— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №93972
To this...

To this...

To this...

Tom is...


Odmin... It is time to break the branches and organize the usual forum... All office hamsters are here.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №93971
PiligrimPyp: Progress is fucking! >_< I go past the garages, on one of them a QR-code is drawn MELLOM, which is little of what was considered my phone, and the word is encoded in it - "HUY"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93970
Pinguins are smarter than humans. Have you ever seen a penguin paying for university education for five years in order to do a different job?
You didn’t see it, and he paid.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №93969
Hi my dear friend! With you the Evil Psychiatrist, and today I will tell you how to calculate hysteria in the early stages and not turn your life into an illogical hell. Each of them is characterized by a ‘tragic hyperbole’, that is, a tendency to verbally exaggerate its ‘suffering’. Template phrases: "wildly painful", "monstrously offensive", "intolerably cold", "extremely lonely", "terrible injustice" and other variations on the topic. If you hear this from the lady all the time - run, bro.

And, according to a long-forgotten tradition, a bearded joke about missed opportunities:
Father, daughter and son caught a goldfish.
You have three wishes.
I want to eat!
Father: In the PI!! to
My daughter: Aaa! Eating from PI!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93968
Today I went to the clinic with my daughter (1,5 years old). Polio vaccine – drops in the mouth.
The doctor looked at me, filled out the card, picked up the drug and said, "And now take the baby as you breastfeed him."

It would be okay, but I am a father.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93967
The captain answers:
Children born this year will be called children of the Olympics, as in 1980.
YYY: What will be the names of children born in 2014 from children born in 1980?? to
– – – – –
The second order

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №93966
“I put him in bed, and he said, ‘Dad, check under the bed, there are no monsters?’ I looked under the bed just to reassure him, and I saw him, the other one lying under the bed, he looked at me, trembling and whispering, “Dad, there is someone in my bed.”
You won’t miss the twins!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93965
The need for ortography:
The cocktail is a cocktail, and the cocktale is already a tale of a cocktail :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №93964
A box for February 14 was placed in the office.
I waited a long time for the incognito Valentine’s Day.
xxxh: found a moment, invested.. and the office floor began to applaud..
Hahah, isn’t it a cock, right?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93963
It’s like driving in a coupe with Jack the Sparrow.
Captain Jack the Sparrow, when will you learn?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №93962
Dear dear, I congratulate you on Valentine's Day, the day of all lovers. Words cannot express how much I love and adore you. (This message is automatic, you do not need to respond to it.)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №93961
I know that I’m fighting, but those who’re on a horse, energetic and ambitious, don’t seem to have heard.

A young, well-dressed man came out of the car. A bomb drops to him.
“I’m old, I don’t have a job, I don’t have money, I want to eat, give me some money.
You are a loser! I’m only twenty-five years old, and I’m already the director of the company!
When I was twenty-five, I was also the director of the company.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №93960
How can I not feed a cat? He doesn’t stop until he feeds. In turn, everyone who is in the house.

Yyy: And my cat knows how to open the refrigerator with his head, on the bottom shelf all of it.

zzz: yyy, and it is wonderful)


YYY: What to close? from him?

After taking his own, does he close the refrigerator?

Yyy: She closes herself and the cat knows it.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93959
The wife took a loan.
He tells how everything went, that quickly gave money all the things.
Her husband enters the room, well my aunt.
She: And here is my guarantor, if I give up, you will pay the loan.
He: Then I will not give anything, too.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93958
The child has just learned to ask for permission, and the process she likes very much:
Mom, can I go to the toilet?
Can I sit on the bench?
Can I stand here?
Can I wear a hat?
Can I play with a girl?

The people around me probably consider me a very strict mother.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93957
The Sadist :
The Democratic Geiropa legalized euthanasia for children in Belgium.

Continue to pursue European values.
And done correctly. If the child is not illuminated by anything but torture, this is the best way out.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93956
From childhood, several people were friends, then all grew up. They traveled to different Russian cities to study.
In fact, the story itself:

Have you not been on Skype for a long time?
Sasha: Well, we’re usually going to drink beer on Saturdays, sitting in the skype. My father is accustomed and doesn’t pay attention. Then grandfather came.
Lina: And what?
Sasha: Well, we sit, talk on Skype with the guys, I pull a beer, here the grandfather crashes into the room, he begins to scream that I am already an alcoholic, I talk to the computer.
See also :DDDDD
Sasha: In general, until my father came from a business trip, I was never allowed to go to the computer.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №93955
A pill with calcium. I broke a tooth.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №93954
History should be known:
> and >
liepavac: Genetically modified corn, rice, and others even refuse to eat bugs of pests. Our rulers are more stupid than these bugs and want to make us eat this ugliness.
> and >
Initially, genetically modified plants were developed just to ensure that they were not eaten (to avoid filling them with tons of pesticides, but not because they are harmful, but because they are expensive). When farmers began to switch to genetically modified plants, the money of pesticide producers was the first wave of protests against the results of fake research. Now so much shit is thrown into the fan that no one knows where the truth is.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93953
Go back to bluff? You’ve gotten roasted there!! People here to break up with her dream, can’t, and you get back!!! to
A young man, 26 years old, a virgin, living with his parents, unemployed.

Young man, do you need an 18-year-old modest and slim, and that for the first time for the rest of your life? Go to a dating site and look for those who are around 40. Choose those that are not in the "leopards" on the couch, and write. About your "top" you can specify directly in your account. By the way, the more ridiculous you look on the photo (thick, in glasses, dressed old-fashioned), the more likely the hair would only be clean washed. Ladies "in the years" from the young man is just sex and needed; neither money nor co-habitation from this contingent are not expected, and you can play a great game of pity. They also drink tea with candy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna