— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №64173
Fred Perry
tyt through us translation is carried out by a Negro, whose name is Nafthera Esurs))

Fred Perry
Our expert thought: Oil Resource is the name of the company.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №64172
Завхоз at work plays with a new employee:"If I were younger, I would... Oh yeah!and "
She, skeptically raising her eyebrows:"I know you. I have one such "oh" will soon go to school, and from the "smoker" neither hearing nor spirit."

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №64171
If the other sex irritates you so much, finally change your orientation and live with each other – feminists with feminists, chauvinists with chauvinists!

Not every pederast is gay. Do not confuse the concepts :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №64170
I had two puppies yesterday! :)

Officially! What kind of race do you have?? to

I have a tax.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! It’s good ? ? ? ? ? ? They are funny, I answer)))) such a sausage))) I like it)
And today I fed the white in the park)))) she didn't really give birth, but it was also funny)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №64169
There are fireworks.
The last one remains
Is it Corben Dallas?
It was ?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №64168
Odmin: Everything would be fine on the new job until I learned, trying to pass the application to the connectivity engineer, what it is, fucking - I

[ + 33 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №64167
Yesterday I found an old pack of towels and used it all :)
WOW : WOW! How can you write such things to a girl?! to
I hate such wicked ones!

Removed from my friend list.

Where does this world go? I am just leaves on three ficus from dust wiped out.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №64166
I’ve noticed that when a girl says take a shower it means take a shower, not what she wants to make you go by.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №64165
When I studied in the forgotten village, I lived in a communion. a girl enters the subject of sheltering from worklessness in our room frozen. begins to slowly dig on the shelves and tubes in search of interesting artifacts. He hits the notebook (I still guess who), opens the poems: "the guy hit the girl...bla-bla-bla"...the girl pathetically cries: "how can a girl beaten?Andrush, who always responded instantly, did not pump this time. accompanied by gestures: "how-how, you take this way with your hand, you pull off the cloth and how you get rid of it!" with the most serious face. The girl is conquered, andruche gets her virginity... I don’t understand modern romance.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №64164

In 1984, a mobile phone cost $4,195.

He: PF, even MP3 probably didn’t exist)

PF: No one to call.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №64163
Here one acquaintance told the story of how she went to the cabbage and arranged a scandal there. I ask her.
And what happened?
- They opened a new cafe near the house, hanged advertisement: entrance for girls is free. I went. And they say, it was a temporary action and it has already ended, and the advertising shield just forgot to remove. The entrance fee is 50 rubles. I scandalized them and dropped them.
(I am confused) What is the problem? I would pay that penny, the money is small, and I would go quietly.
You do not understand! I didn’t have a half.
How did you go to the cottage without money?
What do you not understand? If I had money, I’t go to the cocktail for anything. What should I do there? I don’t drink, I eat at home more delicious than any cocktail I cook. If there were money, I would go shopping, meet my friends, buy something. If I don’t have money at all, then I’ll go to the cocktail. I will meet a new man, maybe I will go to visit him, sleep, maybe he will give me something, or just give me money.
"Well, I say well, some hundred meters from the house, came, did not let go, turned and went home. Why a scandal?
You do not understand!! I specially washed my head, dried my head with a dryer, wrapped my hair flat, smeared them with mousse, made a lay-out, painted my face,..., and after all this I should turn and go home?!! They forgot to remove the advertisement, pidders! I scandalized them and dropped them.

This is how everything in life is difficult.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №64162
A sister came to visit with two children 2 and 5 years old. and. and. The cat seemed dead.

[ + 8 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №64161
I recently contacted a client to offer our service.
A solid uncle, we talk calmly, he is interested, asks questions. On the back of the back, I hear a child’s voice:
Fouououou! My dad broke up!!! to
The client continues unwaveringly:
Yes, I understood you. What do you need to design?

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №64160
Russians are cruel and merciless
xxx: my friend got somewhere the notepad "Death Note", just like in the same anime.
xxx: and started using it, fucking, as a phone book!
XXX: She brought me there.
xxx: this is file, and what you are saying is nonsense

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №64159
In life, like in school: after the time of change comes the time of lessons.

[ + 65 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №64158
In 1999, Nikolai Nikitin became the new CEO of MiG: a controversial but energetic man. He understood that the firm would not survive on military orders - and decided to produce a civilian aircraft. Yes, the Tu-334 was already developed. The first Deputy Prime Minister (the last head of the State Plan of the USSR Yuri Maslyukov) allocated funds for this, and Nikitin equipped the production areas in Lukhovits. A $1.6 billion deal was signed with Iran. for the production of 100 “334-x”. Iranians generally love Tupolev cars. The Tu-154 continues to fly. The weaponry of such launches is excellent. More western, although the economy is worse. In the mountainous and hot Iran, where the air is diluted and “liquid” due to the high temperature and altitude, Western-made passenger cars fly mostly at night. And the "tupol" in Iran and during the day can fly. The Iranians themselves have visited and seen how they love our “There”. The Iranians “burned” to get the Tu-334. But Nikita made a mistake. He estimated the cost of one aircraft at $ 12 million – and prices in the Russian Federation sharply went up. It was necessary to revise the contract, and in Tehran, the horn was stiffened. If there was a normal state in the Russian Federation, it would help MiG and Tu, it would give a subsidy to produce a hundred cars. Is it a joke – a hundred new aircraft, and also with the prospect of consolidation in the Iranian market? Hundreds of passenger aircraft are ten times more than they did in Russia in 2008. Give the power this way, and today the Tu-334 would have been produced for five years, as a series, flying both in the East and in the Russian Federation itself. No, the power is ugly. Contract is broken. Nikita was removed. The new management of the MiG rejected plans for Tu-334 production.

And then in power spoke about the need to make the first post-Soviet passenger aircraft. This was by Putin’s friend Sergei Ivanov. He was supported by the then head of the Ministry of Economy, the “great genius” G. Graff. A competition is needed.

What, the hell, the competition, when the ready and certified aircraft already existed? When was it only to be built?

This is not interesting to our masters. Another thing is interesting: again take and spend a large amount of government money, throwing away the already ready project (so was the case in the case of replacing “Barka” with “Bulava”, as you remember). Why is this done? You no longer need to explain. Why do you need the Tu-334 if it has been developed since 1992, and all-around its creation took about $ 100 million. We were told that "sovkovy" CBs are not suitable for anything, they are expensive, unflexible - and other nonsense. In fact, 100 million Dollars are very modest. Embraer and Bombardier companies spent 600 million dollars each on the development of similar machines.

The ruling monkeys in the Russian Federation, dropping the Tu-334, decided to develop a new aircraft. The contest was won by Sukhoi, which promised to develop a super-puppy breakthrough car without attracting government funds. She was recognized as a winner. But then it turned out that the development would go at the expense of the state. On it, according to one data, spent $ 1.2 billion, for other (if counting all state guarantees on loans) - 2 billion.

2 billion and 100 million is twenty times the difference. It turned out like an anecdote about the new Russians:

Where did you get the tie?
For a thousand bucks.
Around a corner and a half are sold.

The money won. The order for the production of the passenger aircraft was given to a company that had no experience in creating civilian cars. A company that screamed before, but never developed a civilian C-80. There is no production base for this. As a result – spent long seven years and billions of dollars is unknown for what, “destroying” a real plane.

For the creation of the “Sucho Superjet” created a special legal entity – GSS (“Sucho Civil Aircraft”). They took her office in the McDonald’s building behind the Central Telegraph in Moscow. The designers changed like gloves. And as a result, this... eroplan was born.

From the very beginning, it all struck and struck. For example, the consultants of the project took the company "Boeing". Which all advised, without investing a penny in the project. How to understand? In fact, Boeing is not interested in raising our aircraft industry. We are his competitors. It is as if Stalin invited Porsche consultants from Hitler’s Germany to create a new tank. Or Geinza Guderian. As you can see, this is possible in Russia. “Boeing” and guided by the full program. In addition, a quarter of the shares (block package) in the GSS was purchased by the Italian company "Alenia".

In the end, a plane was born, which can’t be called a breakthrough. It is 80% made from finished parts of foreign production. This is the car of yesterday. Interesting detail: doors for SSJ is supplied by Boeing. for 2 million dollars. And on "Tupolev" a whole plane planner for 3 million is made. The body of the “Dry Superjet” is made of metal. Meanwhile, Boeing on its Dreamliner B-787 makes a planner of super-strong and super-light composites.

The engines under the wing of the notorious "superjet" are only 42 centimeters from the ground (if you count from the lower edge of the airborne). Such low engines are not installed on any plane in the world. That is, in the regional airports of the Russian Federation, it will suck up the garbage and debris of the strip cover: the state of our local airports is not ideal. It was not perfect in the USSR. But on the Tu-134 and Tu-154 engines are located not under the wings, in the tail, high from the surface of the airfield. Even though they were covered with debris. SSJ will also work as a vacuum cleaner. It is not in vain that he is driven on the test lane with a tractor, not allowing him to drive himself. So that nothing goes into the engines. Here it turns out: for this aircraft will have to rebuild all regional airports of the Russian Federation, breaking in this immeasurable billions of dollars. Is it possible? And can such a plane fly to the Russian Federation – even though so much money and time has already been spent on it?

Let us go further. In this case, the passenger aircraft was made by those who previously made fighters. But there are very different design approaches! The fighter (his planner) is designed for the resource of 2,000 hours of flight, and the plane - for 70 thousand hours. The fighter is generally constructed in a risky way, in terms of delivery. In fact, military pilots fly on it without passengers, in which case - they can catapult. Not surely the first series put into the troops, as a rule, still suffers from "children's diseases." Accidents of new cars in military aviation are treated quite tolerantly: what you will do is the cost of novelty. Work on the way. But the passenger car is completely different. Here, a para-three of crashed aircraft means hundreds of human lives. Therefore, in the USSR, passenger cars were "sliding" to the limit.

And here we are offered a “grey” car.

The "Dry Superjet" had problems with the coating and the body in general. The fact is that the spangots on Russian launches were made of sheet metal. This is hard work, but reliable. On the SSJ, consultants from Boeing advised to put freezed "rebs". The Yankees themselves do not do that. It seems that they decided to try this technology on those who are not sorry. And the cover on the super jade had to be made thicker, giving up its chemical freezing. The weight of the car has not changed.

SSJs were removed from finished parts of foreign production. That is, the release of those popper jets in no way will serve the rise of the domestic aviation industry. The engine (SaM-146) is French, refurbished and not certified. And on the Tu-334 – our engines D-436DT1, and certified. The auxiliary power plant (USP) on the "tupole" is ours, and on the SSJ - imported, from "Haniwell". The Tu-334 only 5% consists of imported parts and components. The fuel efficiency of our aircraft is 22.85 g/passenger-kilometer. The “superjet” – 24.3 (if you believe the stated). The salon of our car is more convenient (3.8 on 4.1 m versus 3.4 on 3.6 m for SSJ). The Tu-334 is unified in mass production with the Tu-214, and the superjet is not. The technical team of our airlines already has experience in servicing Tu-334 unified aircraft (Tu-204 and Tu-214), and the "dry aircraft" can not boast of this.

Another important point: by producing the Tu-334 in series at Gorbunov’s Kazan CAPO, the country retains the possibility of repairing long-range missile carriers/bomber Tu-160 and Tu-22M3. Without the Tu-334 all this is wrecked.
The "Liner of the future" actually has to be serviced abroad: so much imported. Brakes - Goodrich company, hydraulic system - Parker company. The power system is supplied by Artus, SAFT and Leich International. Board electronics on SSJ – Thales company. In fact, it is a machine of “scrapery assembly”, a national disgrace. It is now even the Ministry of Economic Development in the notorious strategy 2020 recognized, shamefully calling "superjet" an "interim option". There is no “breakthrough” in this plan. He is a machine frankly “student” (the first shit, the ugly duck). This is the visible embodiment of the manic dream of the Russian “elite” of integration into the world economy at any cost. At the cost of losing the aircraft. And all this is presented as the “success of the new Russia!” Even the United Aviation Corporation is increasingly referring to as the aircraft of the future the promising MS-21, on which it is necessary to work in communion with those parts of the aviation industry of the USSR that remained in Ukraine.

Delivering SSJs abroad is unlikely. The Chinese have their own hundred-seat "regional", the Japanese have their own, similar aircraft are made by Brazil and Canada. And it is generally unclear: will this "miracle" fly into real flights, despite a bunch of threatened babies on it?
In general, they decided to do the white-blue-red aircraft - and that's what came out of it. No mind, no imagination, no innovation breakthrough. And it went out in the “super-market version” much worse than in the Soviet CB. The USSR was not afraid to make really breakthrough machines that were ahead of the West. Such were the Tu-104, “Antey” and “Ruslan”. And here is something swallowed from the west of yesterday. Is this the hope of the Russian aviation industry? Yes, aircraft manufacturing ruling urds exactly buried.

The most interesting thing is that Putin, being first the president of the Russian Federation, and then the prime minister, twice ordered to start mass production of the Tu-334 in Kazan. It was on November 7, 2007 and September 9, 2008. The last time Putin even asked why his orders were not fulfilled. Actually, I did not punish anyone. Please fulfill. But nobody dared to do that. Well, they don’t want this aircraft in the United Aircraft Manufacturing State Corporation – and it’s all there. Kazan association named Gorbunov generally want to transfer to clean repair.

N-n-yes, it is hard to imagine that someone would dare to ignore the orders, say, Stalin. And in his case – the authoritarian vertical of power, and in the present. Only the effectiveness of the two systems, gently speaking, differs. It is unwise that in the USSR, in the shortest possible time, we moved mountains and created advanced equipment, and in the Russian Federation - for years, we are almost in one place, sometimes giving out real "technical fools".

What do we have in the “dry residues”? The epic with the first “post-Soviet ship” most vividly depicts what is happening in the agonizing and degrading Russian Federation. The desire of its “elite” at any cost (even at the cost of outright idiotism) “to fit into the world division of labor”, destroying its own scientific and industrial base and leaving in the Russian Federation only “outright production”. Compared to Soviet times, this is the strongest retreat backwards.

A “turning aircraft” would be permissible for a country that did not have its own aviation industry. Somewhere in Malaysia. But for the Russians with their century-old history of designing and building advanced aircraft, this is a national disgrace.

In this particular case, we are offered a "scrolling aircraft" at the level of the MAI graduate diploma project. The plane, the future of which as a serial car is under great question. At the same time, the money spent on the "dry-superjet" epic is three times more than the aircraft manufacturers abroad spend on the same enterprises. Six times more than the development of the regional Russian-Ukrainian An-148 (about 300 million. It is almost twenty times more than the Tu-334.

A characteristic feature of the "white-blue-red elite": scary incompetence and laziness, multiplied by the desire to spend as much money as possible - in order to bite more from them and scratch yourself personally. This is what will lead the Russian Federation to complete collapse.
Here is the whole tale about the capabilities of the current tricolor state in the organization of aircraft construction. They are basically killing him. And after the killing of the civil aviation industry, problems will inevitably begin in military aircraft construction. These are the communicated vessels.

For the certificate:

In 1992, the Russian aviation industry produced 77 master aircraft. Twice as much as in the USSR.
From 1993 to 68.
In 1994 – 27.
In 1995 – 19.
In 1996 (“Vote for Yeltsin or you lose!”) – 4.
In 1997 – 5.
In 1998 – 9.
In 1999 (the arrival of Putin) – 7.
From 2002 to 2005, the airlines purchased only 20 domestic-produced aircraft. That is, their production in the Putin era was calculated 6-7 machines per year. at the level between 1997 and 1998.
In 2004, the following numbers of civilian aircraft and helicopters were produced: aircraft (without aircraft) 12, including:
• passenger and regional - 7 aircraft: Il-96-300 - 3 (including the salon, Voronezh), Tu-214- 1, Il-62M - 1 (Kazan), An-38 - 2 (Novosibirsk);
• cargo - 3 aircraft: An-124 "Ruslan" -2 (Ulyanovsk city); An-74 - 1 (Omsk city);
Special - 2 aircraft: Be-200 - 2 (city of Irkutsk).

Try to find data on the release of launches in the following years - steam.

In 2008, after eight years of “raise from the knees” and the influx of trillions of “oil dollars” – it was built.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №64157
The asphalt is wrong! It should be the opposite, the smooth side from above!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №64156
Man "And what was she offended by? I did not say anything like that. She invented something for herself." greatly resembles female:"I don’t know why it broke, I didn’t touch at all. It is it!"

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №64155
If a guy doesn’t smoke or take anything, it doesn’t mean that he’s “crazy” or “not in the subject” – but because he knows he’ll have normal healthy children! And it doesn’t go in 10 degrees cold with an open mouth, because it’s, you see, now, fashionable!!! And if I call all the time when you don’t take the phone, because my girlfriend daddy bought a new car, or was in traffic jams and didn’t hear, not because I am jealous or compelled, but because I worry if everything is okay with you and if she didn’t get, as usual, into any ass.
“I’m not going to cook to eat or wash dishes because I have nails!” With the nails? Jaguar or Red Bull? Little children don’t eat “Morozko” peelings!!! House 2 is not life, it is a show!! This is a fairy tale for every blonde to send a text message to a short number and support her idol!
Every day he was in contact with the status. How bad things. Initiative is zero. It is not kingly to write first. The remaining small portion does not spend time in contact and does not bump on the frost trying to get stuck with its fashionable fancy. The rest is the reality. This present thinks about life, gives sessions. Learn and live with plans for the future.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №64154
The guy! The guy who uploaded a poor uneducated girl to a dating site with his idea of happiness, his reasoning about Maslow, and so on... Why did you meet me? Scotch is educated...
by Alia.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna