— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №60233
Because of SOPA you can get 5 years for downloading a song of Michael Jackson, which is one year more than a doctor for his murder.

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60232
The acquaintance wrote.
I open, I mean Wikipedia, and there on the main page in Russian in white: and do you know that when a virgin passes through this bridge, a winged snake moves its tail?

I forgot why I went to Wikipedia.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №60231
xxx is. Are you afraid? Just stop it! Do you have trouble cleaning? Just don’t get lazy! Do you have diarrhea? Just take yourself in your hands and stop!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60230
You have something wrong with your family life, if your wife earns more than you, comes from work late in the evening, tired and angry, you meet her with a great dinner. She quietly eats a lot, drinks three slices of vodka, goes to smoke on the balcony without thanking, and then with the phrase "All the goats!" lies in bed to the wall, turns to your ass and falls asleep, leaving you with thoughts alone.

[ + 40 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60229
I went to turn off the gas, the pen broke off, I had to call an emergency at the hour of the night.I opened the cold water, the mixer's rhinestone broke off.I wanted to twist the bulb, the socket remained in the bar, and the cane in my hand. Someone, take me somewhere to test something.I will not leave a stone on a stone.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №60228
111 oh me so Roma delighted on Valentine's Day. I did not expect that from him.
222 of which?
11 is so romantic. He wrote my confession under the balcony on the snow paint! Here is!
222 is yellow.
111 How did you know? Did you help him?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №60227
Description of flash toys. The chicken jealously protects its chicken by shooting on enemies with eggs.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №60226
xxx 15:18:08
I finally got silicone forms)))
xxx 15:18:16 16/02/2012
In the sense of cooking.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №60225
Welcome to the Electrical Engineer.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №60224
I and my girlfriend watched a show about heromania. We checked out and went for tea. I sit on a chair, she kneels on my knees, takes my palm, looks at her, then looks at her and continues dialogue.
She: See, I have this line on my palm, thin, hardly visible, and you have it so clear and long. I wonder what line is that?
I am: the line of mind

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №60223
The lesson (!) The Physics:
Student (U) and Prepod (P)
How did you spend February 14th? I had here. Two times.
Q: If you only have one, it’s sad.
Tagged Facepalm :

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №60222
Velka: What is there?
Tagged: Stage of Beauty
Lav: I bothered him to try to play in Minecraft on the gamepad
Lav: He connected the pilot wheel and now he has not a sandbox, but an EXCAVATOR SIMULATOR

[ + 27 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60221
Hi to everyone. I have a huge request. Give someone 5-8 hours of audio recording of the system unit. I cannot sleep...
I go to my parents with a laptop. I will not take the system with me.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №60220
I go to the regional news portal in the morning, and there is an update of the auto-announcement section. Previously, there was a simple division by brands of cars in alphabetical order. Now is better! Now there are three main sections: Domestic, Chinese and Normal!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №60219
Shador: Five these are your smoking zones. Separate wagons for snoring - this is what will save society. And the offenders sit down without waiting for the nearest station.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №60218
Ten years ago, I entered the list of students of some school. I still remember three girls from the same class: Krivonosova, Krivorotova and Krivosheva.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №60217
After installing the "military" version of Dr.Web, we hear strange sounds from the system...Chrum-Chrum-Chrum...what could this mean?
WOW: on the go the spider broke and eats the planks of operatives))))

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №60216
And even those who do not have xenon, cheat, conduct an experiment: park in front of another car and turn on the next one, it is desirable to park so that you can see the front seat - and if you lighted the front seats, then you are a wicked fool!!!! Fix the light in your mouth!! How do children who even blind their neighbors, because they strike it up to the point, so that it can simply light away, poor people, the eyes are already running out of you!

[ + 91 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60215
Family of Ham and Grubians

>>> Two years ago I accidentally pushed a girl in the subway. She said to me "Look where you are, hideo!!", I replied to her "I went to the fox, the sheep is dumb!". We have a wedding this summer.

Please do not multiply.

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60214
The boss unreasonably reduced my salary, motivating me to work poorly. I ask him what I’m doing wrong, he doesn’t say. Thinking of me forty times, he holds me for eggs. I started looking for work at night and going to interviews. When he found a suitable option, he immediately wrote an application for dismissal. The boss told me I had to work two more weeks. And he has been told that the last 2 weeks the employee gets only white salary, and given that the salary is white 1000 rubles, I would earn only 500 rubles. I said that I was willing to work only for the money we agreed on when we worked. The boss scornfully whispered "You will still put conditions on me!" and went to himself. I waited for the moment when business partners came to him, broke into the office, fell on my knees, grabbed his pants, began to shake and beg Barin!!! Let go!He was frightened, jumped up, and I slipped on the floor without dropping his underwear out of his hand. After that, I went out, getting a charge of pleasure for the whole day. I immediately went to a new company, arranged, said that I would bring the job later. A couple of weeks later I went for work, no one wanted to argue with me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna