— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136321
* Reference to the article that copters learned to sit on moving cars*
xxx: Preferably the loading would be increased so that they could fly.
xxx: at least one meter high
Yes, it’s called a helicopter!! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136320
What do you know about ridiculous situations?? to
I go I mean alone in the car, from the columns played favorite music, all type-top, only in the stomach somewhat strangely whispered eaten a couple hours ago shaurma. And it starts to support me and I pierce. Not just pearls, but pearls like Satan. It was like cutting the eyes. And after 50 meters at the stop, my girlfriend is standing, sees me, smiles, jumps, masks with her hands... And I, scuco, with a poker face I go further...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136319
About "Romeo and Juliet"

A generation of debils has grown up, who know the classics in retrieval and screenings, and they can’t even google on keywords.
There is enough in the "Romeo and Juliet" comic episodes. There, Juliet's nurse regularly urinates the crusts, and it all started quite fun until the bodies went away.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136318
Dear Dear Dear Dear Dear Dear Dear Dear Angels
Only once was I happy - On the day we met you."

And this song is not as meaningless as it seemed, I would even say satirical.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №136317
Excellent dolls
Anonymous, what do you think of portrait dolls in photo stories?
For example, when the action figure of Loki is introduced into the game, they call him somewhat Vasily Sergeevich and make him Daddy Barbie Masha.
Anon: Mom horse to be the norm, and daddy Barbie Masha is bad? by D"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №136316
The grasshoppers will not call anyone, MTS will turn off his roaming for non-payment.
Skynet will be blocked in Russia by the decision of Roskomnadzor, and the Terminator, abandoned in Chelyabinsk due to an error in GPS, will be melted in the dome on the pins of the cushioners, sprinkled men from the hot casting shop.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136315
News: Khacas online magazine "New Focus" conducted a survey on the streets of Moscow, asking residents of the capital, how they would treat the accession of Khacasia to Russia.
In the responses, the residents of the capital argue that it is not worth joining the republic, because "there will be a lot of visitors from Khakassia" and "they will be allocated money constantly, as well as Crimea." There were also assumptions that after the accession of Khakassia, "there will be more problems, they need to be fed somehow."

Stop feeding everyone!

The Congregation: Yes! Or the problem of obesity, they say, is walking around your planet.

Derand: the problem of chips, popcorn and hamburgers on the planet.)

Congregatio: The problem of a sedentary way of life on the planet is moving... To work in the car, to the car in the elevator, to work at the table... Home for the computer.

rvb_glas: After fighting for a parking spot near the entrance to the fitness center, I am no longer surprised.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136314
Son of 10 years. I just came home. It is wet, in the snow. I split up for lunch. I hang out his pants and jacket to dry out. From the pocket of the jacket pulls a nailflower, folded three times, washed and crushed. I ask what it is, from where? And he says, “Oh yes, Mom, it’s for you. Happy Mother’s Day!

All in Father. The Romantic.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136313
Israeli branch of a German company.

The leaders are Germans. Engineers are mostly Russians.

It is discussed - to take or not to take a very complex and risky project.

“This will be our Stalingrad,” the leadership expresses its fears with a popular German saying.

Do we take a project? Russian engineers are enthusiastic.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №136312
Hi Fedor. I just watched the movie "XXXXXXXXXXXX". Great movie, I liked it very much!
But it wasn’t me who filmed it.
I know, thank you for that!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136311
xxx: Briefly about the speed of my communications operator: two identical text messages sent with an interval of 2 minutes from one end to the city to the other came with an interval of 10 days... in a month.
Yyy: It should have been sent by Russian mail - it would have come faster.
zzz: Russia's mail one of the pigeons would be sealed halfway.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №136310
Black Friday is when you only pay half the price.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136309
The artificial intelligence, which intended to destroy humanity, will find itself in Aiklaud instead of with a million photos of kittens, food and reflections of the ass in the mirror and from meaninglessness and despair will kill themselves. No one will notice this, everyone will be too busy watching a video of a person running on a gas burner.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №136308
I recently broke the brain of an 18-year-old girl. She told me she couldn’t remember the increasing sequence of letters in the size of her clothes. Type S goes after M or vice versa. Well, what I did, I worked in technical support, I got used to everything, and I told her that S is small, M is medium, and so on. Kernel panic in her eyes will remain in my memory for a long time.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136307
>>> In the army, the charter of domestic and guard service is taught by the mouth, with signs of restraint(!) They learn, they learn, and they pass on his knowledge like poems.

In front of the army there is a commission in the military committee, at which psychiatrists are cut off from the call of full fools. In other areas of life, such a choice, unfortunately, is not.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №136306
The question:
What can I talk about with a guy?? to

Please help me!
We talked to him many times live, but sometimes I want to rewrite!!! to
Help me!! to

The answer:
O.. There is room for fantasy. and. For example, write to him "I am pregnant" and then do not answer a day. and. Or something else there.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №136305
aaa: For this damn "good time of day" sometimes you want to specifically hit, so that the spark from the eyes fly. And without any joke. This stupidity is much more disgusting than sweet naivety and sincere illiteracy (which, in turn, can be unpleasant to someone most often because of snobism).

BBB: Aaa, go bite, call, I’ll make a company. and :)

ccc: "It is necessary for all the good to unite and kill all the bad." A cultural capital is so cultural. Good day ladies.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №136304
On Friday, at the general meeting, the grandmothers raised the question:
How long can that last?!? Men go to the shower or in trussels, or wash without them, wrapped in a towel!!! Let us look at it!!! to

We have a factory. A man of 15 and a man of about 1000. Yes, and men work, mostly until 19:00. Mostly until 16:00.

The Director made a decision:
Now the grandmothers are also allowed to go to the shower in trussels, or without them, but wrapped in a towel))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №136303
Logic of the boss
Your opinion does not interest me; keep silent; there is nothing to complain about working conditions
You find another job.
How? And we thought you’re all right when you’re silent.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №136302
The future has arrived! Now in Ashan you can pay for Doširak with Apple Pay :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna