— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №26308
Women as a Web Server
400 Wadd Requests – a date without a bouquet.
401 Unwritten - Married
402 Raumeent Required - Dinner with candles.
403 - I don't want to know you anymore!
404 Not Found - Today I'm walking with my friends.
405 Method Not Allowed - No, only not from the back.
406 Method Not Assertable - I hate oral sex!
407 Rrohu Auth. Required – I have to ask my mom.
408 Request Timeout - Do you know how many times have you called me?
409 Sonfliest - what kind of blonde was you with yesterday?
410 Doomed Remote - I want a divorce!
411 LENGHT RECHIRED - and THAT is what you call long?
412 Rresondition Fаilеd - What? Do you have a condom?
413 Request Entitut Too Large - Oh, he's SO big!
415 Unsurrorted Media Tour - no-e-e, four is not interesting.
500 Internal Server Error - critical days.
501 Not Imrlemented - hmm, so I have never tried.
503 Servis Unavillablé - I'm sorry, something is breaking my head.
504 Gatewau Timеоut – how, and that’s all!!!! to

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №26307
XX: The therapeutic meaning of the raspberries is to take the day ahead to dig out the bones from the teeth. In the meantime, you forget that you are sick, do not pay attention to microbes, they are offended and go away.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №26306
We’ve been in contact with him for six months now!
- Well, and in a year he will give you a picture of the ring and offer to change the family status to "marry."

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №26305
Journalists are the fourth power. If you consider the signs of power salesiness and incompetence.

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26304
One man sells a unique massage machine for the legs, made in Barnaul of wood of Altai berry - natural, and therefore ecologically clean material. Minute 5 tells you that the legs have more than 70,000 nerve endings, that it is enough for 5-10 minutes a day to massage the legs and heal from many diseases, that you can use it without distracting yourself from everyday duties, etc.
One thing embarrasses me: it’s the label that says “ACCOUNT”.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №26303
It is said that for the failure of our athletes at the Olympics in Vancouver, Leonid Tyatchev should be shot. It is wrong! Tiagachev drove athletes before the Olympics in Salt Lake City. The athletes performed successfully – 13 medals. Athletes before the Olympics
and Turin. The result is 22 medals. And before the Olympics in Vancouver athletes for the first time went and blessed Patriarch Kirill. For the first time, such a huge failure. Should the Patriarch!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №26302
A 25-year-old girl writes to a girlfriend on the wall:

My mom loves to talk about "why my daughter is not yet married". The scheme is this: she looks at the photo, and says: "Well. What’s wrong with that?"
Answers from the series "loved" or "not met" will not roll. For my mother, in a healthy man with two legs and two hands, there may be only two serious shortcomings - drunk or dumb.
I am turning around to somehow comfort her: I was fooled. and drunk. and blasphemed.
And I look at him and try to remember: and what was wrong with him? They fell in love and did not meet. In other words, I was chewing, I drank... (

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №26301
Nothing, we will have our own Olympics in Sochi, with blackjack and prostitutes!!! to

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №26300
Men think of sex every 52 seconds, women think of sex once a day.
One of the comments:
Also interesting, if I have sex with my girlfriend 3 times a day, what does she think about the other 2 times?

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №26299
No matter how talented you are, no matter what kind of photographer you are, no matter how beautiful and aesthetic you feel, you will always be a victim of your passport photo.

[ + 69 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26298
Only in Russia can you go for bread, and forgot to buy bread.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №26297
I downloaded the sosni.avi file. Apparently not counting on the fact that this is the clip of the Ocean of Elsa - Pineapple

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №26296
Lumux ‎(3:00):I want a child
B1GGYben ‎(3:01): you wanted ice cream half an hour ago.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №26295
Shhas ran to the store for coffee...on the staircase conversation of a woman and a doctor.and here she says "I am a doctor and I know..." she is immediately interrupted by a doctor..."And the nahuya was actually called!and "

[ + 95 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26294
Dear brothers, I rush to share with you the joy) We saved the cat, he found a home! And all of this you, your participation saved someone's little puppy fate! May it be warm to you, thank you to everyone who responded! Love one another and you will be rewarded for your good. There were letters like "Death dumb fool, fasting ug", I sincerely regret you. And to all the rest, a great cat and human thanks! and :)

[ + 70 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26293
Koan: When I have a rock band, I will call it \/:*?"<>
Let the Pirates Destroy

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №26292
to this:
I'll get a gift for 23 from a girl for being her defender! And she’ll get a gift from me on March 8 because she’s my wife. Fighting for the ball!! to
The young man! I thought nobody would write that.)

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №26291
Only a complete idiot could be in the office of the boss, on his scream "Go naked!!Sorry to reply, but I’m already in your office.

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №26290
Everything is written as bad at -25, at -40. So, I was eight years old, a small northern village, 7 in the morning, you wake up, in the apartment 13 degrees, behind the window darkness and thunder, a kilometer to school, you turn a blanket and go to the kitchen, in the darkness you turn on the radio, it blows the forecast. Holding your breath, listen, humidity, wind and temperature -50. You smile and go to sleep. Because at -50 school does not work=)

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №26289
A friend writes:
He is just kind, cute, naive, honest and cheerful!!We have the same life creed!!!...

Girlfriend 24, tells me about SpongeBob...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna