— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123234
I think everyone had a period in their childhood when after reading adventure books, they wanted to find a treasure. My brother and I were no exception, and since we lived in a private house, the search started from our own yard. Having seen us with the blades and with a determined attitude, the father pointed out the supposed place under the fence, where the treasure was most likely. said and done. It was very difficult to dig: a very rocky spot, weak child handles, huge spades. And the father all walked with a mysterious smile and encouraged to dig deeper, because "no one digs the treasure on the surface." After an hour of forging there was a half-meter hole, no treasure and moss in our hands, we finished the excavations. And the next day we saw that in that same pit the father planted grapes. The puzzle came.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №123233
Whoever comes about the "warm apartment" program, I open the door. The man tells and explains, then looks at me: 18 is there?
And you don’t know how to answer right away because you’re 29 and this is your apartment.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123232
Is he an atheist?
Valeriy "WaveCut": Of course an atheist, here are the crosses

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №123231
>> Professor Snow

I know this is an official translation. Anyway, I scratch every time.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №123230
Bringed my daughter (blue-eyed smart decent girl) to celebrate the Birthday of a classmate ( 1st grade, all the parents of other children do not know yet).
One of my moms is wondering whose mom I am. I answer: Katy* and here is such a sincere interest * aaah, is that Katya, who told the kids in the class some funny poem about the ass? His class already knows.
I understood that the reputation of a decent family was lost :))) The elder brother educated his sister:))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123229
Buying cigarettes is the most important thing. Cigarettes will be valued above the dollar.

And more ammunition.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №123228
Oh, I have these fantasies - cigarettes will be appreciated, ammunition...

You have to be realistic - the covers from the coke will be appreciated.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №123227
I was asked by D. R. today:
D: - Sun, you have finished studying, so you are a technician?
I: Well I am an engineer.
D: Well, that means a technician!? to
I am: Well yes.
I am a technician!! XD is

[ + 49 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123226
No matter how the cinema of his majesty tried - but besides how to entertain, he does nothing more.
Another thing is a book.
Which book has seriously influenced your life?

Physics for Class 8. My dad fucked me.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №123225
In general, this whole story began with a valuable discovery made by some little creature. There is a detailed description of the accommodation arranged by this creature on the occasion of his birthday.
But the story becomes darker.
Now imagine another little creature, armed only with a sharp clinker and a source of light, and fearlessly entering into battle with a terrible spider-like to save the life of the little creature - the main character of the book.
A happy end, of course.
This book has even been screened.

Funny, the first this plot in the twentieth century proposed not Tolkien, but Chukovsky. "Big Brother"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №123224
Have you "control+I" pressed now?
What? what? No, of course why not?! to
A "control+z" pressed?
I pressed it, yes.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №123223
Q: As for calmness, I, by the way, asked [the chief] how do you manage to be so calm? He looked at me and said, “I’m not calm. I sit down and all the fools are angry.
Q: Do you know how fun it was to sit in meetings?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №123222
Q: And what if all the little-successful servants of God are dirty scammers and scammers who exchange real material goods from their followers and parishioners in exchange for some ghost astral plugs?

HH: No, it is a bit of nonsense.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №123221
** on the photo a single man in the store on the shelf with the inscription "Condoms"**

This is the winter version.)
Condom for Dubl Penetreishn
Tagged: know-how
I am ?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123220
Recently on the forum read: "I used to facts appeal"
Recalled how one director at a rally told about a former graduate who became a celebrity: "He finished the walls of our school."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123219
I had a case. I decided to buy a new reader.
I started looking at Yandex, what characteristics I needed.
I came across the book "Tesla". The customer reviews are excellent (5 pieces).
My name is associated with a dark Austrian genius.
And the famous electric car "Tesla Motors" is not like China.
I looked at the points of sale, three of them were near "Vasileostrovskaya".
I decided to step down and look with my eyes at the newly discovered technical miracle.
It turned out - points of sale are not physically in nature, in one place there is a sign:
"there is no Tesla here, and there has never been anything that has been plotted?"
For the first time recorded an object that does not actually exist.
Only in the search engine. I never bought the reader.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №123218
Is anyone wrong on the internet?

to this:
Playing the Fifth Civilization. His husband founded a religion and called it Atheism.

There are no religions in the fifth chapter. In the fourth they were, but with fixed names. Atheism is not a religion.
A lie per kilogram.

To the fifth zive there is an add-on "Gods and Kings" that adds religion to the game. You can call your religion whatever you want, though Buddhism, though Atheism, though the Great Flying Ass, no matter what the meaning of these words.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123217
Friendship of the Speaker and the Aitishnik

XHH: Vasya, I know the IP comp from which the entrance was made.
How to hack password and email
XX: I remember that some cookies can be pulled out
Tagged: ahahah
Can I hide it?
Theme: Nahua
I will show the messengers.
ууу: no, guy, you can not, knowing only the IP, hack the account in the VC
Vashya, I have a recording of your vocal in the original.
Tagged: fucks
WOW: I understood
XHH: So think

[ + 15 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123216
If he is not awarded an Oscar, he will apply for Russian citizenship

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №123215
V. Roteberg "The Triumph of the Unconscious"

The congress was a celebration for all participants (except for the organizers). The exotic opportunity to come to such a congress brought together in one room people who do not often meet with each other. There were leaders of all, often hostile to each other, psychoanalytic schools and directions. Interesting reports exchanged and went into discussions, unfolding in the corridors and cafés.
Discussing all the most difficult problems of the unconscious created the feeling of breaking the blockade right in front of our eyes. And then Professor Ekaterina Shorohova, an orthodox and odious Marxist ideologue from psychology, felt that it was time to defend principles. She stood up on the bench during a round table gathering the leaders of all psychoanalytic schools, and began her speech as follows: “Psychology should deal with the relationship between man and man, man and society and other...sexual problems.”
Synchronous translation into 3 languages, a short pause for understanding – and an explosion of whisper and applause. Everyone was clear – the scientist lady wanted to say – “social problems.” She was calm, but it is the psychoanalysts who know that such reservations are of great importance – behind them are serious and unconscious personal problems. The hall celebrated and unstopped. Shorohova clearly confirmed what she was trying to fight against. The classic reservation has been included in dozens of foreign correspondences about Congress.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna