— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95132
Today in the entrance appeared a new year congratulatory poster from the "Post of Russia".
9 March at 1:16

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №95131
Dialogue at work:
Did you congratulate the children on March 8th? Do you have girls?
A girl and a boy. The child-girl congratulated, gave 500 rubles on online toys, whatever he wants, it will spend.
How did he congratulate his sister?
He said he would not be beaten today.
It is cool! My brother gave me such gifts as a child.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №95130
Let me ask you! how do you feel?
questions of spiritual development, improvement of consciousness, evolution of the soul?
WOW: It was necessary to wait for permission first, and then ask, didn’t it?
Question: What do you have in my soul? If you are interested in buying, let’s negotiate. My product has a number of undeniable advantages over competitors!
I don’t need your soul.
I just wanted to squeeze her.
Always send those who want more than enough. And everyone is convinced of the fucking divinity of their vector. And especially ingenious also the commission not to take for navigation*)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №95129
In a close to ideal society (in terms of politics, of course), which probably existed in ancient Greece, in which people could somehow influence and know the truth.
It is a politically ideal society, right? Can you tell us what influence a significant part of it had on him, called the ‘slave’? Or do you, in the wake of then-citizens, not consider slaves human beings? Well, so calm down, and now someone, who should", and the truth knows, and influences society. And we and you simply do not relate to this "who-nam". You forgot about slaves, today’s masters don’t take you into account.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №95128
Father (looking carefully): What did you cut off?
He hasn’t shaved for a long time.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №95127
xxx: In 2007 he rested in Abkhazia, in 2008 it was pressed away from Georgia, in 2012 he rested in Crimea... until he was nowhere (but in Finland). Ready to go anywhere in the world 😉

YYY: I suggest forums to go down, and send it to Pendoxia!

[ + 43 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95126
In fact, people with disabilities are those who do not know how to fold two and two in mind, and can not take off their ass from the chair, which is overwhelming. And at the Paralympics, there are people with unusual capabilities.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №95125
The granddaughter of the writer, Valentina Katayev, told how her girlfriend at school was asked to write a piece about what Katayev invested in the image of Vany from the novel "Son of the Regiment". A friend came to Katayev in visit and asked about this the writer himself, taking his words as the basis of his work. As a result, for the composition, she received a three with a minus with a comment that Katayev thought about something completely different.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №95124
Ukraine joined the EU. Two cousins sit and drink.
One of them asks, “Wow?
The second replies: “Yes, I’m unemployed, my wife washes the floor in Italy, my son marries a German, my daughter is a prostitute in France!!!” It’s all Moscow’s fault!! They told us, “Don’t join the EU, don’t join the EU!!!” They knew what we had done!!! to

[ + 18 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95123
Here are the double standards.

Don't let God disturb the neighbor's child's sleep - the whole family will rush to take the door and avenge you for it.

And when this child wakes people up with cries and whispers, it is all a puddle. They just shrink and shrink.

Sleep is a biological need. Live yourself and do not disturb others.

Less aggression, more respect!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №95122
I came to a new job, mostly sitting at computers and performing tasks. Some for relaxation include loud music. I decided to do the same, included my playlist, and there the main theme from Half Life first in the line... Immediately a couple of colleagues wrapped their heads, in search of sound, smiled. You see it right away :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №95121
Amazing people, first to the ears and then start to swallow their dirty underwear and scream loudly: "Damn...damn..."
Do they want to sell or do they want to sell?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №95120
[3/10/2014 5:55:31 PM] 5665tm: Yes, fate, very fucking romantic. Only with my luck, she will either be born in 3048, or died during the palace coups, or lives in our time, but she has completely paralyzed her upper third thighs as a result of an accident on the Alpha Centauri.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №95119
Russian people can easily defeat laziness, but they are somewhat reluctant.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №95118
Here one cheerful aunt told how she grew a lemon from a boiled and frozen grain. I even have a fist.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95117
>> Had I not been married, I would never have learned that a compressed air bubble effectively cleans... the haircut.

Your mother is genius!! to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №95116
A friend once got sick with hepatitis B.
The hospital is large, there are many buildings, they said they are not allowed to enter the infection room, so I asked where the building, the chamber number already knew. I approach him and begin to scream: “Vityoyoyeok! "Vityoyeok! "The chamber on the 3rd floor so it broke out that there is urine for ten minutes. Only from the neighboring windows of the head female a couple of times elevated."Well" I think "not fate", may the toilet went out or smoke..., in general departed from the building by 50 meters in the direction of the house, goes our common acquaintance with the girl to meet. "Oh, hello, what are you doing here?", "Well, Vitka came to visit, something oral, oral, he never appeared. This is my home 😉 😉

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95115
- Mucky Klitschko was roasted, now added eggs... What will they cook?
Cake with shit.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95114
xxx you are! The sport is chocolate. I thought he was extinct.
yyy: It’s like a lease with the taste of potatoes.

[ + 15 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95113
from ZH:
I want to change my name in Ukraine. I will glorify Ukraine.
I will be able to walk around Kiev and troll the fascist patrol.
They ask:
How are they called?
Glory to Ukraine.
Glory to the heroes! How are they called?
Glory to Ukraine.
Euromaidan, to the heroes of glory. How are they called?
Glory to Ukraine.

And so infinite.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna