— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №126258
I have an idiot of the year in the group. After Ying broke his leg very seriously, on the dispute for 100 rubles made a salto (Yes, I was drunk and never made a salto). In the end, I have never been in pairs, I came to the exam today with a new plaster! A week ago, when the old gips was removed, he decided to repeat the unsuccessful salto and broke the other leg.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №126257
After 12 p.m., the internet will turn into a pumpkin.
I didn’t pay (

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126256
“If by the age of 40 a woman’s house is not filled with children’s voices, it is filled with ghosts.” Where did you get this “people’s wisdom”?
Apparently, all your three wives are terribly afraid of ghosts, so each of you left a child. Ghostbuster is fucking.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №126255
Why is it so important for people to make others eat the same food they eat?
– is
It is not so scary. It’s much worse when parents try to force their children to eat what they don’t eat. So cabbage is not perceived as a useful, although not delicious food, but as a testimony to the authority of adults over children. For any more or less freelance-loving, intelligent child with a sense of self-worth, the formula is not enough: “Do as I said, because I said, and point.” This is very disgusting even in adulthood (me, for example, one of my teachers is trying to build this way, although we are almost equals with him, but I at least understand that it humiliates him much more than me). And in childhood you can completely break a child - because it is so easy to inspire him the thought of his nothingness.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126254
xxx: here are the hits in the cosmoper, the hits in the past, the hits in the anime and almost the pink concepts that rebuild the world in the "best" side. Interesting, have you already been on TV?
YYY : No. You can calmly write about it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126253
A second marriage is not terrible. The first time I made a mistake, made conclusions and approached creating a family more responsibly. I seem very willing to believe it. But the third and subsequent marriages indicate that something is wrong with this man.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №126252
No one is asking what a crap is.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126251
14:01 today
In Rosavtodor linked the improvement of the quality of roads with the increase in the number of accidents

What if they don’t invent, only if the roads are not repaired.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126250
"In Rosavtodor stated that the improvement of the quality of federal roads leads to an increase in the number of accidents";

The eternal troubles of Russia are fools and roads. The first manages the second.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №126249
I was almost struck by one idiot on a pedestrian crossing today. Moreover, he not only did not slow down the speed, seeing me on the road, but also pushed out the window and covered it with a three-storey mat, saying how I dared to appear on his way. I was so upset that I forgot to watch the road. As a result, the car crashed one wheel into dirt on the side and crashed into a tree. I don’t even know how to comment on it – instant karma or a lesson in the style of “don’t get distracted by driving.”

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126248
Dear guys!
Arguments: I already have two children, I have been working in this field for ten years, we have already bought a second car of this brand in the family - unambiguously support your statements and the presence of positive experiences in this field.
But the statement: “I’m married for the third time” is not equal to the fact that you have a rich experience in family relationships or that you’re a good partner. Rather, it depreciates your words at the root. and sorry.
Women are similar, but they usually do not boast of the number of marriages. Here you leave it a secret from unwilling readers.
Cake and tea to everyone in bed.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №126247
About food: the husband in childhood was undernourished, the mother-in-law cooked abhorrently, and the mother-in-law had a ulcer, so when in their house they cooked scraps and roasted cocktails - it was a holiday!! When we got married, my husband told me he didn’t eat fish, ham and didn’t like salt. He began to eat ham after a week (the mother did not cook it), fish after 3 months, and it turned out to be funny with salt. I cooked the sauce, everything as appropriate: with the tongue, a smoked bite, cucumbers and olives. She poured out her husband, he looked at him and said, "This is not a salad, salad is a soup with rice and sausage." I should have seen my eyes then. Salad is now a favorite dish. So if the kids don’t eat something, it might be cooked incorrectly?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №126246
xxx new hair
XXX: I like it very much.
yyy: well why Skype does not have the function "Edit someone else’s message" :(
xxx for what?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126245
Yesterday in the subway accidentally looked at a crossword, guessed by a grandfather sitting next to him. "Razimbun", it is written - fucking what a beast, I think. looked at me. It turns out that he is the author of the song "Wals-Boston".

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №126244
Mom, thoughtfully looking at the TV, where on the central channel show a video about lobbies and lovely pants:
"In my youth, the song became popular, and then somebody came up with silly words for this motive and sang under the guitar in the kitchen. Now the popular song is removed from the mattress so that it can be played on TV.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №126243
Now I understand from which children some of my acquaintances grew up. A friend’s husband didn’t eat yesterday. at all. Even bread or compot. Only freshly prepared, with dust from heat, don't let God cook and warm up in the morning - you get angry with daddy. My second companion is constantly adhering to a healthy eating system. Every week is different. Today cooked vegetables, tomorrow grapes, after tomorrow raw food. Truth never warns his wife that he dropped and arranges a wild scandal if he wanted fried meat and got a plate of beans. My ex did not eat fish, onions, garlic, pumpkin, cheese, from meat only chicken without skin and beef, mushrooms, Bulgarian pepper, green vegetables, and any fried dishes. And I did not even tolerate the smell, so cooking two different dishes is not an option, and going to the restaurant is an entire adventure. I am not saying that you should eat unloved food. Do not put your problems on others. Mother has cooked a snack today, and the child doesn’t want it? Let him eat a sandwich. Children don't know why my mom chose a strawberry, maybe there was no time, maybe the strawberry's expiration date is out, maybe it's a problem with money and there's only a strawberry, or maybe she can cook three dishes only or banally all the others eat strawberry with pleasure.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126242
by Jira
T-Tester and R-Developer
T: If there are more than 500 records, a modular window appears. When the button is pressed, an error occurs.
R: Since it doesn’t fall right away, it probably didn’t have enough time to form the data.
Accelerated the loading.
T: The defect is reproduced. The fall started to happen faster. I reopen the task.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №126241
The best April 1 joke, for which people paid for work: Somewhere in a remote Russian region, on April 1 on the local TV channel in the morning began to spin "Lebody Lake". Periodically, the broadcast of the ballet was interrupted by the appearance of a speaker in a strict black suit with the announcement: "Citizens, stay calm. The government is keeping the situation under control"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126240
“I’m even afraid to imagine what the scooters would be like if they decided to build a base on the moon.
The cosmic.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №126239
Have you seen a lot of metals in your home? There were rubles, too. The Olympic...

You guys are probably confusing something. Half-tinners, or coins of 50 kopecks, were sufficient, as were metal rubles and the rest of the exchange coin. Notoriously rare were banknotes of 50 rubles and 100 rubles (sandwich) and only because the latter exceeded the salary of the majority of the population of the USSR.
Ask people over 50 years old, for example.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna