— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №73794
Maxqwerty: Was at the Lumen concert in Rostov. As usual: in time do not start, the crowd first begins to sing songs, call the band. Then they started calling Santa and Snowmen, and it ended up with the fact that as soon as the whole hall started calling Jigguru, the band appeared on stage!))

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №73793
We went here today with the kids.
On the way, they took advantage of the opportunity.
They began to snuggle snowmen. They took two medium-sized pieces and calmed down.
And after an hour and a half of the guests come back - all the snowmen are broken,
broken in dredges.
It is nonsense, of course.
But I wonder, isn’t that our main problem?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №73792
The big plus of Potteriana was that there was Snape.
And even bigger...which wasn’t Kristen Stewart

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №73791
The child just finished watching "Maugli":

How did Mowgli defeat Sherman?
of course. He removed his coat.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №73790
The most epic news:
03.12 12:55 Slow investigation saved Estonian flag profaners

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №73789
I always thought that in the winter workers should raise their salaries.
Yyy: I think I have to pay for living in Russia.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №73788
The "End of the World" promotion is paid by the makers of pasta and tomato sauce.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №73787
XXX: Here is always interested in how the newly built subway tunnels are connected with the already existing
YYY: It is up.
XXX: I don’t think it’s bad! and ;)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №73786
1: b*y... 3 December and on the street +7 degrees of heat
2: this trip that fool of 12 months, this year, the snowmen went earlier > :-)

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №73785
Why didn’t the Russians donate broken flowers? Our ancestors reliably knew that the broken flower tries to survive, and remaining without roots and food begins to actively vampire life energy from the environment. Under the distribution falls everyone: and people, and animals, and others...
YYY: And the crowns have roots?

[ + 12 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №73784
Wife: I took a look at my sweaters and boots, can you help me with a little money?
I: OK, give 50 to 50
Wife: You’re an officer, I don’t earn that much!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №73783
I bought a plan. Now there’s something to go with at McDonald’s, or straight like naked.)))

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №73782
When he was young, he appreciated the intellect and intelligence. Now I know what wisdom is.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №73781
At the meeting, we talked about the New Year. Various options were discussed. Just make a cup of tea, or come up with something more interesting. Someone recalled how a few years ago they and their parents arranged a New Year’s quest for their children. The idea is simple. Santa with a bag of gifts on the way to the children lost. And you need to find him under the leadership of the Snowmen. For what in different, completely unexpected places, envelopes with tasks are left, performing which children gradually approach the puzzle.

And here is a crowd of naked first-class girls, excited by the guard, wearing around the surroundings, from task to task. A bag of gifts! The parents are no longer following them, Snow White is back too, the evening, the private sector, empty streets... And here in the face of this crazy beekeeper roy comes a police officer unconscious of the scenario.

The collective childhood mind is powerful.
Spaniards shouting “Uncle a police officer!” “Uncle a policeman!” surrounded by a military officer.
Did you see Santa Claus with a bag of gifts?! to
Rejoicing that the punitive teenage squad today came out not to his soul, the police officer wipes out the cold sweat and points back.
I saw! There, in the corner. Just just!
The crowd shouted “Urrrrra!!!” Standing behind the corner.
There is no Santa at the corner.
But in the bushes is unexpectedly found a huge red bag full of gifts.
The task accomplished!

And here are the parents, and meet them on the street, with screams and slander, a crowd rushes, carrying a huge bag. And then a man is carried, with a beard, in a coat, and a rough ory.
Stand up!! To whom I speak! I am not your Santa!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №73780
Childhood is when sleeping in the afternoon is a duty, not a luxury.

[ + 46 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №73779
Elena Skrinnik (former Minister of Rural Affairs) by REN: “Yes, I have a small property in France. Very small 200 meters. Let me know there children sleep on the couch with their mom-sleeping all lacks".
I almost complained.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №73778
My brother came to visit. Look at the pictures on the compass. Suddenly a sinister sound of a warning about the appearance of a friend (Nick Cinderella) online in Steam-e.
B: What is this?? to
I: This is a brick on the net.
For 20 minutes, the brother had a very thoughtful face.
B: What does the term "brick in the network" mean?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №73777
G1N (17:05:59 3/12/2012)
I haven’t seen you in the shirt.
Tanya (17:06:18 3/12/2012)
Did you see me in my clothes? :D

[ + 13 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №73776
News on the website of one of the language universities (name slightly changed for ethical purposes):

On April 19, 2010, Jamila Shafik, a student of the 4th course, took the 1st place in the Moscow Interuniversity Olympiad in Arabic!

[ + 29 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №73775
The slide in Arkhangelsk strengthens: a child with a fever and decent cough in the clinic was rejected in the record because of the fact that they have a health day!

No sick, no problems

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna