— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №9715
Oksana Nikolaevna
>> and I am
Oksana Nikolaevna
>> coffee and tea
and Cantus
<< Hoyace, Godzilla

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №9714
A friend recently showed me.
I call him, please change my voice.
he comes with flowers, all business such, when the question is "and where is the setup disk?", he makes a very surprised look, the answer just struck me...." and I thought you understood everything........"

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №9713
and André:
Do you paint your lips?

The Innocent:
and sometimes. I do not like

and André:
Me too

The Innocent:
Do you paint your lips?

and André:
I just don’t like when girls paint them.

The Innocent:
Do other girls paint them? O_0

and André:
Dude is stupid

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9712
Jax: A cute girl sent pictures, I open. And after a second, I catch myself in the thought that the first thing I look at is how comfortable they have the lock made - the twisted pair under the carpet is hidden unnoticed. It’s time for vacation, right?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №9711
Barsuk-man: I realized that it didn’t make sense to encrypt with cigarettes from my father when I found in my pocket in the morning instead of a pack of Dunhill, and a full, half-empty Bond...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9710
m00nTM[home] (16:21:29 30/08/2008)
Can you throw it off? Yippo on your web sites.

Scorpio (16:21:52 30/08/2008)
How gentle we are

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №9709
Hi, what are you doing?
I sit down and eat an apple...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9708
In the past, in order to hear the voices of the dead, you had to be a medium.
Enable your favorite music.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №9707
Two couples with a bull in a brain couldn’t stand it! I went home and complained to my mother.
A couple of hours later, Dad came and complained that the place of the unsuccessful injection was still hurt.
Then there was a masterpiece dialogue, I quote as follows:

and Warning! Not very decent expressions Mom, sadly breathing:
One ass hurts, the other in the brain.
I am optimistic:
Good that it is not the opposite!
and Dad:
S is K!! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №9706
All the intelligence of our new work teacher was seen in the phrase said after meeting the students. We have two Buddhas in our class and they are sitting together. When they presented themselves, he hanged for 5 seconds and then said, "Oh shit, are you that brothers?"

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №9705
In England there are many tombs.

Wonderful to be registered? He, the dead number 346, lay down - now give to others. The next!

The writer. They lose concern about the environment. From the ashes make fertilizers for bansais or stones in jewelry.

0 - O

I want to give you a ring from my grandmother.

No, better fertilize your grandmother’s garden)))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9704
MiSt> What do you do?
Fry> serviced one breath. of you. Statistics killed from thunderstorms, burned out everything that could. Worked for more than 8 years, no drop, HP P-III 700 Mhz, 256 RAM, 40 screw.
MiSt> Pizdec, I sympathize with you :(
Fry> yeah, we already have a normal iron, it was just a pity to change it. Removed from balance
Fry> gathered, went to the yard and buried )))
Fry> put a plate at us there rolled
Fry> on her laminated plaque
Fry> console screenshot with commands and signature
Fry> gw.intranet (FreeBSD)
Fry> 15/03/2000 - 05/09/2008
Fry> Uptime 99.5 percent by R.I.P.
Mist> their))) and the

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №9703
A message from the girl:

and max!! Starostin and Kuznetsova are married???? Okay okay? It is great!"

I am in shock!I asked the question myself, I answered it myself and I admired my answer!!! O_O

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №9702
Serega: Generally speaking, you drink with Regina Martini so much that the next day she was lying at home with a headache and couldn’t get up and the next day we remove the prostitute, we chew them with whispers and throw them on the brutes.
The hair :)
Haircut: Pissed
She sits next to her)
The fucking...

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №9701
Do you not think that we use unreasonable vocabulary unreasonably often?

In other words, fuck the dog!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №9700
September 1st is a day when you wake up not with a smile on your face, associated with the fact that you passed 10 hours and the thought of good morning, but with a completely shattered nose and the thought of "tempested"

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №9699
He opened the tower in the morning, but went away to work and in the evening realized that he accidentally worked all day.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №9698
I stayed with my younger sister. I took it with me to the bed, given to me for Dr. Plush Tiger. I woke up in the morning with him in a hug. I ask :
Do you like him?
The Sister:
and yes.
I: If you want to take it, I don’t like it.
Q: Do you like soft toys?
I : No.
A: Ah, I realized... You love toys!
I laughed at this kind of childhood. :)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №9697
The challenge at night - we come to the bathroom and watch the picture - in the steam window stuck in the belt of a facturing person - the back and legs inside, the head, shoulders and hands outside. A prominent city leader. It turned out that when all specifically submitted he decided to steam, inside because of the high temperature boiled water in the tank and poured on stones, the way to the door was cut off by hot steam, poor oil in the window and stuck. On the street minus 30, inside about 100, he sat for a long time until one of his friends looked around. As a result - ears, cheeks - frostbite, legs, ass, male dignity burns, well that not very serious yet. In the hospital, nurses fell out of laughter, doctors made such a diagnosis for the first time.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №9696
This story happened in the Kiev subway in 1992. The evening. The mechanic announces that the doors are closing, and at this moment a Negro in a suit, a coat and a hat is carrying onto the perron, trying to get the time; - and he has been able, but somehow uncomfortable, head and hand in the car all the rest outside. And then he pronounces the phrase in broken Russian - "Here the fool arrived." The driver opened and closed the doors. The Negro enters the car, lifts his hat, clothes, cuts off his coat, proudly throws his head and says, “Nihua, we’re still going!”! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna