— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №59773
In the 73rd year, in the summer, somewhere beneath Jerusalem, to one Lieutenant Colonel-Reserve was handed over a number of tanks, infantry, parachutists, artillery, SPN, reconnaissance officers, etc. (In general, such an unclean half-brigade) to prepare them for the parade. combat units, with their standard combat weapons and BC, to
Jerusalem by hand. So at this time the GSH receives a delegation of some banana republic from South America, and decided to bring them to show the parts that will be on the parade. So the banana general walks and sees that the soldiers and equipment in front of him, ammunition and shells too, even now in battle, and protects. Well, they show him a puppy-backed reserve officer in a choked tent and say, “Here he is a mathematician at the citizenship, and we put him in a parade to organize.”

The general asks the subordinate:
And what will you do with all this?
I will also hold a parade for a citizen.
The general sadly and with misunderstanding in his eyes:
If I had all of this and a capital behind my back, but not covered with anything,
In an hour of tanking, I would already be President!!! to

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59772
Tonight the thermometer knocked on the window and asked to let him in the house.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №59771
The sixth month mommy runs, with my checks from the shops and charges. Mol is expensive. I collect a lot, you need to save, soda is superfluous, chocolate is too expensive, gum is not needed at all, ice cream is not understandable. I think poetry. Shares come and give.
Comfort in the kitchen was burned. Let us borrow a new plate for you. I watched it for 86,000. and O_O

The savings are so economical.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №59770
Any girl like the “Seeing a Pineapple,” two in one, and the “Homo Sapiens,” and the female.
And there are situations when, as a man, she treats a guy very well. He loves and appreciates him very much. But like a female, he is not put in a cock. He does not see a reproductive partner in it and it is all there.
When they communicate, she is affectionate with him, smiles, idyllic in general. But she will lie down in her clothes, but will not give him. To another, from whom she is bored and five minutes to talk to them nothing - she will give. He will consider him an ungrateful scourge, will complain to the first, what the last scourge, but will fuck him, and the first will whisper to the last drop of blood, because he does not want to lose such a wonderful friend.

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59769
Why is the second socks always lost? After all, when they look for socks, everyone says, "Hey, and where did the second socks go? " Notice, not the first, but the second!
I think the first shoe is more responsive 😉

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №59768
The impact of television on children.
XXX: This is something else. From the child of my friend, the teacher began the first lesson of history of the motherland with the words: "We live in the most beautiful country in the world, and all the other countries envy us."

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №59767
I: In this regard, a wolf named Akella decided to delight you a little and organize a small contest!

S: Here is the generation of children who did not read Kipling.
Aquila is a wolf, not a wolf. No banderologist would risk calling him so.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №59766
Discussion by phone:
XXX: I get hot in my back when I talk! Does anyone have such a problem? I wait
Is your hand just hot?
Zzz: It may not have anything to do with the phone. The back is quite far from the ear. Maybe it’s about who you’re talking to. By the way, the cowards in front do not get wet during the same conversation? Are the chopsticks hard? Does not breathe? Does the voice become dull? Answer as a spirit. We all care about you here!

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №59765
Prayer: Hm How to get stuck here
Tagged: ass
Prah – Jopa –
Prague – Joppa
Prah = pocket =
Prah: [S]Jopa[/S]
Tagged with: ass"
­ Prah: <strike>strike</strike>
Prah : A?
Prah: "U"Jop"/U"
Why do you shake your ass?
Prah: Well it became interesting. Why should you emphasize and cut down?
Tagged: ass
Tagged with: #Joppa
and the jacket;
Tagged: ass
Prah: + jacket +
See also: JOPA
Tagged: ass
Prah: NozhopaNo
Prah: $Jopa$
Jump to Jump!
Prah: ~Joppa~
Prague: Khartoum Khartoum

Prah is Jopa.
Tagged with: #Joppa
Tagged with: < jacket>
Prah: Yes your own mother
Prah - Jopa -
Tagged: ass
iuneWind: How pleasant to know - you live in the spirit of the explorer!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №59764
Recently, she looked into her diary “Goals for 2011”:
Learn to play guitar
Learn to draw cartoons
Lose 3 kg by summer
Buy a calendar for 2012.
Galoška just opposite 4 points... well not in vain so a year has passed.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59763
Well!! Who’t want to ride a bus next to the driver on a plane nestled with a camel blanket?

by REI

[ + 53 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59762
[15:48:01] Chloe: today replaced chemistry in class 11) the topic - the speed of chemical reactions, direct-reversible and other beauty) went on to talk about metal corrosion. I give them the text:
I do not like to study.
I am a terrorist, punk and shit.
I will blow up the whole school with the class.
I will send you to hell!
I haven’t been able to get that silence this year.)
Children of the dragon, you can sleep.
The children of dragons dream of flying.
Children of the dragon, you are thirsty for blood,
The children of dragons do not know love.
Population in the space) I sneeze with my nose and crying voice report that this is all Corrosion of metal)) such a thrash metal)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №59761
How did you find out?
The contact whispered...

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59760
[Mon Feb 6 2012 01:39:35 PM] yana yana: If my neighbor's office doesn't cut off Celine Dion right now, I'll wear her monitor on her head!

[Mon Feb 6 2012 01:40:09 PM] yana yana: Well fuck, she made a move by horse)

[Mon Feb 6 2012 01:40:20 PM] yana yana: Stas Mikhailov

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №59759

Honda Civic in Vladivostok
Questions to the Seller:
DV is
Why Auction 4?Something was wrong with the Japanese 😉
What is confusing?
DV is
Where was the butter or bitch?Auction 4 is annoying. Does it make sense to show her?? to
- Stop fighting for photos, come and see, to the bodybuilder go. Details on the advertisement phone. With respect.
DV is
- In Vladika I have a relative who was born in the garage... tell me if it really was mint... because when examining it will still be visible... so that time is not wasted....
It was the front bumper. Because the car when the engine burned, it was struck from the carpenter to the rear, so that the fire did not go to the salon. Here is the front bumper on the bottom of the river. Will it go? Dear Minister DV. With respect.
by Alexei.
DV is
Thank you for the honesty 😉 I know it was in the government??? And the auction ball is put in Japan, so something else is wrong.
Go to the car salon. But for the future, I propose to do MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain.
Thanks, with respect
by Alexei.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №59758
Today in the kitchen I heard how they called the coolebeaku - "coolebeaka"... apparently they know more about it.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №59757
In the pharmacy number two:
I stand at the box, in front of me in the line normally so pumped man in an orange fighter. from his right ear to his left chest fresh marks from female cocks.
A pregnancy test and some kind of sedative.
I can’t stop laughing on the wall.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №59756
XXX: Mary, stop watching your series and go to the universe!
Yyy: You won’t ruin Masha Castle =R

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №59755
One reminded me of what he got...
He pulled the food block home on Friday.
2 (of rofl)
She told me yesterday: Well, why are you always carrying all the shit home?
I silenced a lot and looked at her.
1 and then there was a...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №59754
I was very unlucky this weekend. I go on my "parquet", I look at the bag. Planning means empty. Big, a dog, would have to go around, but from the side of the car. I miss him between the wheels. I looked in the mirror and the bag did not come out. Stay away. There was a delicious sound of chewing a bag and whistling. I stopped, went to the border to see where you were, fell, wrapped up. On to Cardano! And also how unsuccessful it is, straight at the place of connection with the bridge (there is a 2 cm hole).
Frost, a guy in an asphalt suit erts under the car and matures. The package is not broken. Fuck him, I’ll go to the film service. 3 services on the road can not help. The lift will not withstand the weight...Here with it, I will take off at the country.
The frost strengthens. There is no place to put the car higher. Shake, go in, drink the package – it doesn’t come out. Hi with you, I will film in my favourite service.
2 hours standing in a row, pick up the car, do the diagnosis of the machine (type free today), count 35k for the repair of the suspension, hydroamp; and some other shit.
The bag fell, broke out.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna