— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №79905
Listen, you have been studying in college for a year and a half, what have you learned? What is most important to you of what you learned? Will it be useful in life?
YYY: I learned protective things. This is very important. It will be useful in the next six years.
Xxx :?? to
Yyy: Drink coffee on the go and don’t lick.

[ + 18 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №79904
xxx: I read the news about how the song was created "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
xxx: while I read, my recording likes a guy with Cobain on the avatar
You know what I felt at that moment.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №79903
Do you think the tool is not a kitchen tool?
It is you relatives 6 kg of frozen meat did not pull!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №79902
Itonay: We liked the design, just send us a picture in LSD format.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №79901
Flowers for girls, the same as socks for men, must be smelled first.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №79900
But I am still crazy about you.
The xxx:

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №79899
He felt an adult after habitually knocking on the key with his fist, and the key flew into the hole. It had not been so before...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №79898
Oh, maybe you know.
The Chinese?
O O O! Of course, I am from Russia, Chinese is my second language!

You look... Russia is a long tsuko... The left tail speaks English, and the right one is just... :-/

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №79897
From the video on YouTube, racing supercars.
1 Leader: By the way, we recommend to everyone, we do so, we have cars registered in Vladivostok, while the fine arrives there, the limitation period - yok.
The Russian Post - use us!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №79896
I am lying in a hospital with polysynusitis, but this is not the essence of the military hospital here and the soldiers are simple and the officers are lying. I decided to make a plate of foil to strengthen the signal... with a kind and honest face in the toilet before the outing among the soldiers and officers, I asked the foil. After a while, I understood why they all stopped.
P.S. Intelligence in the military sphere is very harmful you are either a drug addict or a madman

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №79895
I thought, this is only in ridiculous comedies: I go to the race, on the left of the staircase cosmetics are sold. I turn, I think to get in between two stands with cosmetics and... beautifully lubricated in the glass, picturesque stretching my hands. Only a slow slide was lacking for complete happiness. The passage was within a meter from the scene of the collision. The vendors looked so sympathetically, they probably thought that I really want a new dress.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №79894
I advise you Dr. Webb, in two years no virus.
aa, no, lying - there was one, father caught, but the web hit him quickly
Did my father come?? to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №79893
snegurk@ [19:09]
I live on the 5th floor, in the morning I open my eyes, and in the window a man stands  I was almost paralyzed) and this turns out to be a ruby topol

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №79892
Something bad spring this year, cold.
Yyy: (Drawing in Moscow) That was nothing, it was worse in 1974, then my car and my boss were made.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №79891
The gaspasser:
I am prepared to tolerate theft of officials, robberies, fellow citizens' humiliation and even unfair elections, but two things cause me hundreds of hatred - dog shit, where you can't look and cars on the sidewalks and lawns.
dartp: Apply one to another.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №79890
From Habr.
A security programmer from was pleasantly surprised to learn that Hollywood filmmakers used its source code in one of the scenes of the new film.
Apparently, a free license allows the source code to be used even in this way.

The comments.
XXX: But if a programmer inserted a frame from the film into the code, the damage would amount to a quadrillion dollars.
YYY: and 5 lifetime terms

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №79889
This is how it is easy to win universal love and respect in childhood. You moved to a new house, so in the yard your company, everyone is carefully treated to you. And here Dad gives for his birthday, say, a box of kindergarten surprises. and all! All the kids in the yard are your best friends. The more difficult it is for adults.
YYY: Don’t say, the scheme is the same. I have a new job, everyone is careful about you. And here you have a box of Czech beer. and all! All colleagues are your best friends.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №79888
Reviews on the I.Market:
Disadvantages: In the first thousand got a hernia, but it may not be a lack of rubber, but the dignity of the pit.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №79887
xxx(12:27:05 7/04/2013)
The car would)

yyy(12:28:05 7/04/2013)
by FU

yyy(12:28:11 7/04/2013)
She is like a child

yyy(12:28:20 7/04/2013)
You take a shit with you.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №79886
jcd: If I glue a room with printed proprietary code sources and start taking excursions there, will I be saved?
Stahl is yes. In a psychic, not in prison.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna