— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106034
Dreams come true and not come true.

Yuri Antonov plans to request from Apple the maximum possible amount of compensation, which is 5 million rubles for the composition. Since 90 works of the singer were sold on iTunes, the total amount of compensation could amount to 450 million rubles.
“We received a response that Antonov’s music to the store was provided by third-party content providers – Routenote/Insomnia Ltd. and Believe SAS. There the money was paid as royalties from the sale of works belonging to Yuri Antonov. For example, the company Believe SAS received a reward of 41 rubles 40 copies for the entire time of the album placement, the company RouteNote Ltd – $ 1.24”, – commented the CEO of RAO Sergey Fedotov.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106033
This "cut off censorship" misunderstandings:
xxx: Yesterday on the track, in several sections on the sidelines were pits of sand in groups of 5-7 pieces. In fact, all the clusters of the same size, liters of 40 each. The distance between the squares is the same, 3 meters. Each piece has a sign "Sand". The WTF?
Yyy: The captain obviously had fun.

And when the snow falls out and there is ice all of a sudden, you will say a hundred times thank you to this captain the obvious that you immediately found a bunch of sand on the inscription on the tablet, rather than rushing the thorns with a plea in the eyes "why the roadmen did not leave on the side of the sand for grinding".
You need to think with your brains, not what you are used to.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106032
Yesterday until late at night we discussed the new CRM system, including the interface - menu, submenu, the rest of the elements. He promised to release early today.
This morning my daughter got sick, my wife had to leave in the evening, well, I say to the boss:
- How good that I am leaving early today, my wife needs a meeting, I'll just replace her.
The boss even worried why I suddenly depended on half a word.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №106031
A father can give any child, even a puppy, if he can perform parental duties better than his mother.
What is the reality, theorist? If the mother does not lead an antisocial lifestyle and there are no facts of physical violence - the chances for the father are almost zero. It is written in the papers that the parents have equal rights and duties, in fact the mother does not have to prove anything at all, and the man must climb out of the skin, so as not to be a camel.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106030
to this:

Everything is right. A hat - a hat, a spoon - a bed, a barrel - a barrel, a cat - a basket, etc.

And also legendary:
"Take care of the sunset! Wear hats and shoes!"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106029
Before you become a Doctor Who, you have to become a Candidate Who!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106028
You want to laugh?
When I served in the Estonian army, there was a case, Estonia gave Latvia... a written haubice (da-da ONE), and you know why?
A year earlier, Latvia borrowed a tank to Estonia to conduct the exercises (one that drives but does not shoot, the second one that shoots but does not drive, I did not borrow... I seriously).

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №106027
I found my brother’s old school piece in the warehouse. It became interesting how the younger generation perceives the surrounding world and classical literature. I start reading, first line: “Taras and Bulba were brothers...”
When he got out of the table, he decided to read it to the end. Learned a lot of new things, for example, that the bad brother was called Taras, and Bulba was a hero in the Cossacks, that the father killed the first for an out-of-marriage child, and the second was killed by the other grandmother and grandfather of the illegally born, for which the father later avenged them... a Mexican series, a mill... poor Gogol...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106026
Hello to you, Matumba. Today you just conquered all the experts on the program "Battle of Cookers", I evaluated your fried shurshmail myself - it is wonderful. Share the secret of how you manage to cook so delicious, using only a boiler and a spoonful?
and ghosts. The spirits tell Matumba what to do.
Do the spirits want to say something to our viewers?
The spirits say, O miserable descendants of the human race, who have made themselves rulers of the earth! Children playing on the cover of the tomb of what once ruled the universe! It is still alive, an evil generation of the Ancient Times, and it will soon awaken! Cry, shake, for your rock is terrible. By the way, the perfume told Matumba to press two fresh cobras into your food.
I think I need a doctor urgently...
It will not help. The spirits said to Matumba, “Kill the Doctor first.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106025
About "positive traumatologists" remembered.
I broke my leg two years ago on an empty ice (a small beetle with a shift), 2.5 months in a plaster, it did not grow, I already thought of putting spikes and plates, here, finally, I come with a control X-ray, the doctor looks, says, and, well, it is noticeable that it started to grow, let’s have another week, and remove the plaster. I’m surprised, I’m so used to it.
How to remove gips? Can I direct?
- Yes Yes
Will there be nothing? Does not break?
What the doctor answers to me with the absolute pokerface:
It won’t break unless you get under the car.
All, only went on the green and only on the pedestrian crossings.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106024
The GOST is legally approved Feng Shui!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106023
Yesterday I finally learned why the USSR collapsed. A man of fifty years confidently proved to a saleswoman in a barbecue that the country had collapsed (literally): "And all the women are to blame! They wanted to wear foreigners instead of Soviet cowards. That is what it is!"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106022
xxx: We were constantly frightened in the camp before going to bed and I could not sleep for a long time.

Yyy: And nobody told us the horror, but there was a friend of mine, her fingers on her hand turned in the opposite direction, so here she loved to joke: slowly opened the door to the room, pushed her terrible hand there and said with a dead voice, "Believing both of you, do-it-yourself!" I dreamed of this terrible hand later in my nightmares.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106021
here here :
to this:
If in St. Petersburg, a strawberry is a strawberry, then a manna is a manna? and"

Everything is right. A hat - a hat, a spoon - a bed, a barrel - a barrel, a cat - a basket, etc.
Sally! The salmon is forgotten!! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №106020
We at work have a cafeteria on the first floor, where you can buy food in containers with you or just hide it on site. So, I sit alone, eat, here comes a worker from a neighboring facility and makes an order. Next the seller (P) and the worker (R):
Q: Are you in the container or will you be here?
R: What is it?
(P): Well, will you take it with you or will you eat like a girl? (He goes to me)
The man turned, looked at me and said:
I eat more carefully. Take it with you.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106019
The xxx:
Good morning, I dreamed of you in a jacket in a net and a shirt to my knees. What would this be?
The greeting! It is to the bad and to the good.
The clothes in the grid are to the sky in the cage, and the shirt to the knees is a short time to hang.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106018
to this:

In the local newspaper, the advertisement of the recruitment agency, and there in the list among the waiters, carpenters and other carpenters are required plaster cartridges. Who are these gips carton makers? And what do I need to do with the gips to cartonize it?

You are not living in the 21st century. Have you heard of Gipsy Carton? How did they do it, did they not think? So here, I work in the construction industry and I will tell you:
You have a card. You get a plaster, and you carton it all day. And in the evening for the supplement you sleep on this so that you get flat leaves.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106017
Did you hear how the Russians call the ass?
No, but how?
The economic paradigm of this...
What a beautiful language.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106016
From Habr:

PapaBubaDiop: I had a funny case on November 6. A friend barreled iPhones, in the hot time of the output of the six was sitting in Oregon, melting goods to Russia through a stewardess.

On November 6 in Moscow, the bucks became 50 rubles. I thought and called a friend in America:
In Russia, the phone is sold for $630, do you want a batch?
Go to J@P, it’s not funny.

He dropped, in short, the phone. Twenty minutes later he calls:
How many iPhones can you buy in Moscow?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106015
Natalia suddenly realized. Vkontakte cannot be mated because there are children, on FB - because there are employers. I will probably go to the kitchen.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna