— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №122994
Putin said that the fall in oil prices is healing the economy – about as much as weight loss.
Have you tried to lose weight from 115 kilograms to 32?

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122993
Bring the cattle!

Official sales of Ferrari and Lamborghini stopped in Ukraine

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №122992
In addition, the stumbling stone remains the project of the construction of the Hanhikivi Nuclear Power Plant in Finland on the shore of the Gulf of Botswana – with the participation of Rosatom. The municipality of Pujayoki, on the territory of which the nuclear reactor is planned to be launched, collected coins from the bottom of the Gulf of Botnia and handed them over to the head of Rosatom Sergey Kirienko and his top managers. Representatives of Rosatom threw coins into the water on their arrival on the peninsula “to return.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №122991
Welcome to the real world. Sometimes you have to take a loan to go to the store. To have bread and milk at home.

That is normal. Eating is necessary for everyone. A cell phone is not vital. No, the pepper is clear – a free adult has the right to do nothing by means. But if you buy your phone for more than half of your monthly salary... or if you don’t have that amount of money for months... then maybe the status of the device isn’t something to worry about?

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №122990
In a fearful state, people jump 4 meters in height.
YYY: Do not jump
Zzzz: but they’re trying...)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №122989
It is cold in the universe, and everyone is wearing jackets. On the shifts, the girls show each other their clothes, ripping up the floors of the upper clothes. It feels like you’ve gotten into an exhibitionist.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №122988
Andrei Martyanov

Who invented weather anomalies to give glamorous names? Cyclone "Daniel" - is it like it at all?
It would be called the "Cromean Inferno" shit of Belzebub, and then you will think twenty times before you go on the "route" under Orsk, where there are no heating points. Citizens are happy sitting at home, understanding what is happening.
In general, meteorology needs urgent and radical reforms.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122987
In all, without exception, gender disputes, sooner or later, one argument emerges, which personally shocks me: “A man earns more, therefore a woman must [diverse things, depending on the fantasy], because he feeds her.” When the salary is distributed (for the same job), a man is written one and a half times more with an oral comment: "He should feed his family." (About one and a half times - this is official data, about the comment - my personal.) A closed circle?

P.S From childhood, my father told us: "Women generally live hard, so they need to be helped and cared for, or you can get an old lady instead of a wife at 35." My mom was lucky, now I understand it.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №122986
and frozen. I whisper wildly, especially in the morning, after drinking medicines and soluble powders, the voice becomes recognizable (a girl 20 years old). My mom told me that I wanted to go to sleep in the morning. Naturally, I was not awakened by the alarm clock, but by her bell, but after "allo" the bell was laid. I quickly drank the powder, called back and heard from my mother the most pleasant compliment in my life: I thought I got the wrong place and the tube was taken by some prosecuted sailor, so I dropped.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122985
Title of news from 12.01.2016:

Gazprom cleaners stole a bag worth 300 thousand rubles from the jeep

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №122984
I just have a big ass in front of me.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №122983
A colleague took the mail from the box, brought, among other things, a clearly advertising newspaper and said:
“I couldn’t just take and throw out a newspaper with that name.

And I understand it quite well: it was called "BOBRA’S SECRET".
Advertise some medicine from this same beaver secret.)))

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122982
Ohhh, yes, I have a bunch of friends who sit and wait for this stamp. In the direct text, they say that you should get married. They have lived together for years and are not married. In my opinion, the first sign of a man who is just comfortable, and in his choice he is not sure. He doesn’t like 100%, he doesn’t like his lady. There is no stamp, free means. They love, but they love and they suffer.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №122981
Join the gender joke? I immediately remember when my mom was in the hospital for four months, leaving my dad alone with us three. I was nine, my brothers two and a half years, respectively. I still remember: Daddy, when my mom called, cried about the fact that it was hard with the children, and that the economy was in the throat, and that from the grief barely to the walls does not voiced (we did not have anyone to leave, all the family far away, untouched in the apartment. So what’s there: I ran for his cigarettes because you can’t really get out of the house.) As a result, a month later such a life agreed with a friend's wife, so that she occupied the home for the remainder of the time, and he rushed to work - until his heels shone.
It is necessary, no, to say that when my mom returned, he forgot all this very quickly and continued to talk in the spirit of 'you sit at home, you do nothing'?

No, don’t put them all under the same scarf. Do you want a patriarchal family? Provide your wife materially (and fully, and not only for the most necessary: do not spend yourself for pleasant money, but the wife is worse?). Do you want your wife to work? Share your homework equally.

All in the Family)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №122980
The point is not that washing, washing and cleaning is difficult. The fact is that this is not a natural duty of a woman, inherent in her from birth. This is what we are trying to say to you, men, in all these quarrels. You reduce the whole question to the fact that it is possible to obtain the necessary technology, progress, all things, and not obscure, and persistently ignore that we are not obliged to do all this simply by the fact of our sex. You are accustomed to the fact that the woman in the house has appeared - it means "being and comfort", you believe that we are obliged to do our work because you are working and tired at work, and we are forced to justify that we are tired too. But it is not even about that. The fact is that washing dishes, washing socks and trousers, washing the bath and so on everyone has to do it for themselves. Some larger things, such as washing the floors or cooking dinner for the whole family, can be distributed. But this is not the "female duty". And it is not the right of a woman to hide a man so that he can help and be good. This should not even be discussed. Not one does, but the other "helps", and EVERYONE cleans for himself.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122979
The FSCN has allocated a grant of 1.19 million rubles to the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development, which deals with the problems of hemp farming and colonization of Mars.

I didn't believe, used to search, found on the website of IDMRR a list of seminars.

February 5 – Hemp and linen are the basis of 21st century materials. Technical hemp is a resource for providing the composite and high-tech materials industry with Russian raw materials and the revival of Non-Black Earth.

September 29: Colonization of Mars: the first step.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №122978
The Client:

I don’t want my website to look like an ordinary business. I want something else.

I am :

and well. Do you have any ideas about this?

The Client:

and yes. I want the main page as an illustration to be a semi-robot-half-woman in a metal hose. She should look sexy.

I am :

Do you think this illustration is suitable for a hairdresser’s website?

The Client:

Give her the knives.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №122977
Shortly after the publication (in 1865) Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland" fell into the hands of the Queen of England. She was thrilled by Alice's amazing adventures and immediately demanded to bring her other books of such a remarkable writer. What was her disappointment when it became clear that the other works of this author were devoted to... mathematics.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122976
The colleagues sent an unchecked Excel table to a foreign organization.
I am them: immediately send me a copy and delete the document from the recipient’s server.
They are me: not a psychic, we cleaned everything before moving.
I open this table. And there is all the info that the transfer is not subject to,
He sits, but the background is black. The cells, that is, black, and the bottles are black.
The Nash!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №122975
I sat down in the night from Saturday to Sunday before the comp and went to bed at three o’clock at night. As I fell asleep, I heard the whisper of a cat living in the entrance. There was no desire to get up, but the cat was persistent and continued to scream so that it was perfectly heard even through the front door. I went to check what was the case. As soon as I entered the entrance, a sharp smell of gas struck my nose. It was then that I understood that a cat needs to put a monument. Then there was a search for the work accident phone, did not call. A call to the MCS, where I was quietly listened to and transferred the call to the gas drivers. There they recorded my data, instructed how to act while waiting for the brigade. The brigade arrived quickly, found and removed the leak, thanked for the attention and at dawn I fell asleep :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna