— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №62473
Yesterday was a very strong wind.
I was lying in the air while waiting for the bus :D

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №62472
Hi, let’s go somewhere.
- I would like to, but I have a job, study, go off, clean up, I need to go to my parents.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №62471
was in the skin care department (dermal-venerological), in the office No. 2 a sign "Anonymous". A girl in a white coat comes out of the office and cries: “Onopenko! OnePenko is! Who is Onopenko here?"

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №62470
The speed of sound is strange. Parents say something to you at 20, and you only get to 40.

[ + 48 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №62469
Kaspersky to Ukraine. and Odessa. The Maritime Academy. Department of Higher Mathematics. On one of the sides a poem expressing all the love of the students for this subject.

"Take me the sea,
and the rocks,
I’ve tried to solve the integrals!"

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №62468
Only now, when I’ve long since grown up, I realized that in our one-bedroom apartment every night my parents tried to get me to sleep quickly, not because they were very worried that I wasn’t getting enough sleep.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №62467
The topic on the forum about how to save:
Brad Drink: I stopped smoking.
Brad Drink: After a while he stopped drinking.
Brad Drink: After a while, I thought, if I am so dumb, then why do I have such a wife?
Brad Drink: He left his wife.
Brad Drinking: fucking, the money is drunk, spending nothing :(

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №62466
Lourdes is burning:

In fact, all cigarettes smell about the same. After the cigar, it is impossible to smoke them. And in general: cigarettes are smoked to saturate the blood with nicotine, and cigars - to saturate the blood with nicotine and potatoes.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №62465
Have you switched to summer time? No is.
Why are you complaining about the snow?! to

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №62464
The guy in the bus was a girl (

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №62463
I agreed with a friend to meet in the subway, so that she handed me the keys of the house. She rushed, so they agreed clearly: a small station, the first car, a shop. I sit and wait. Then the picture: the train comes in, a blonde jumping out of the first door on the chicks (friendship you bite), putting my keys in the hand (from the side as if she just touched me, like in a confidence conversation) and knocking back into the same door. I immediately smile widely, get up and go to the opposite side of the perron. The surrounding area! Fuck you fucking! She flew out of the car, gave happiness and disappeared.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №62462
There is a discussion of the dress, which becomes transparent with increased heartbeat, when the girl is anxious:

XX: Increased heartbeat is not only due to excitement. The load too. Here the girl wore such a dress before the date to surprise the guy, forgot, ran for the bus and - HOP - all in transparent.
yyy: or came to the exam, and, HOP and immediately "five".

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №62461
xxx: The term "black hole" Americans considered unpolitically correct and proposed to replace it with "afro-hole"
yyy: ‎...and the Russians now use the politically correct idiom “dark” as in the Afro-Open, instead of the “dark” as in the ass of a Negro.

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №62460
Bas, which today’s people write... khm, schoolchildren... can’t read.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №62459
from ZH
It reminds me of a friend’s story. She’s a very big lady, I think valkyrie should be like that. She is on a trolleybus. 8 months of pregnancy. A man sits down to her: - Will you drink vodka? - Interesting offer! I'm going to have a baby soon, what kind of vodka is there? No, I have to stop drinking... Otherwise I do not distinguish a grandmother from a man.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №62458
Adventure becomes a crime when caught.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №62457
Mitrić puts the machine near his Technoelectric network project in the same place since ancient times, when it was still easy to park there. Now employees put their ashes on the site in front of the building in four dense layers. Within minutes, it is calculated and agreed on the order in which to leave in the evening. Mitrić is not in a hurry - it is important for him not to run out early in the evening for this cheerleading. He arrives early and takes his place under the wall. If someone from the staff comes up earlier, they will remember about Mitchell - they will be at least in the second row, at least in the third, only if the place is not touched. If you do not count each other, the parking lot will become a mouse trap - fucking you will choose.

This is exactly what happened a few weeks ago. Mitrić arrived half an hour before work, and on you, in his place right before his nose, for the first time since the XXVII Congress of the CPSU, a black jeep stood up. A powerful men fell out of it and headed to a new business office opposite. Mitrich stood up on his way and started joking about his place. He was sent out, marked away and cried helplessly in the wake of some threat. In response, I heard a distant roar.

Experience is a great thing. Instead of being offended, Mitrich suddenly realized that after the frost, the day would be warm and sunny today. He blessed himself and placed the car where it was left, in the second row. Half an hour later, the rebel jeep was murdered into four layers. The powerful men returned closer to noon and began to pin the neighboring cars so that the owners came out on the alarm screams. The owners went out. They were cloudy and there were a lot of them. Conversation was delayed. Then the jeep fell. According to the official terminology of St. Petersburg, SOUL. The fact is that the place at Mitrich was the most courageous - under the drainage from the air conditioners. That is why he was respected. Yes, and the figure that will make a puddle with a roof of rust coins. What doesn’t work, has been proven several times. Per, to the three-metre, this salmon was a little bit and did not reach, but the piropatroons in the jeep were shot well, the door outside...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №62456
The sectarians came and talked about good deeds. He offered them to take out the garbage - they were offended and left.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №62455
LexKS: We have 2 toilets on the floor. One is worse than at the Kazan station, in the second everyone goes, because there, Pordon, you can pop land. So, while in this institution, I sometimes heard the very different sounds from the neighboring cabins... But I didn’t expect to hear the whistling of the waffles and the thunderstorms!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №62454
fZ: Paradox: Patients cannot even get to the clinic without a bacillus, but doctors can walk in dirty shoes throughout the clinic.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna