— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №96692
And, by the way, I will touch on another topic, directly related to the quality of the pulp produced.
Pirate books and movies are not preferred to be licensed because they are cheaper (in the age of electronic libraries and online cinemas, this is already a controversial issue), but because they are better quality! You buy, say, a film licensed - there and the translation was done on the courts, without taking the seeds out of the fist (and starting directly from the title of the film), and another ten minutes of advertising (not passed!) at the beginning of the disk is pressed (with 18+, when on the disk cartoon for the audience of 6+). What kind of hero should I watch? I have already paid for the movie. And the book, say, about Harry Potter, I better download, where will be Voldemort and Snape (or the Evil), than I put my blood for "Volan" and, blatantly, "Snow" (what is necessary to smoke in general for such shit, I will humbly silence).
And until this does not get to the nonsense that our "rights" protect, no one will buy license shit (and a few people who speak the languages of the originals will buy the originals better).

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №96691
The story of Diablo III:
He broke out the soj (the most damaging ring in the game) with good characteristics, showed the Sopartis, delighted together, but just put it in the box, because it was necessary to enchant him at the guess, decided that I would do it later.

We continue the farm, then I ask Pat:
XXX is faster.
Tagged: ahah
ZZZ: It looks like that.
XXX: is it straight?
YYY: Yes, very much
ZZZ: clearly yes
xxx: really magical ring, lying at home in the box, and we started farming faster

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №96690
You know, this beast. And in this bitterness you have fallen with your nonsensical requests. Patamuchta is a wicked man who does not go to such a snake as you. The father of your fish lived with taboos, and the other was not stable. Drink the jade, the animal.
Z is. I apologize if I painted with Hippocampus.

The error is only one. How to Write "Out"

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №96689
XXX is fun.
Study well at night. It is good to walk and communicate during the day.
It remains only to find two more hours of the day, to sleep and to do all kinds of things.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №96688
Sitting like a dog in the north.
Here is you, grandmother, and yorkni at the door.
Well, and purely technical: a quiet cape...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №96687
Dating site is just a storehouse of neologisms. My last purchase is to go. Is it something about what, or properties.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №96686
Returning from the kitchen with a cup of tea, he heard a TV advertisement on the edge of his ear: “You never know what awaits you behind the corner.” I thought I didn’t know it? Behind the corner there is a bucket. At the same time, I taste a little bit of it (

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №96685
I remember the question I asked received a truly frightening answer:
"Well, this is a literary question." ))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №96684
The Mystery Site:

Add again, what do you have?

The answer is 206.

"Time-of-three" indicates the number " 1-0-3 ", i.e. by 103. If you add the same to it, then when you fold the column in the lower row, that is, the number 206 will be obtained.

Rating of -40 +-

Added Commentary

The comments:

Alex, 2008-12-30

I thought the answer was shameless.

The Angel, 2009-03-14

I think the answer -abuse of hallucinogens

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №96683
We drove psychophysiology teachers to the corner at the lecture: you agree that when the lecturer begins to turn to the right, the audience begins to slowly make a noise: lick the pencil, whisper the paper, whisper. He goes to the left, silent. The end of the lecture is read from the left corner :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №96682
You are intolerant to disorders. These are alternative working people.and c)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №96681
Previously it was a site with IT’s humour, and now a collection of Russian language errors. Go back to the origins?

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96680
xxx: Can the phrase “I was in Morpheus’ arms” be considered a propaganda of non-traditional sexual relationships?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №96679
I bought a new toy.
Gtx 660 :)
Fuck eah
Combined with 8 nuclei on the process and 24 gigs of memory, this is a monster :)
What are you playing?
Fuck the browsers :(

[ + 15 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96678
You love me, love my child too. We didn’t invent it, right? This is life, you know? The life. Why so much infancy in men? It feels like they’re all 16 years old.

You know, this beast. And in this bitterness you have fallen with your nonsensical requests. Patamuchta is a wicked man nipavedaza on such a snake as you. The father of your fish lived with taboos, and the other was not stable. Drink the jade, the animal.
Z is. I apologize if I painted with Hippocampus.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №96677
In western Ukraine developed a secret seismic weapon called "Who does not jump, that moscal". Crimea fell during the test.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №96676
About Ukraine.

XXX: The mechanism of which?

yyy: suitcase, train station, Russia

Zzz: along with the station :D

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №96675
From the publication in contact with the quote from the pictogram:
We learn to cook soup with fries, first remove the peel with peelings.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №96674
I would understand that I don’t need his money and appreciate it, but I could do so that the family didn’t need anything.

Who can give you that, naive? Mature all arranged for a long time, and far from your conditions. And (young and) free plans on you will not build: why do they need you - forgot to tell?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №96673
Nevertheless, the old good dynamic speaker had one advantage that these small spiders do not have - the screws could be attached to his magnet, when disassembled, so as not to be lost.

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