— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №157792
My New York friend still has a grandfather who is 99 years old. Grandfather is completely heroic, burned in a tank near Kursk, took Berlin, for many years was the head of the shop in the Urals, a hero of social work. But now it’s a tiny, squeezed old man who can’t always get to the toilet. Unfortunately, the catch has long been gone. There is no complete dementia, he remembers himself, he recognizes his relatives, but then his CIA irradiates, then his neighbors poison with gas through the outlet, then something else. In the coward, he refused to be vaccinated so as not to be touched. Well, a friend guessed to say that this is not a vaccine, but injections of vitamin B to strengthen immunity. And now, thanks to the Russian TV channels, the grandfather is everywhere the Nazis.

Of course, in this state, the grandfather cannot do without a nurse. His nurse is Oksana, a savage from a deaf Carpathian village. She’s so cute, she’s 50 years old. There is an interesting story. Her ancestors hosted several Jewish children in the war. They were saved from the Germans and from their own policemen. The righteous of the world, so it is called. One rescued girl survived, grew up, became a wealthy New York lady and called her rescuers to the United States. He became the sponsor of his visa. The rescuers, having mastered it, summoned their relatives to the United States, those - their own, and gradually the village moved to America.

A few days ago, a friend went to my grandfather. He sits on the couch all squeezed under the screams of Soloviev, scratching at especially terrible scratches. He wants to go to the toilet, but is afraid to go so that his Nazis don't spit on the road. Oksana tells him:
Abram, Moses, do not be afraid, get up and go. My grandmother hid the Jews from the Nazis, and I will hide you.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №157791
Did you notice too? Whatever sanctions the West imposes on Russia, its officials, first-person and businessmen, Chubais never gets into them.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №157790
Distribute rubles among unfriendly countries.


If they don’t, we’ll turn off the gas.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №157789
Somehow even uncomfortable. Chubbs left and didn’t even sit on the road.

[ + 22 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157788
Fire revolutionaries tend to be cold toward people.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157787
A friend told me somehow about his long-time trip to Greece (some sort of "shub-tour", if anyone else remembers what it is).
They had such a girl in the Russian group, who was driven by the bus on all kinds of excursions (as well as in the shoe factories). This Lubasha remembered the whole tourist group on the first tour, when half an hour after its completion it turned out that the girl had forgotten her wallet, haircut and dark glasses there. Glasses and glasses are a profitable business, but a wallet with all the savings taken on a trip is a serious business. The tour guide told the driver a few words in Greek, and the bus returned for the lost one. The wallet was quickly found (along with the money), and the group arrived for dinner at the hotel only an hour later than planned. Some of them, of course, threw shaky eyes at Lubash, but no one was especially angry.

The next day, Lubasha discovered that at the place of the next trip she left her passport, while the disappearance was found only an hour after leaving the shoe factory. After a brief meeting of the tour guide, the group and the driver (the most reticent participants of the trip proposed to disembark Lubasha in the nearest town, so that Lubasha would get back to the factory and then to the hotel by taxi at their own expense) it was still decided to travel with Lubasha back for her passport and bring her passport and her back to the hotel. The driver showed wonders of heroism and the group arrived only 2 hours after the beginning of the dinner, some food was still left. But here the people, of course, have already risen.

In all subsequent trips, Lubash was accompanied by 2-3 specially allocated participants of the group, who asked her every 15 minutes: "Lubash, did you not forget here passport, wallet, money, glasses, umbrella, something else?"
Punzova replied from embarrassment: “No, no, no, I have forgotten nothing...”
Only after that the "responsible for Love" gave a tint: "Everyone, we can go on!"

With this control, Lubasha stumbled not to lose anything for as long as four days. The people (including the "responsible") slowly began to relax and enjoy Greece.
Then came the last day of the trip. Flight to Moscow tomorrow morning. The group goes out the same bus in the morning to some rather distant monastery, they spend a whole day there, then go back, in the evening, the sun clings to the horizon, the bus moves gently along the mountain roads, the people sleep, another half an hour - and everyone will return to the hotel, the tired and weary people will rush to dinner. In front of the musaka, dolomides, uzo, metaxis - everything you want.
Then he climbed up from the place and cried out loudly, “O Lord!”
Hearing her loud voice, the bus driver brakes sharply. The sleeping tourists wake up from sharp braking, all jump on their seats, turning to Lubash and expecting, of course, the worst: "Well what else?!"
Lubasha, all reddened from the public attention, in the sudden silence timidly points his hand to the landscape behind the window, where the bitter sun goes down over the high mountains: "Look, the beauty is something!"

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157786
France has frozen the assets of the Bank of Russia for 22 billion euros.
And why did the Bank of Russia invest 22 billion euros in France and not in Russia?

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №157785
How can I save this video to myself?

Yyy: Press the lock and volume button simultaneously

This is the screen, and I need to download it on the computer.

Yyy: Ah, it’s going to be tough.. you’ll roll out two programs, one is a thread gif converter and the other is any video editor, you also need a dictionary. You open the video and make the screens, as I taught you, at least 5 screens in one second to try to do. The obtained <140 screens in the correct order are entered in the gif converter and a gif is made. While it is converted there you turn on the dictionary simultaneously with the video (it is very important, it is simultaneously) then you load the gif into the editor and apply the recorded sound to it. and all.

It is not difficult, I thought it would be worse.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157784
A friend works in a state institution, with her in the department works Chechnya, such a whole national, with a covered head, quite modest. And here one day this girl says to my girlfriend, thoughtfully like this:

“Marina, and you will very well wear a hijab.

To say that Marina has swallowed is to say nothing. In a few moments, a thousand thoughts went through her head why this girl decided so. From the fact that she has trouble with her hair, to the fact that she is going to be caught up for someone of her colleagues' relatives. In fact, she never climbs for a word in her pocket, but here, she says, she was directly confused and only blunted:

Listen, Goulchata, wear your own hijab.

There has already been “Gullying.” She also sprinkled for a while. Then she said strictly:

“Jack, Marina... I said ‘Jack’...”

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157783
For the state, retirees are a problem it is trying to get rid of.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №157782
Grandfather went fishing, and in the boat, in addition to the snails, he also threw a pig. Why do you need it, you ask? As it turns out, it is needed. very needed. I think, my dear friends, you will also be interested to find out why fishermen have long taken a pig in a boat. 20 years ago, I sailed to the Volga river at 3 o’clock in the morning to get up. The boat I had was rubber, and the depth below me was 20 meters. All this was accompanied by a thick fog. We did not know of any navigators at the time. The bottom was measured with anchor, and returned home not by compass, but by their own eyes. One morning, in the same fog, next to my rubber boat, a huge sumo sailed out and "played." In other words, swallowed the water with a tail. It was terrible. I thought for a moment what would happen if he turned the boat.
The fog, the flow, and the jacket we did not carry with us. And I sailed back to wait a couple of hours on the shore until the fog passed. Then I realized I didn’t know where the shore was. Oh, I would have a pig!
Although this may seem funny, the pig is perfectly oriented in unfamiliar terrain and swims well. Just like a shark, but only a pig. The fishermen took a crush into the boat and, if it was foggy, threw it out of the boat. She is home, the fishermen are behind her. This type of navigator was in our ancestors. So if you are going to fish in the fog, take a pig with you.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №157781
Life is like a zebra, then a black strip, then white. Remember the coronavirus, unemployment, rising prices, political repression, broken roads, gas cotton, falling planes? Do you remember? That was a white strip.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №157780
Xxx: I have an offgenic mattress, but until then it’s not time to turn it around. I recently decided that without my husband I can do it, put the mattress on the roof, started to turn on the bed and he fell on me, really clapped the nail, I half failed between the rails, and since I tried to group in the flight, the elbow, nipple and hip failed. From above the mattress presses terribly, to push away from nothing. I started calling for help, but I was not heard through the mattress. I started hanging my legs as far as I could reach, pulling up to a pot with flowers, which from the top and blossomed in addition. Then some like pulled to the fitness bracelet on her hand and made a search for the device to make the phone scream, and he was sick in the coat lying and only I heard him. Any movement pressed even more into the rear bottom and the support of the bed. I already reconciled and quietly called my husband in the mattress. He washed, went to the kitchen to drink, stumbled onto the phone and then went to bed, drawn from the painting, of course, pulled me out. I no longer trust the mattress.

Yyy: Every day sofa troops risk their lives

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157779
Remove the mask. already can.
I can not. I am embarrassed.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №157778
The Chameleons 2022
A familiar family of Buryat emigrated to the United States on invitation. 4 years ago. At the beginning of the pandemic, they jumped away from them to a social distance, they had to reassure:
We are Russians.
They are Chinese since the end of February.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №157777
You are who?
The Apocalypse Knights.
Where are you running like that?
From Russia! Until it is too late...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №157776
Xxx: The most fun parties that do not take photos at all 😉

Yyy: After which photos are deleted.

Zzx: And moving to another city

Ddd: They change their name and turn to plastic surgery.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157775
The result of propaganda: information enters through our ears and goes out of our mouth, bypassing the brain.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №157774
The house was the last where all the people in need lived for free.
and the villagers of our village.
Fifth floor with ten entrances built in the form of the letter P.
Novoselys are mostly young people, who are from the dairy farm, who are from the zoo, who are fishermen, military or firefighters.
In the face of each other knew exactly, the more the final part of the finishing with improvement was held by the host and each family took a strong part in this.
They did everything for themselves, a playground with compulsory sandboards, bushes and a mechanical carousel, painted in bright and rich colors.
The house itself is nobly beige with drawings at each entrance.
The general settlement on Saturday, on Sunday the folk gathering, well in the sense of a walk with the children and acquaintance with neighbors closer, purely symbolically behind the table in the middle of the courtyard.
But tomorrow everyone goes to work, by evening people are getting fewer and fewer. They are the most resilient and capitally loaded.
One of them is already sought by a wife, screaming from the balcony to the whole courtyard:
Michael, it’s time to go home.
Michael turns his head when he hears his wife’s voice and tries to determine where the sound comes from.
He looks at the entrances where he did not remember the first time.
The woman cries again:
Misha is home.
Where to go home?
Go to Chubut.
Michael spoke: for what, at all, the wife sends, and even so unusual.
Where, where do you go?
I say to the chubby, go. At our entrance, above the entrance Cheburashka is painted, you will not confuse...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №157773
You have an undemocratic democracy.
You haven’t seen our freedom of speech yet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna