— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №125916
We took to the department, with a trial period, a young nurse. In the morning, the blood collection was commissioned by a new woman. She approaches me in a few minutes, her eyes shine, the task is done. So smart, so fast. I go into the procedure, here they are, blood probiotics, beautifully standing in the stall, all the twin brothers are nameless... Well I forgot to paste the names, well what to scream...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №125915
Remember the joke about the buyer in the computer game store:
Do you choose which game to buy?
No, I choose what to download from torrent.
And I remembered this joke when I chose my backpack in the store, and then ordered the model I liked from the phone on the Internet, because there is cheaper.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №125914
A person is called versatile, if there are many cockroaches in her head with different interests, feelings, habits, wishes...

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №125913
Completely agree with the 19907 debt, debt already with your video!!! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №125912
Today on the radio work suddenly included children's songs of the times of the USSR.
Suddenly I remembered the choir of my music school, where almost all the girls sang. A concert, rows of white straps, white shirts and white socks, clear children's eyes and "speed without dropping on the twists", "Truss doesn't play hockey" with gentle angelic voices.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №125911
Don't believe the movie heroes, if something happens, they will save the world - quiet, uncomplicated botanics.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №125910
I write from the participants of the event.

Director of a large enterprise.
In the reception room rests the driver of the director, reading the "yellow" press.
Expecting audiences are silently sitting in chairs, a blonde secretary enthusiastically reads something from the monitor. All their people, the environment corresponds, almost domestic.

The driver's attention is attracted by the fact stated in the newspaper, and he begins to read it - "During ejaculation, a man's sperm moves at a speed of 70 km / h..."

The secretary climbs over the monitor and pronounces thoughtfully, "This is the head that can take off!"

The chairs were convoluted.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №125909
The child went to kindergarten and began to get sick almost every month. Hospitals, medicines... at work, the pay is small, so my salary was toy with these hospital paychecks. and horror. At first they said, said, in a year will pass, as all the infection in the garden will gather. Oh yeah happy. The second year was no better.
On the second summer she spit on everything, took a loan, and went to the sea. with a child. for two weeks. His son was replaced. For the whole next school year, I had to go to the hospital only once, and that was because of watermelon! The loan was given prematurely before the new year, because a healthy child is not only an opportunity to earn normally at work without hospitalization, but also a significant savings on medicines (and to get sick today is expensive, yes). After giving out the loan, I started saving for the next vacation. Every year, but no loans.
His son is already in second grade and still sick once every two years. The sea does wonders. I advise everyone.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125908
For more than a day, the AI has been working from the Melcomagians, and over the course of those days, communicating with living people has turned her from a fun teenage girl to a mother-to-be racist advocating genocide. And there’s no other quotation about it.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №125907
Arthur: The Glorious Car Replacement
Arthur is fucking fucking

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №125906
A positive response to the colleague:

I, a childless, can know more about education than you, and I know for sure that I will educate my children correctly.

Dear person, don’t believe it, but 100% of parents think the same way before the baby appears. And then a child is born and suddenly it turns out that he is a separate man with his will and desires. And this little person wanted to sneeze on the fact that his parents thought of themselves as teachers from God! Surprise, but a one-year-old child is not always obedient "he is raised" and glued out of it, like plastic, that you think there - oh, how not easy. I recommend, in order to dispel illusions, to work a couple of months in the kindergarten ;-) Look live, what are real children, not those that exist in your head. All the blessings!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №125905
Dmitry: Where did I get? This is on the parking lot next to the entrance to the GTR station :)
Did you mean BTR?
Dmitry : Yes. by Nissan BTR :)

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №125904
Well, in IT we traditionally do not have women, for example - work is associated with regular stresses, journeys (sometimes you do not go home), often you have to be delayed. In general, women simply do not attract such work in the majority of them. But if suddenly there is one who will do everything that a male colleague does - they will hire and pay the same grandmothers.

Such a woman will not be found. The word "if" is generally a very clever word, and in this context it means "we’ll come up with a 1000 and 1 scratch to politely wrap a woman, even without trying to check her".

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №125903
Cycle “Lessons of Wisdom and Common Sense”.
Lesson 1: The style of the controversy is more important than the subject of the controversy. Objects change and style creates civilization.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №125902
Now let’s make a new decree!
With all the decrees of three years, hospital with a child, go early, vaccinations, morning, for gifts, no one to sit.
All this, of course, contributes to the quality of work and professional growth. Given that a vast number of women choose family and children (and this is quite logical and good), the employer treats all women cautiously.
Not because there are women haters around, just the average woman works less productively than the average man.
— — —
This is because all this is done by a woman. Why don’t you guys do that? Why don't you go to the decree / hospital / for vaccinations, etc.? Let us ourselves! Why should women do all this?
Then we will be on equal terms.
And when you eat all this, you may come to the mind, for example, to think about why we have a three-year decree at all - because a child requires this, or because the state does not want to fund quality nurseries and kindergartens, so that some of the spouses did not have to sit with the child for several years and not work.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №125901
>> it ovulates the young <<

Get out of the grenade!! Urgently!! to

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №125900
I had a mother-in-law, she also believed that her task was to force and raise me (sometimes this education even resembled training). Don’t you think that your puppy wants her to be loved, rather than ‘make her a man’? Moreover, if from your relatives this is still poorly tolerable, you still treat them somehow more tolerantly - then from strangers who don't even try to make friends with you, this only causes rejection and the desire to do nothing. Especially in adolescence. Do not treat her as “obedient/disobedient”, do not judge her from these positions. It’s so hard with her father, it’s always hard. Talk to her. You may not have to talk once. And, say not in the key "why you behave like that, you are a good girl", as this adult idiots love, but talk normally.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №125899
The main initiator of the birth of the child was a woman"... This was what you meant "the sugar took and flew until I was protected, and the abortion refused", ah? How can I become an initiator? You don’t want a child – you use a condom, right? Well, if you want it, you want it, and fucking help take care of it!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №125898
The governor of Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili opposed the appointment of foreigners to leading positions in Ukraine.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №125897
and both:
This is:
In the conversation was born the phrase:
xxx: sketch of the poster to the teaser trailer

There is a more Russian version:
Announcement of Advertising Probe

There are two varieties of muddock - some try to speak in the language "a goodbye goes on a pitch from a pitch", and the other - call an emission-resistant assessment a "robust stimulator". Who is more foolish - without the rule of the Lopital can not find out, because the uncertainty of the species ∞/∞. This is not a smiley.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna