— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93332
>>>How are you still alive after that and still want to give birth?

Yes, we do not want to give birth, some after birth are sick all their lives, and there are those who die. We want children.

[ + 28 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93331
That's a bearded lady at Eurovision - it's immoral, but a man in a guide costume is quite adequate and fashionable?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №93330
xx: I gave the guy an expensive chain, and he didn’t give him a ass anyway. What guys went. I don’t know where the strapon is now.
Xy: We are not prostitutes, we do not sell ourselves for nothing.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93329
Today there was a booklet hanging on the doorstep.
Dear neighbors, I bought a perforator. Yes it is!"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93328
Have you joked about Hindu coding?
The new head of Microsoft will be Satya Nadella, an American of Indian origin.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93327
Children under the age of 3 have no knees.
WOW : Absolutely? What is the name of the place where the legs of children up to 3 years old are bended?
zzz: I guess what: "your mother, where are the knees of our child?"

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93326
Uncle_Brr reads "New History of California, for Colleges and Universities"- "At a time when the Solar System had not yet formed, California had not yet existed." STRONG!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93325
XXX: Give her her number
XXX: Don’t go after me!
yyy: brother, this is a forever roaring blonde with 5 size, a small dog, constant nightclub cards, expensive pieces and cooking behavior.
yyy: she easily builds the forty-year-old deer of her office, drinks the whisker, with me passed the test on Aikyu on 144, listening to rock, 2 tattoos in Sanskrit, spends the evenings with proger in the pubs, on the day of our acquaintance she drew me a work scheme of the application of the servacle, passed the stalker on the tachpad, and the dogs before there were two - Java and Piton, and since the cobbler always had a second saucer, gave him and only a small moving dog remained.
XXX is fuck! I still got the fifth size in the first phrase and still cooking. After the second - dumb in the Zags to pull
Yyy: Brother, now you understand the truth why I don’t give her number.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №93324
The calendar of 1986 completely coincides with the current 2014. Use it!
First comment: The main thing is that Chernobyl should not be fooled again.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93323
Celestialtiming: (spam about astrologer consultation online)

Inquisitor: If the Sun is in Capricorn, Pluto is in Pisces and Mars is in opposition, Mercury is in Gemini, I myself, the Weights, was born here, in Simferopol, and my last birthday was celebrated here, will the upcoming Sunday be the right day to start investing in Microsoft?
The Inquisitor: The author is silent. I will answer myself:
The position of Pluto and Mars in this case does not affect anything. Because if the Sun is in Capricorn and Mercury is in Gemini, then the Earth between them and Microsoft no longer exists.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №93322
I work in a motor vehicle.
Today, to save time, used on the roof of the composition without insurance.
The depot guard made my day by seeing me through video surveillance and letting me through a loud warning the song "smile the cascades".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93321
“Chihuahua are just dogs,” said the woman in the zoo store, “but the dogs are real children. Is it true, Seneca?
And she stretched out her rather impressive lips with a pipe in the direction of the small tai-terrier, which was raised in her because of the no less impressive sinus. Seneca sneezed and dive behind the sinus with his head.
- He has no fresh cheese for a day...I will tell you as a breeder – before buying such a puppy, his future parents simply have to...
“I understood,” said a woman with an eight-year-old girl. We need to train the kids first. Let’s go, Anna, to the birds.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №93320
Google has sold Motorol to Lenovo. The first comments on Habbra:

and Lenorola!

and motorcycle )

— — —

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93319
by Natalia (13:46):
Uriah to you!!! to
by Danny (13:47):
What is?
by Natalia (13:47):
You got a daylight.
by Danny (13:47):
???? ? to
by Danny (13:48):
Did you get money on the phone?
by Natalia (13:48) :
by Danny (13:48):
fuck banking, my wife will know about my salary before me ))))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93318
I read a quote here about how the girl pretended to be twenty-five years old, being not older than fourteen, but on the question about audio and video cassettes, she replied: "What is it?" I remember that the recording of my admission to the first class still lies at home, recorded on a video tape. I am looking for subwoofer. I think. It comes. I am not fourteen, I am twenty-one.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93317
Cautious people even in the eyes of danger look through the binoculars.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №93316
The palace is bad. It does not clear the snow almost entirely. So, a little for the look of a spade will scratch and swing somewhere with friends. I complained about him at the JEK, no matter.
They say that the salary is small, nobody wants to go to work as a gardener.
And in the courtyard on the sidewalks of the mountain ice. My wife complains, she is slippery.
I called again to the JEC, quarreled, then dressed up in an old sweater, took a hammer and went to scale the ice at the entrance. I am standing, wearing, cleaning the ice.
There is a car and it looks like a broken face from the window. He begins to give me valuable instructions on how to clean up and all that. I sent him. And he said to me, "You are what, I am your boss, I will take you in a moment." He accepted me as a wicked worker. Well, I told him about him, his mother and other relatives and where I turned him and all his family. And I said that if he fired me, hell whoever would go in my place, I was irreplaceable.
He grabbed Swinton and left. A day later, the news was that our courtyard was fired. They took a new while trying to clean the garden.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №93315
In front of the herd is a roaring lamb with a bell. The sheep are sure he knows where he leads them. And the lamb just wants to be ahead - not dusty, and a good choice of grass!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93314
In the topic "to drink or not to drink".

I am from an intelligent family, a third-generation teacher, and my boyfriend is a simple worker, a sanitary technician, like his friends. In ordinary life it does not bother us, but here in the holidays...
Unfortunately, when it comes to alcohol, in their company I am a white frog. Of course, no one imposes anything on me, my right to choose is respected, but the difference in our views makes me sometimes feel out of my plate.

The fact is that they are all, to one, hundred percent sober. But I can’t imagine a New Year without a glass of champagne and a birthday without a portion of martini. What did you think? and ;)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №93313
I am Bao Bao!
Go to the main menu.
Completion of work
Go to Dojo!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna