— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59653
ACHTUNG> Bronic: give a picture?
<Bronic> and for what?
<Aktung> to see
<Bronic> I’m afraid of unfamiliar girls giving their photo, or you’ll take it to the puzzle and enchant))
“Don’t Be Afraid, I Adore Darwin and the Big Bang”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №59652
Comments under photo:

I watch you eat everything.
She: Yes, Serrez, while I eat - you press off.
He: Oh... I can’t eat x(
She is a fucks...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №59651
I work in an online store. The call:
Good morning, what days do you work?
We work every day.
And on Sunday?
Sunday is also every day.
Thank you, goodbye

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №59650
Gazprom: Ukraine and Europe are to blame
Everyone is to blame, but not us.
Europe is cold.

[ + 56 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59649
Sterh (18:32) :
So guess what I first notice in a girl walking in a short shirt on a high sleeve, in a short jacket and with loose hair on the frost?

dark_duck (18:32) :
A frozen brain? O_O

Sterh (18:32) :
and bingo!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №59648
Peace talks in South Sudan: 37 killed

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59647
On a holiday abroad, I met an American. The hostess brought on the table a weirdness - quas. The American tried and liked it. The husband pushes aside: "Say what we do this from!" On the comment that the Russians are making quas from bread, the American makes amazed eyes. I wanted to get. "And we also make this soup in summer!" The curtains :)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №59646
XXX For Memory? I was told to drink the pills, I even bought them. But I forgot to drink) and then one day I forgot what they were doing. And then I forgot what they were called... and that’s all.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №59645
Conversation with Grandma. We rarely see.
Your beard is growing.
I: I am 25 years old.
Grandma: So what then? At 25 years old, my beard did not grow.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №59644
Come down from me, Biomass!
She: Not the biomasse, but your favorite girlfriend!! to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №59643
It is cold, the grandmother takes her first-class son to school. The son said that the grandmother’s car was uncomfortable and small. Comment of the husband: "Let him ride the bus. It is great!"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №59642
<Smesh> Yes, I’m not a big guy at all.
<Kirieshka> are you? This is said to me by a person in whose folder "Download" everything is ordered like in a bank!
<Kirieshka> fuck them with downloads, you have headphones from the player in your pocket! He was...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №59641
I’ve seen how our planes are gathering! If the detail doesn’t come in, they’ll fit it!! to
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I have been building nuclear reactors for 10 years. We have always worked that way.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №59640
I go out the street in the evening, suddenly a guy stops, says, "Friend, can you borrow the phone, call me? I have a battery dead." I think of myself: "Yes! I will finally get rid of my Siemens C55 and buy a normal phone." and with the words "Yes, of course" I stretch his cell phone. He sticks on her for ten seconds, then returns and says "B** sorry, I forgot the number"

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №59639
The frost. The third day I stayed at home. The soul goes to will. The eye begins to shake. All of us! I dress up. I go out to the street. I go smoking. I turn away. I go home. I dress up. I wrap myself in the blanket and turn on the film. Warm and comfortable. It’s not so bad to sit at home.)

[ + 61 - ] [15 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59638
12 years ago, I went from the MKAD to Moscow (Lublin).Tormozit young Gibbon(years 22-25)check the docks.
For the form he asks:
Do you have cold weapons?
“Yes, I say, a gas car, a big knife, it’s a sapphire blade.
Why all this?
There was a big troll in me!! to
Gas car, knife cut, knife cut, knife cut.
Cut off the car, click the lock on the machine:
Remove the luggage!! to
I go with the trollface to break away, saying:
I have already buried it...
I open, not looking into the trunk.I notice that the face of Gibbon is green...I turn to the car...MAMA-PEREMA!!I bought the carcasses and bones for my dogs in the morning and there was a film in blood in the luggage!I just forgot to remove it after unloading the bags...I will remember the day at the CPS for a long time, until the experts found out WHO’S THAT BLOOD)))

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №59637
I’m already accustomed to his bizarre and pedantry in life. I’ve met for a long time, but there was no sex. Finally it came before that. He just burned the shit. Preludies, oral loves, I already burn it all... and here I remember that the condoms were left in my bag. He rushes up and wears shoes! And with the words "Do not go anywhere"(!!) He hides in his room. 10 minutes later!!! He also does not rush back, opens, looks at the light, blows in it, clothes, takes off his boots and finally returns to me. At the question "why so long?" he replied that he was looking for a review on the Internet,which is better, strawberry or banana. Is this fucking normal?

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №59636
XXX: What are you doing?
NN: No special, I sit in the tank, I ride
Whoever does not ask, all in the tanks rub
NN: Fuck everyone, in the army I, in the army, in the tank regiment I serve, in the tank I ride.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №59635
I also have a cat constantly eating cactus, it’s worth putting it in the room.
Do not put cactus into the room.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №59634
See you in the unstoppable fountain of madness :)

How well did you use the word "Ebanuta"?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna