— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93672
About the recent:

..."Where did you see me?" And when you were going to swim, when we were sitting with you, I was always looking at you in the window over the door."Slavik: "And I!"Dan: "And I!"The others were also there. All of. of Birth. It was as if I had no pants :(

Well, okay, let’s say, I believe that a crowd of guys could look at the girl through the bathroom window and stay unnoticed. When it comes to voyeurism, some ninja skills are raised in times. I can’t understand anything else: people come to your house to sit and talk, and you... leave them to wash. This is a new kind of hospitality, right?

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93671
Working with collective consciousness

Hello, O collective consciousness! Tell me the name of one dark cartoon I saw when I was a kid.

There was a dog who in childhood moved the tail of a children’s railway steam truck and she has since laid on passing rails. She lived with her grandmother in a tall house, which then collapsed from the railway station built nearby.
There was either a sleepy, or a stubborn cyclist-athlete with pumped beds, chewing from a deep bowl some bite.
There was a poor grandmother who joined with others and started playing with them in an ensemble, in the ensemble one played on a bicycle wheel, the other on a bullish newspaper and something else.
There were frogs that these grandmothers cooked for lunch.
This is "Trio from Belville". Nothing is dark! A great cartoon! A pleasant view :)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №93670
and diligent:

You are all so naive. I can ask for a passport at least from my 60-year-old grandmother, and I can’t sell her cigarettes and alcohol if she doesn’t show me that passport. Because the law is so. Not because you look so ugly. I could ask every fifth. by a number. Unfairly every third. And it’s not because I’ve got my free time and I’m crazy, but because I have an order from the boss and they can be fined. But when I still pay attention to how, blatantly, the undoubtedly thirty-year-old chicken rejoices in her sudden youth in the eyes of the cashier, then I am, of course, frightened.

You have to go to work with your talents. Beautiful shape, a personal cabin, a turniket, maybe even a cobra from a gun will give. You will like.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №93669
Comments on Pikachu:

I have deep Russian roots. My name is Tymoshenko. I live in Russia. I am the embodiment of the USSR!
YYY: Look not to break up.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №93668
My companion loves Baptists and Jehovah’s Witnesses. He walks on the sidewalk, and in front of him, half a hundred meters away, two such "typical" people come to meet him. Uncle aged under 50-60 and a guy aged 25. "That is all He thinks, “I’m crawling and crawling". Then they said to him, “Hello, do you believe in God?” And only he wanted to ask them about his address or something like that, as they continue: “You see, our pastor/archbishop (I don’t remember who governs them all there) had a revelation from God, and we distribute consecrated condoms on his instructions. Do you want to buy?" To say that he was stunned — say nothing. He silently turned and went on. And only after a few minutes in the space, he said: B*t! They are geniuses!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №93667
Do you not shave?
Garega: Every admin must grow a beard, plant a cactus, and build a domain structure.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93666
The post on the hard life of the realtors on the billboards gathered 679 votes.

This means that it has been read by 679 realtors!! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93665
to this:

We do not sow and we do not pasture, we whip the fool, with the bell tower, we drive the clouds.
YYY: Finally, for the first time in many centuries, the motto of the House of Greyjoe was fully heard.

I quoted this quote from a friend. Answer: "I even know whom....)"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93664
A familiar by the name of Kalinov is called... Lada

Who knew...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93663
XXX - Method 1
It is necessary to create a positive image of the desired action in the partner. The cinema comes to our aid: you find porn in the style that the girl likes, and that there is a beautiful ending in the mouth at the end.
Method 2
You need to create a situation after which She will want to thank you "". Here are the mass options.
Method 3
Playing with Her in something on "wish"

yyy - Play with Her in something on "wish"
I remember the last time I had to wash my dishes.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93662
Our magazines are our "all".
From the broadcast about the seizure of the "game club":
"... All operations were recorded on the system boards of computers... "

It was engraved, fucking.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93661
<Mickey> No one moves – I have a bomb!! to
<sw> Mickey: stop
<Mickey> sorry
* Mickey (~mice@ has left #Help
sw – master of negotiations with terrorists

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93660
(from the community of Typical Sisadmin to vk)
xxx: I am a gentleman and I am not a bearded red-eyed, what am I doing wrong?
You shave and sleep, of course. Give it up and everything will go well...

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №93659
from ZH:

I sit today in the bus, I go to business... At the next stop in the salon a guy of 25 years of age falls into the room and asks the driver: "Will I go to the Tukhachevsky Avenue?"

The driver (to the word - a bright representative of the Tajik-Caucasian part of the population): "ParalelEleven we go"

The guy says, “That’s going to cross?” (The Fool)

The driver: “ParallelEverything in the Euklidic understanding!”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93658
Everyone stopped breathing so as not to extinguish when the Three-year-old with his family ran away with the torch?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №93657
In one of the publications VKontakte dedicated to Moscow:

Beautiful photo

Moscow is not only the capital of Russia, it is a magnet that attracts loving hearts and souls.

The first comment: I want to

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №93656
People are idiots, and that’s forever.
We need to make an eternal engine on idiotism.
The idea of the norm remains to be implemented
Why do you put a pen with the inscription "do not spin")

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93655
How to know if you like the smell of a woman or not
Go with her to the mountains.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №93654
K to:
But the fact that a fox has a finger is clearly the illiteracy of the author!

And the funniest thing: the fingers of the foxes really have.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №93653
If from the morning a man has a blurred sight - it means that everything has already gone out of him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna