— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №96052
Barrymore, why does this black hole have no diameter?! to
The singularity, meem

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №96051
The commentary:

TS: And how can six-year-old urban children who grew up on asphalt and with sterilized milk in refrigerators know this?

According to this logic, children should not know anything except what is in their asphalt world. and Brad.
====== is
When there is such a question, there are and will be such children: debilloids reproduce in order of entertainment and saving on contraceptives.

Asphalt children at the age of 6 often have other skills that are more useful than abstract knowledge about milk clotting. For example, many of them already know how to politely talk to people, which you, commentators, seem to have forgotten to teach.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №96050
I watched an ancient film with Lundgren - "Blackjack".
The prostitutes were present in silence.

[ + 38 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96049
CEC of Ukraine accepted documents of Darth Alekseevich Vader
xxx: The only normal candidate 

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №96048
Dialogue yesterday, after a day of traffic jams training.
Husband: Why are you so worried? Everything is normal.
I am ashamed... I am ashamed of you... I make mistakes...
Husband (with sympathy in the voice): Okay, don’t worry, you’ll think...
Pause... I start to turn surprised to him with the thought that I still have a wonderful husband...
Husband (in the same tone):... just feel damaged...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №96047
How to explain to a cat who believes that he is the chief in the house, that, in fact, we bought him as a slave or a maid.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №96046
"The construction of the Death Star will soon be announced"

In the Krasnodar already recruiting workers, googled :-)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №96045
There are girls who need
No star from the sky.
The black hole immediately.
They swept them forever.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96044
Katie sits next to him and begins to scream. On the contrary, it is permeable: "Najaaa, Najaaaaa"... I had to turn around and say, "You are a wool fool. What do you do? No tea in Japan. As long as I am "normal"you will not say, I will not feed". I stumbled and thought.

[ + 32 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96043
We have a security company in the city. Maybe, and a good company, but foreign and joint ventures I will not recommend its services. Just it’s called the "Shield Security"...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №96042
I am 18 and I am 18))
XXX: Not for you.
YYY: And who are you? When did you lose your virginity?
XXX: Well you woke up. and :P

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №96041
There is probably no more devout and sincere being than a dog in the universe.
How about the worms?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №96040
Maxim: and you are from where?
From St. Petersburg! I live in Moscow and study here. You are from where?
Also from Moscow. Where do you live in Moscow?
Ilana: Yes
Where in Moscow?
Ilana: Yes
Where in Moscow?
Tagged with: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Where is Moscow?
Ilana: What the record went on
Where do you live in Moscow?
Ilana: I understood
Maxim: Thank God
I am with my sister.
Maxim: Let’s try again. Where in Moscow do you live?
I am just sleepy for a long time
Okay, I will ask differently. In which district of Moscow do you live?
I live in the house of my sister.
In which district of Moscow do you live?
Ilana: Aaaah clear
not far away
Maxim: Not far from what?
Ilana: From Moscow

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №96039
The yogurt, of course, clogs, but here the milk clogs. Words are similar...
And the fact that the methods change every year does not mean that the parents are idiots and fear in vain, but that all these methods, fucking, would have been at least one decent, it would have stopped.
It is fun to decide those children whose parents have a familiar go-ped who suggests the correct answer.
As a result, those who try to understand and solve tasks in which there is no logic, it is stunned that they are stupid because they can not cope with the simplest things, and those who get five, answering on the hint, understand that nothing and solve is not necessary, you will be told how correctly.
After that, Mr. Teacher, at least be motivated.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №96038
Over the last three days, I’ve realized that eggs with milk are just as dumb as people who post this nonsense!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №96037
In some centuries I decided to lose weight, sat on a diet and went to the stadium. I was standing in the stadium doing exercise and I heard the smell of cottles, or something edible. I don’t know where this smell comes from in the stadium. After a minute, I remember that when I ran past a bunch of children they ate cakes. Now it was 70 meters to the child. The first day of the diet.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №96036
The prosecutors of Russia need a new shape and a lunar prisma.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96035
The Inventor :

We make two ordinary sandwiches with sausage. Then, each of them will be soaked "back" with oil. Combine these two butter with the back to the back with the sausage out. Woala, the sandwich of Schrödinger – Matroskin!

What did you mean by "Schrödinger’s Sandwich"? In what two positions can he be at the same time? Another Mobius sandwich I can understand, like both sides are face-to-face, but what about Schrödinger?

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №96034
We have been together with a friend for 1.5 years.
By some unspecified method, the duties were distributed, that, mol, I cook, he washes.
Yes, but not about that.
He hangs his clothes again and cries out of the hallway:
I washed your rabbit hats.
I, a man who is not wearing natural fur (not a greenpeace, a kid, just a poor man), stand in confusion in the kitchen and remember that for rabbit hats, and not one, but two (!) is
I approach, think, look, where he dug them out, and here I was surprised: a friend removed some of my wet socks from the linen rope, dressed onto the head, and with the words "what is not a rabbit?" began to playfully hang them in different directions. xd

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №96033
Probably, only I could guess when I swallowed a large bowl of too hot tea to not burn my mouth, quickly swallow it (((

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna