— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №80845
A woman reads a children's book to her daughter (4.5 years old). And in the book, beautiful pictures are like oil on the canvas. And the wife sits down and thinks, “Nothing for herself... The authors write and draw... And she considers the pictures.
My daughter waited, she waited. And he says, “Well, what’s it like a computer... Read it!”and "

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №80844
They walked somewhere along an old arcade with a friend somewhere there and a cute girl passing past falls, losing consciousness, right on her arms.
Girl, girl wake up!
Does not show signs of a conscious state, shake her a little, she begins to come back to herself
Yyy: Listen, I need to ask her something like this to see if she really came back to herself.
XXX: Yes and exactly. Girl, in what volume are Lev Landau and Liffsitz considering the electrodynamics of solid environments?
The girl: o_o
Well, you see, I’ll have to take her to the examination at home.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №80843
XX: Not everyone is allowed to change history.
YYY: Yes, for almost everyone. Write a new textbook.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №80842
Do you need Android 5.0?
ууу: Somewhere I read that at 5 there will be an increase in free operatives and improved support for tags and exins.
zzz: Somewhere I read that all people will live in equality and fraternity, without need of anything or conflict with each other.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №80841
In the conversation about the rent of the apartment, the brother spoke beautifully:
If there is no furniture, it is a puddle. I have an inflatable pump. and pause. Well, this one, you blow it up and suck it! Blake to Blake! You have understood!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №80840
[13:25:51] <Wolf> what should you pay attention to when buying a bicycle?
[13:35:44] <MIxa> what wheels were
[13:35:58] <MIxa> without wheels

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №80839
Now only men will understand.
I came here today in my shirt only because I had finished my clean socks.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №80838
XHH: You can blow up a lot of things... knowing... so now you can also ban manganese from selling?? to

WOW : indeed. My house exploded. I bought it and put it in a corner on the floor in the kitchen. Then I found out that it was next to the battery. The oak was lying, lying, heated, could not withstand and exploded. And it turned out to be not only an explosive object, but also a biological weapon: the smell after the explosion went all over the house - shut down the light.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №80837
SherrKhan: Well, I am in the dendrarium.
I didn’t know you were interested in biology.
SherrKhan: No, this is the accounting...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №80836
Of how stupid she was, the wife usually understands, on the second year of family life, the husband - on the second day of the wedding.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №80835
I work in the TP provider:
A 15-year-old boy calls
I forgot my password on the internet.
Please give me the series and passport number of the owner of the contract, then I can help you with the password.
Yes of course
I hear that the guy asks for a passport from his mother, all, his passport, I wait until he dictates the data, in a couple of minutes I hear: "Mom, and where do you have the series and passport number in the passport?"
I think okay, the guy just got the passport a year ago, he doesn’t know, but when his mother, after three minutes of searching, all the same data, began to call his husband, with the same question...
My friends pulled me out of the table :)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №80834
If you do not respect the country in which you live, then either start doing something that will change the reality around you for the better (be sure, scream about the fact that everything is bad, it will be worse and all the Tatars, except me, do not belong to the above actions), or forward - you are unlikely to be held here. If you stand for something, you can not die abroad. If not - it is not surprising that you and in Russia handled, handled and handled, such types everywhere live misery.
P.S. The manner of calling Russia "Rashka" is disgusting.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №80833
<XXX> Strugacki did not read, on Alice Selezneva did not shake... and-heh, you are a missing generation, fed on a pepsi-colle =R
<XXX> YYY, but I still love you, you're better than the followers that the jaguar sucked with breast milk

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №80832
One day, a man will build a powerful space rocket that could easily transport 1,000 people to another planet and everything needed to deploy any known technology, from nail forging to manufacturing processors. Expedition to Mars, for example. These 1,000 people will be the best representatives of the species. Without congenital diseases. With a stable psychic. No ridiculous prejudices. With an unusually powerful and free mind, an extensive horizon, physically strong. And when they reach their destination and settle there, the alien beings will say, “Well, these fools have finally done what they have been waiting for all this time!” Apocalypse on Earth.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №80831
JustLuckyGuy, and I have another problem. In the iPhone version of Skype is a car drive, and I do not remember the password. This version does not show mail. And the technical support refuses to restore ((
Zhovner, but you have an iPhone.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №80830
In general, I think I should have planned a fourth part: i.e. The architect, abhorrently choking, tells the whole truth of Neo and says that he is supposed to have fought with the matrix inside the matrix. And here, suddenly, choking with a particular cynicism, comes the Architect of the Architect, who invented a machine matrix to exploit semi-intelligent units and prevent their rebellion, deliberately insinuating to them that they supposedly enslaved mankind and inspired him with the idea of a matrix! What a turn!! to

The alternative scenario is beautiful in that on the basis of it it could not be made three films, but thirty, until the brain of the viewer exploded.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №80829
Mysterious Xs appeared on Mars fields. Here is our answer to extraterrestrial civilizations in their circles!

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №80828
Nothing is produced, even an impression.Bakutkin

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №80827
A reminder of another story from my manager, who once worked in the "Marphine Barracks". About what security measures are there, I have already written here in the story of a foolish man who stopped a car with a secret cargo.
The time of the Brezhnev stagnation. The word “hop-stop” was then known to every citizen, and no one wanted to hear them on the street. The salary was then issued in almost all enterprises in one day, it seems to be 25 days. The hoppies knew this very well, after a working day they guarded the lonely passers and wooled for money. This time, someone almost lost the result of their monthly work. Picture: a guy with a wallet runs, with the screams of "hold the thief!" he is pursued by a man. Zevaki at the stop quietly observe, no one is going to catch the thief for someone else's portfolio. Per a "squeeze" in the bubble will blow, then this often happened. The physical training of the thief is clearly better than that of his victim, he, like an experienced parkourist, jumps through the fence encountered on his way. Conventional concrete fence, such as those that fence warehouses, parking spaces, buildings. Only the guy was clearly not a local, on the criminal jargon "golden thief". What was behind that fence, he obviously did not know. And behind the fence there was a second fence, with a clutch wire and a security system. Within a few seconds, the unsuccessful jumper finds himself under the target of the automate who resorted to the signal of the WOHROVC. Unlike that stupid thief, the thief was not led to the first department, and it is so clear what happened. He was just arranged a small educational conversation and conducted on the intermediate perimeter to the passageway, where he was already awaited by the militia "cracker" and the owner of the stolen portfolio.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №80826
If Mercedes will continue to develop electronic filling of its cars, they will soon leave Russia independently back to Germany.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna