— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №94152
From the actual referral about the employer:

As I said in another post, Usachev is a thick-meat crumb, but they are also needed in the hunger years, so that you can kill someone or get rid of them if they are prepared. Tatarnikov - a trembling yupolis, can also be useful for the structure, yupolis are needed everywhere and important everywhere)) Berdnikova - a young woman who had a foolish guess with the candidacy of a foolish man, and who entered a stranger in a friendly team of other royals. The stupid, and the most intelligent thing that visited her stupid head was comrade Brzozovsky’s cock through her mouth. Brzozovsky is the eldest of these clowns, a dumb fool who also dances. I forgot to add – there are the mansion of Fomin (the head of the network department) and the head of the regional department, who is so cool in the bad sense of the word that he, like Volandemort, cannot be named by name. Fomin has long passed through, in whose company she found herself, and just put on all the fox, if applicable to a woman. Her from the regional department - he is just her.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №94151
One teenager, for example, wrote to Brad that “all people who think that cruel games cause aggression should be shot immediately.”
That I wrote. I am 42 years old. The fools should be shot.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №94150
I am pleased with our boys. Frost -20, and they walk in shoes, sportswear, a light jacket, a hat-cockpit on a scarf, but in warm leather gloves on the fur.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №94149
Prohibition on circular trousers, prohibition on circular...
You are not Russians! To sell, manufacture and import underwear made of synthetic materials. Attention to below!
The manufacturer will write the note in small letters: "This product is not underwear", "Wear over wool socks" or anything else in this style. In any case, they will find out how to get around.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №94148
Comments on the video of falling riders:
Mitay: a fuzzy sport. Slowly, quickly and unexpectedly.
Sex in a public bathroom

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №94147
The Mystery:
Sweater with throat, beard
In the bubble: That is it!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94146
Alcohol and cigarettes and passports. I shaved up in the morning and stood in line for cigarettes. The seller, carefully examining me, asks for a passport. I start crawling in the bag in search of a driver's license and here my two spinoffs (4 and 7 years old) run up with the outcry "Daddy buy a kidney!" The seller, looking at me again, silently stretched out the package.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №94145
from Twitter.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Now I saw in the subway a black man dressed in black, with a black iPad playing Limbo!!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №94144
xxx: fun in devil 3 to play for the shaman.
XXX: Allies three, and me six.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №94143
It was not democracy that destroyed Athens, as European school teachers claimed, but slavery which made the work of a free citizen contemptible.
K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., T. XVI, I, p. 98 is

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №94142
Burzumcheg: Again the hospital
In general, it turned out that I am allergic to antibiotics, well, I told my doctor about it, and he wrote in my card that antibiotics were cancelled. And now fun.
The nurse goes out of leave and calls me for an injection. The following dialogue follows:
Let’s take a break and rest?
I was cancelled, I am allergic.
If you can’t cancel it, I’ll shave you...Okay?
I. And if you cancelled it, I will forge your eyelid out of the lens.
Tom was cut off. Would you see her face when, after checking the map, I pulled behind the fork with a riding smile?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №94141
The couple watched today. For the first time in life. Looking at this unit for their descent, only comparisons come to mind from the "Kin-zza-zzi" - "a wheeled gauge" and "a lifelong ethic with nails"... In some incredible steam, at a speed of ~130km/h... fearless people are simply.
We were all broken! How they ran away in the last attempt! And we won! And such a pride for their country, where there are such cportsmen, Alexander Zubkov and Alexei Voevoda! thank you!

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94140

Discussion of Domophones
Maiverik: In my house such a lock is opened from my feet. I don't know how it works, but I saw it from the side and even tried it once for interest. You knock with your foot just below the lock and the door opens :D with a whisper and other things, as if the key was delivered.
Scuco, the Russian mentality. Everything is constantly crazy to work, and it works!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94139
The text of the philosophical and psychological content is based on the facts of the author's personal life.
One of the first comments:
The author is absolutely right, which, however, once again confirms that he is a fool.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №94138
This smart man:

= is
Knowledge of Russian.

I: Hello to you. I need a certificate from the place of work to rearrange the credit card for our salary project. The contract must be signed. Could you send it to our office?
Secretary: I don’t know who you are asking to send?

Of course she will not understand you. Give it up, man.
= is

I wonder where do you come from, shit? Where does this suicidal self-confidence come from? And why, shit, are you getting more and more every day?! to

Dale: Ocasia is a French. case, affinity, connectivity for what matter or package, sending what. I write with an outline. I will send you the first sign.
An opportunity, and so on. 1st A convenient case for sending something. With Kim. Send a letter with an offer.
Writing by: Razg. convenient, favorable occasion for a package, sending something with someone ◆ A month later, I don't remember with what effect, I was brought a mysterious huge box

Stupid self-confident idiots who teach others with incredible apologies, not allowing even the thought that they themselves may be wrong, and not bothering themselves with the slightest check - please don't write to my internet anymore. thank you.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94137
Previously, intestinal obstruction was treated (or tried to treat) by taking a glass of mercury inside.
yyy - just constipation became less of a problem)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №94136
xxx> came to visit the office, talks, smiles, and she... hm. jean half stretched shirt, black shirt and 3.5th size. I sit down, trying to understand something and rush the saliva. Then we went back and looked at the phone together.
yyy> did you show her the wrapped chair?
xxx> no) the main thing, at the socio-emotional level somehow doesn't touch, she's a guy-tuss, she also smokes, I don't see any common topics for conversations)
xxx> but at a deeper level "BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA, BLA> somehow hits some unknown strings in the shower

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №94135
Are you all there completely hopeless and wretched?
Everything is sunny and positive. But with the interaction of objects, people and animals with me, everything is complicated and unclear.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94134
You are so typical blonde that you have cockroaches in your head – albinoes.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №94133
Why can you only buy a decent shirt in a sex shop?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna