— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №94072
The TV drivers burned as usual. Point of appointment 3. The heroes climb the hill at the beginning of the film, play tense music, the situation is tense and all that.
Here is the grandmother with kefir.
I was scared of the grandmother with kefir X_X

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №94071
XXX: What kind of sport is this?
WOW: This is when the skier descends on the track entirely seated with cows and they throw it down.
XHHH: Insert all the nonsense into the Olympic program. Better add a fool.
This is a summer sport. The Olympics are winter.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94070
I tell you, I count to three.
Did you learn until four?

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94069
Comments on the game "Stone Online/Stone Simulator Online":

The xxx:
How to play it?

Lie under a tree.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №94068
xxx: In the first impression of the judgment on the match Russia-USA, the only non-native words are pretexts.
xxx: well and "rot" of course

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94067
At the age of 15, you strictly divide people into yours and others by the music they listen to.
At 20 you realize that there are good people amongst “strangers.”
At 25 it doesn’t matter what kind of music someone is listening to.
And at 30 you suddenly realize how you were right at 15.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №94066
In short, if such a shit on the subject as who to call, let’s remember the school and let’s address any person simply: “Sorry, please.”

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №94065
[0:54:07] Knee: Then the remains of Clooney flew=)
[0:54:29] Max: fuck listen, some American judge of Russia in hockey at the Olympics did not defend a goal
[0:54:38] Knee: O_O
[0:54:42] The knee: what?
[0:55:01] Max: I’m going to go to the internet to read shit and dumb everywhere, DUPLO DUPLO EVERYWHERE THIS DUPLO IS DUPLO
[0:55:04] Knees: A
[0:55:07] Knee: Well so yes
[0:55:31] Max: I want to go on this sucked hockey
Max: 10 minutes ago I had no idea that the Olympics had already started there and I already know the name of this judge and the date of his death.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94064
My girlfriend writes exclusively with her left hand, and she holds the scissors in her right hand (she’s a hairdresser), and the mouse in her right. She calls herself an ambidexter. When we argue, she beats me in the cheek with the right. I call this ambidexter justice.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №94063
Very subtle - to persuade a girl to go on a date and not appoint him

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №94062
With the power of the gray flashing box, I have the internet!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №94061
and 4 nights. Almost a day I lie in my coat, drink beer, eat sushi and watch Pokémon.
The best in the third decade. =) is

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №94060
Terrorist Andres Breivik, serving in a prison in Norway, has threatened to go on hunger strike if his living conditions are not improved... a new PlayStation 3 with a set of games he will choose... a new personal computer... a double budget that is spent on weekly maintenance (100 euros instead of 50)...
Ursvamp: He, by the way, once a month and a woman should be brought.
glas_naroda: Damn, and anyone knows, the competition for a prisoner in a Norwegian prison is big? Do I need a residence permit, or can I just come and try to sit? Is it necessary to kill people?

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94059
You are a loser! I’m only twenty-five years old, and I’m already the director of the company!
When I was twenty-five, I was also the director of the company.

Then I was shot in the knee.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №94058
When Vovochka came to school unprepared, he on the lesson, contrary to logic, energetically pulled his hand. “We know your jokes!” said the teacher gently, “Sit down!” this method never failed.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №94057
Is it possible to simultaneously ban the propaganda of homosexuality and women’s underwear?

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94056
If your child can not go to a birthday to someone of your friends, because you do not have a bucket for a gift, and to go without a gift he is ashamed...
If all the friends of your teenage child went to the concert of his favorite band, which suddenly came to perform in your city, and he didn’t go because you don’t have a bubble...
If he falls in love with the best girl in the world, and you, again, do not have a bucket for him, neither in the cafe, nor in the movie, nor in the flowers...
1st It’s full of Chinese toys. And my best friend had a rabbit with her own hands (although she could have bought some Barbie doll), and this rabbit I have 25 years later is my favorite talisman. It is about gifts.
2nd The concert of a favorite group is a matter of priorities. Even a middle-income family can buy a ticket. Provided that the family at this time does not spend, for example, all the money of the sick grandmother on the operation. These things are discussed together and in an adult way.
Three If there is a great love, teach the guy inventiveness. Your son is able to count what he is willing to give up in favor of flowers and coffee for the girl. Maybe a new girlfriend? Plus – teach him to think non-standardly, to come up with inexpensive but original ways of caring. This is a very useful skill for the future. And you won’t educate a majoric who thinks it’s enough to throw a girl’s cheek, and not mock. Nowadays it is easier for many people to open their wallets than to turn on their brains.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №94055
Well, why are everybody screaming at once that "Women’s circular trousers banned"?
It was as if the male circular ban had not been touched!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №94054
– Listen, is Valky at all an insulting man?
His way of offending is very ambiguous.
– to?
- If, for example, tell him "Walick, you are a lazy fuck",
He is offended "Why am I lazy?"

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №94053
History of Homosexuality in Russia.
A.s Pushkin promises to visit a gay friend, but provided that he will not stick to him, in verses:
I will be glad to serve you.

Poetry, proof, with all your soul

But, Vigel, save my ass!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna