you deserve to travel to Mars.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №96966
I work in a supermarket.
The Father in Black came to sanctify the puddle.
He picked up a plastic glass of water from the refrigerator and walked through the shopping hall with a brush, boiling with holy water "Rosinka" a god-pleasing commodity.

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96965
DrS: In the BIOS of the population of Russia, the team is intentionally shattered "Ah, you are s*ka! I am a shit!"
This irrational team makes the Russians invincible.
The trigger that launches the team is a fatal insult or injustice.
When executing the command, the self-preservation program is blocked.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №96964
My husband and I drive by car to the Ekaterinsky garden.
I: They say gay people gather here, have you seen gay people here at least once?
At this moment from the side of the garden outside the transition right under the wheels because of the car pops out a guy, the husband brakes sharply, the guy slaps back, at the last moment we avoid a collision...
Husband: Well just now.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №96963
I wanted to share what I saw yesterday.
A small market crash in the morning at work. On the cardboard 0.5m x 0.5m thick black marker:
Tagged redis
by 40 rubles. – 1 bpg

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №96962
In view of the universe.
Gynecology: Do you have sex?
The girl: No
Q: Have you ever lived?
D: No
Q: How many full years?
D to 20
Do you live a sexual life?
D: No
Q: Have you ever lived?
Q: Do you hear badly?
You don’t want to confess – you don’t have to. The next!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №96961
XXX: How do the cockroaches throw the caviar?
It explodes, of course.
ZZZ: as a grenade

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96960
This is:

xxx: I’m wondering how parents in the U.S. determine that a child called a daddy and didn’t see a corpse?

– – – – –

You would also ask how they distinguish a ship from a sheep. They speak differently. Likewise, dad and dead sound very different.

And if it doesn’t understand anyone, then this someone can listen to how the Germans speak in Russian. As one German woman told me, “You have a church – a cathedral, a fence around the house – a cathedral, a lock on the door – a cathedral, if the stomach hurts – also a cathedral! Very difficult Russian language..."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №96959
ARRMka: What is the ideal application? It’s like an app that has only one button – “do well”, but I went further. This button presses itself.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №96958
Anarh1st47: I understood the essence of life
Anarh1st47: HalfLife
Anarh1st47: Half can be two

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №96957
to this:
There cannot be so many teachers in one school. Also, say that the worker c physician you also have men.
They are there from the army. The "Alternative Service" is called.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96956
From the Dating Site:
I am happy in life.
I am late

Stay in Pain.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №96955
On the day of p.
I confirm. I observed on the day of air defense the sudden throwing of a bottle of vodka from underneath the balcony into a bunch of pigeons with a scream "Flying, fuck!!!"... In other words, he actually got one. %)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №96954
Comments on the latest Game of Thrones series (where Joffrey dies):

xxx: [spoiler] he is dead!!!!and spoiler
yyy->xxx: This spoiler will fit any series.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna