— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №93632
Today, my younger cousin, still a high school student, opened my eyes:
Q: What are you working on?
I: Yes Yes
C: And why then? Did you learn badly in school?
I am :?! to
Only those who study poorly work.
I remembered my acquaintances, and indeed...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №93631
PivoKot: So what do these informal people know of all kinds of willingness to oppose themselves to society?

In 1985, after buying a green aniline dye and welding in it under my mom's guidance knot-linked shirt, I became the owner of an incredibly steep shirt.
Wearing this shirt under the school uniform, I brought the troop ("land admiral") and sounding up to the outbreak - they, splashing with saliva, spit "for this is the colour of the most likely enemy"!
But they could do nothing.

Although only a few years earlier, I think it could have been so easy to go a 101 km.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93630
When you avoid taxes, somewhere a small child of a clerk who lacks cocaine is crying.
Cocaine is always lacking.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93629
from JJ:

I have a acquaintance with Misha. At three-and-a-half years old, the boy already knew words such as “imbridging” and “brachiation” and could explain what they meant, while not pronouncing “r”... One day, I asked him “Misha, why don’t you make friends with Ilya?”
Misha replied, “He is not obscured, he does not argue with me!”"

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №93628
Received from the head of the ears, he said, you can not call children by their names, it is unethical and unpedagogical. Well, what if there are seven boys in the group, and five of them are Daniels. Solved the problem: gave parents the task to come up with a loving nickname for the child, which can be used by the educator. Now I have in my group: Luchik, Masik, Frikadelka, Dalek and Aziraphel the Light, the Future Lord of Asgard.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №93627
My wife wants a trainer. Knowing the experience of friends, suggested to buy a hangover immediately. Insulted...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93626
Discussed trip to Morocco, route and composition of participants:
Q: Did you think or did you think?
YYY: It will probably disappear
XXX: What is it?
yyy: Agadir tarudant uarsazat sugar marrakesh emsuayra casablanca
yyy: Route for 10 days)
Zzzz: I think you called someone.
X: I thought it was about N, too.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93625
I should shave my beard as a girl leaves me. I start growing again – it comes back. I have to shave again. He goes again. Is it specifically?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №93624
dimitri_jv: News headline - "Krasnoyarsk police stopped selling alcohol at night".

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93623
XXX: I would fuck you!! to
yyy: better tell me what to do if the hot keys do not work in libreoffice?? to
XXX: What will happen to me?! to
YYY: Well I just thought that since you like to fuck you probably have Linux, it would help.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №93622
X: Why are the tourist backpacks whispering?and ;
y: and this is that when a bomber crashed into the abyss to imitate...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №93621
Comments to the news "The Bank of Russia and the police agreed to fight bitcoin together":
XX: There are no other problems in the economy. You can also do bitcoins.
YYY: Yes, thanks to God. We live in graceful times.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93620
xxX: By the way, I remembered, at the expert council on computer games, which was in Douma, there was a guy told that they had a game, where it was necessary to find a cat, so they suddenly found that someone spent 100 tons. On some improvements there game, they began to call him, it turned out that yes, he did not accidentally, but intentionally spent them, it was some high-ranking official from the regions.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №93619
We went to a taxi yesterday, we talked on the eternal theme:"a woman driver".And a taxi driver tells the story:
I pulled out, he says, some girl out of the cottage, asked, how it made her get there.I say: Well you are, sign what you do not see?
And she: I say, I go, I see - the turn is dangerous, I decided not to turn and went straight...

The hell of logic, blink))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №93618
WAN: Well why don’t you bring the work to the end?
Wanna: Well I...
Start of.Well, say, if you fuck your wife and you don’t finish – will she be happy?
A: Well this is...
Start of.Well, and here too. End up please!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №93617
It was cold at 20. And the fact that someone in this world is colder, I do not get warmer.
Stop measuring downsides, now winter and cold at this time of year is NOR-MAL-NO! Here they will hit you in Siberia or us in Peter the frost in July, then we will sympathize with each other, and now let us reconcile with the weather that has formed over millennia and we will warm up on each other.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №93616
Working in technical support:
A client called me, the company said, I am a accountant, they call me so. here you sold me a fig program, nothing works, here red, there was not held, here was not counted, now come and fix everything to me
I’m trying to explain to her that we don’t fix user errors (free of charge), but if she has questions about the methodology of working with the program, I’ll gladly answer her.
Q: What are the mistakes? I say user errors, that is, those errors that were made by you as a user when working with the program.
She is so superstitious - you didn't understand me at all, I said, I'm a accountant, not a user!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93615
You are as fat as well...
I just wiped out the cream.
I am not about the face.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №93614
Good fairy: And what do you want? and :)
arxont: let’s connect with you at the first level of the OSI model

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93613
This is:
as it is in our way: to get a corporate disk with the name autograph of the performer, be lazy to open it, get it, insert it in the ROM.. it is easier to find it in the net.

— — — —
In fact, smart, in a few years will sell as a collection rarity. Unopened disc with autograph of the artist.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna