— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 137 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27348
I am not an admin and my cat is the most ordinary. A small black cat. He is now lying down after a bunch of injections. What happened to him, the doctor does not know. Wish us miraculous healing and we will fight with other doctors for his life.

[ + 97 - ] Comment quote №27347
I will tell you a story from my student life. Unfortunate students of technical universities mostly study such a subject as a copromate (sold copromate - marry). A horrible thing. And the entity, or more precisely the prep, was not given me at all. Prepod was a man of life, but he was terribly strict about his subject. And here came the exam, and I knowing that I will not give up anyway from the first time, I decided - yes and well, his nafig) I generally appeared at 9-00 in a rather stinking condition for the exam in a suit, lacquered shoes, etc. The groups laughed. I boldly entered the auditorium, sat down on the chair of the surrender, laid a note and, trying to speak clearly, said: "Sorry, please, I did not endure and married yesterday." The teacher whispered 10 minutes. I was happy with the three.)

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №27346
The right things to buy in the store. Yesterday I found a wonderful check - someone bought vodka and liver.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №27345
XXX: the report made... hell... I don’t know what the teaching name is
XXX: 4th semester what teaches, and who teaches - unknown
YYY: The original
YYY: write "for you"

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №27344
I created a monster!
Xxx: A couple of months ago I put her Ubuntu
A month later, she saw a console on her desk with something coming together.
XHH: Two months later she came, and she already has a genta
XHH: Pristly looking at my notebook with Ubuntu.
XX: I am afraid of her.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №27343
Alexis (22:46:53 14/03/2010)
Good day.

Necooni (22:47:27 14/03/2010)
And who are you? ;)
Alexis (22:47:48 14/03/2010)
My name is Leia. Let us meet?
Necooni (22:48:04 14/03/2010)
Is it worth it? ?
Alexis (22:49:06 14/03/2010)
Of course is worth. Still as it stands. As now, he never stood.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №27342
The Georgian!! If Russia needed the Transcaucasia, it would be Russian!!! And not Georgia first, but Azerbaijan with its oil!!! And Georgia as an untouchable Joe - ON THE WHO NEEDS IT!!! to
Z is. I wonder what they’re wearing in cravates in Georgia!!! to

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №27341
We went with a friend to a sushi bar for coffee. We did not plan this, so we had 140p in our pockets for two. A dozen little things. Coffee costs 70 rubles, but when we already ordered it, it turned out that we would have to shed another 10 rubles. for the milk. It is not convenient to put something in the account...
When they were about to leave, the waitress brought the bill and, to my surprise, there was a note with her phone)) I didn't think long, put 140p. And in a note he replied: "Coins - to return".)
I heard the laughter of the waitress.)

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №27340
Minister of Finance Kudrin announced the deficit of the federal budget of Russia
last year amounted to about 1.7 trillion rubles, and this amount will
Replacement of the Reserve Fund.
According to the magazine "Finance", the wealth of the eight richest
people of Russia for the same year 2009 increased as follows: Lisin - 343
Prokhorov - 126, Abramovich - 106, Kerimov - 219, Friedman -
254, Deripaska – 273, Usmanov – 243, Alekperov – 99 1 trillion 663
billion rubles, that is, the amount equal to the deficit of the Russian budget.
Without any comments.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №27339
Rusty_Bird: A week ago I bought a kamasutra, I wanted to please my wife. Now, instead of the prelude, we have a 10-minute stretch X_X

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №27338
Here is my Berger!
yyy: Given the fact that the "berloga" is on the 9th floor, and the elevator is not working, it is rather a nest.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №27337
It is bad (

Drinking tea with her sister, she dropped a piece of chocolate cake on her jeans. I laughed at it so much that I broke the rubber on my pants (((

[ + 121 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27336
Fuck the fuck! fuck the fuck! I think I killed the bird!! to
Xhhh: poured on the just melting window of the bread, the blueberries came, and then from somewhere on top was fucking a layer of snow and all the dares(((
What kind of person am I? (

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №27335
I was offered a job today: take out bags with construction garbage before washing (the nightmare of the grandmother).

I go, I mean, with a bag, and along the way a huge frozen swarm and children (year 6-10) throw snow in the distance. As I passed by the grove, I heard that the children began to whisper, began to receive proposals to throw me down. And then one child loudly so, to the whole courtyard, says:

Oh you fool, let it work!! to

Thanks to you, good boy!

[ + 79 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27334
Fuck it! So why??? Why can’t you take anything out of your dreams??? >_<

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №27333
These Olympians are not called Paralympians!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №27332
XXX is money!
I am not an erotic joke, I am an erotic joke.
What kind of erotic joke are you? You are the real toothbrush!

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №27331
I have a fellow student Perm doctors treated seven months of ulcers... Generally giving birth in a week or two.

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №27330
And at this time in Kazakhstan someone is sitting on a push, reading the composition of the refresher in Russian in the ear and wildly rhetoric.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №27329
A friend asked him to scan his passport and send it to a couple of addresses. He later said that his mother was very pleased with the coming files with the names "mordo", "propisco" and "family". And as he was delighted in some state office, where he owned the house...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna