— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №124876
YYY: accepted O_o
XX: I am left

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №124875
from JJ:
Well, I once dreamed that in the drafts of the wind system the cat ran and sneaked on the drawn airways. And we can’t carry out reception testing because it will sink and break. At the same time, the cat is marked on the axonometry and in the assembly diagram and numbered, and because of the fact that it swims there and there, its number in the table also floats. In general, cats and computer graphics are a great plot for sleeping.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124874
And then I accidentally remembered that the coat is in the freezer for the second day, although according to the instructions it takes 3-4 hours.
Websites on craftsmanship will not teach this yet.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №124873
In my ninth year, I was given a whole bowl of milky-way. Not chocolate, but pasta on bread. At that time, it was something incredible and offensive. At least for me. My parents took this bowl from me and put it in the refrigerator with the words about what to share. I was upset and really wanted this chocolate. Every time I opened the refrigerator, I saw this bowl and it tempted me terribly. Over time, I decided that if I ate one cup, nothing terrible would happen. Or even two. I have eaten this bank myself. And since then, my whole life, and I was 30 years old, was choked with this bank of milky-way, and every time I was terribly tormented by my conscience for my own greed and weakness of character and was seriously ashamed.
And only recently I learned that it was MY birthday gift and I could ask the maximum to share. And I had the right to shake her alone. As soon as I realized this, all the jokers-relatives sent a nap and knew zen:) incredible relief!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124872
What not to say, and the theater spelled. It feels like most of those who collapse in the theater have never been there... that’s when there was a joke about anal sex! It was immediately apparent that the authors were in the ass! Some of them wrote from there.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №124871
I work in a zoo shop. There were goods, including a cat house. The director calls and says "They found the price of joy". This is called the house of self.

And it also happens that faithful friends end up (feed like this).
This is how we live...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №124870
by 19691
“Representative of the world of mobile communications, answer, what have you done to make it harder for fraudsters to squeeze money from the public through your services?”
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Where is it seen that the dog takes the bone from itself? These malicious operators are alongside these “content” offices. The revenue is shared.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №124869
The champion in the assembly of the cube Rubik accidentally left one at the New Year's table, and he in ten minutes collected from the salad "Olivier" half a baton of doctor's sausage, five cooked potatoes, three carrots, five eggs, four salty cucumbers, half a banks of green peanuts and a bag of mayonnaise.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124868
In the announcement today:
Two joysticks
One wicked conductor

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124867
by P.P.S. I don’t know what "present I want". If I need something, I will just go and buy it. And write down the exact instructions - on my doctor you will go there, buy something, while checking something and ask something... charm in the hallway, is it?

P*S Your mistake is that you overwhelm "which I want" first on "I need something". What you want may not be much needed, and in the usual time you will be foolish about money and time. Thus e. Ask to buy some shit, which has been licked for a long time, but did not decide.

[ + 13 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124866
Theatre is very boring, boring, speechless
Where are Shakespeare’s passions?
Where is Boomerang Humor?
Not an expression.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124865
The saying "all changes for the better" was killed by programmers.

Their regular "updates" and "improvements" of long-known programs (or entire operating systems) only raise the question: "WHAT HUNDRING ALL BUTTONS ON OTHER PLACE AND ALL WORKS DIFFERENT??". and the desire to hit the screen embodying the face of this programmer. And Matt...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124864
By the way, with regard to compulsory smoking for pianists, this is not always the case. Although you are right in the fact that different performers are customary to dress on the stage differently - also an obscure dress code: the pianists and vocalists, for example, dresses are different in style - etc. That only confirms the thought of the rules and appropriateness.
— — —
This is for artists! Not for the audience. The audience should be quiet, not beautiful. And not applause between parts of the same work. That’s respect, not that they’re all dressed like that.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124863
I can’t go to space for health.
XXX: The centrifuge will not stand me!
Oh, that is, I am a centrifuge.
Aha, Freud is calling.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №124862
I congratulate small and medium-sized, and separately farmers, on the increase in excise duty on gasoline.
All for you.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №124861
We are talking about theatres.
I have a relative (R), a girl not far away, but with honor and also with a terrible character. She started dating a good guy in general, but all the time complained that he was stupid, although she herself, I repeat, was not intelligent. And I was stressed as she kept clinging to him all the time. We went to the theater somehow with the family, we arrived early, we waited for the rest. And there is such a dialogue (abbreviated version).
What a beautiful place, I’ve never been here!
I - and it's just the lobby, in the hall even better!
What is a foyer?
R – You are a fool! You don’t know what a foyer is!
Oh my God, you can’t distinguish the foyer from the gate.
Q. What is a gate?

P.S. Less of Paphos, be kind people!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124860
Nikita Mikhalkov filed in court for all the numerous "Courses of training walking on the lobbies".
Reason: The title uses two words from the title of the song, which is protected by copyright. It requires 1%.

Almost all the organizers of the courses sent him two vouchers for free training.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124859
<@XXX> before the freshness was, the stitch dropped out of business )
<@YYY> a freshman in the law?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124858
Every time I see the nick "The Night Priest", I desperately want to advise to lock the refrigerator.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №124857
(On the victory of feminism)
Canada is a kindergarten compared to the states.
At work, a man was expelled - he gave all employees a flower on Valentine's Day.
And we work in our office about forty people, for a reference. For two days, they could not find a reason for dismissal. He did not stick to anyone personally, but just ran around with a wheelchair and distributed flowers during the lunch break.
Finally, they found: the man had to get permission to use the cart, because the cart - (then!) Office equipment of increased danger.
But the problem is not that they fired the man, but that he is under 60 years old, and he gave flowers for Valentine regularly for 20 years. Just last year in the department in the leadership came young feminist nominations, who started with the fact that all employees passed the three-day mandatory (under painting!) training in sexual harassment, diversity, and equal opportunity. And that work stood up, they wept. The dismissed man, by the way, was the best seller; he just crossed the road to the competitors; well, and of course, the sweetest customers went away.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna